Favorite Neathy Pick-up Lines

Perhaps you would allow my tramp steamer to enter you port…? (gets smacked in the face)

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&quotI would like to enter your Parlour of Virtue…&quot

&quotLet’s stain our souls together.&quot
(Only to be really really safe from devils. Obviously.)

&quotI already have a Spouse, but I’ve got room for another Home Comfort…&quot
(Less romantic, more practical. Ideal for the soulless.)

&quotLet me show you my Novel Birthmark.&quot

&quotOh yes, I have a Member in Good Standing. Am. I am a Member in Good Standing. Terribly sorry…&quot
(Scandal is increasing…)

&quotDarling, I’m so sorry your ears are bleeding again but I just can’t help my Aeolian Screaming…&quot

The young Comtessa was said to have been fascinated by that scandalous bestseller, 50 Shades of Clay

Wanna pet my blemmigan?

I uh… once said something to a friend (irl) along the lines of &quotMr. Eatin’ that p****&quot and was promptly smacked in the nose

&quotLet me show you my zubmarine, it is full of zeemen.&quot

&quotYou should be a happy addition to my household. Like a goldfish.&quot

&quotYou are permitted upstairs. All the way upstairs.&quot

&quotI am elegant as a silver screwdriver.&quot

&quotWhy are you so d___nably lovely?&quot

&quotI couldn’t help but notice you from across the room&quot (Watchful is increasing).

&quotAre you Jack of Smiles? Cause you totally just stabbed me with your you actually stabbed me god you actually stabbed me what the f—&quot
&quotShall I introduce you to the Fathomking?&quot
&quotThese Mt. Nomads are no secret.&quot
&quotI think I’m in Codex, because your beauty has me speechless. … … … … … …&quot
&quotHey sailor. Why don’t you come sail your tramp steamer between my salt lions.&quot
&quotLet’s play Kingeater’s Castle. You eat me, and I’ll lose my mind.&quot
&quotYou must be poorly written Correspondence baby, because you are on FIRE! Oh god-&quot
&quotYou’re no Fisherking, but you’ve hooked my heart!&quot
&quotI want to grow old and then go insane in the Tomb-Colonies with you&quot (awww)
edited by Dio Ermine on 6/11/2015
edited by Dio Ermine on 6/11/2015

“Want to come back to my place and try out my Exceptional Merkin?”

[i]Do you recall how we came to this place? And you sang of your lightnings and shapeful display? I tilted my vanes and ennobled your spire. You welcomed me then and commingled all choirs. You can repeat those moments. It can be as it was.


Oh, I always welcome a Surprise Package…

Oor ra loo ra rooth ooth throoooothh? Oo thra rool la roo hoo hoo!
(Only works in certain quarters.)

From you I would savor one stolen kiss, if you would allow me to coruscate your soul tonight…

My hat is not nearly as Exceptional, as what I can do with the Hound of Heaven in my pants…
edited by fitz on 8/3/2015

I’m not Rubbery, but I’m still pretty flexible.

Me? A Rubbery Man? Not with you dressed like that, madam…

&quotIt may not be the type of mushroom you’re used to, but its wine is quite sweet&quot

I would like to explore your Devices and Desires.

Baby, you make me more insatiable than my gloves.

Best line in this thread, hands down. All of Dio Ermine’s are great too!
Other notables: both of Lady Sapho’s winners, as well as &quotI should very much like to investigate your Forgotten Quarter&quot and &quotI couldn’t help but notice you from across the room (Watchful is increasing).&quot
These just crack me up!
edited by KestrelGirl on 9/26/2015

Is that your Watchful increasing, or are you just happy to see me?

Would you like to hear my Hallowmas Confession of Impropriety?