Favorite Neathy Pick-up Lines

Mr. Pages: “My, but the flirtaliciousness of your countenance sets one’s atrientricles to pumping. Is the infernous lit, or am I simply feeling an unnatural warmitude?”

Want to find out if you can Survive the Affair of the Box?

arty would say ‘i bet i could steal your heart away’

‘i once knew a devil who could do all types of things with the tongue, want me to teach you’

Contest Results!

So many people are so much better at this than I am! And thank you all for posting!

My very favorite line, and thus the winner, is…
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]You don’t need to go to the Square of Lofty of Words to declaim from atop of a pole, my dear.[/color]
by narcissus_echo
The pun is so perfect, but what clinched the win was the use of &quotdeclaim&quot (I love uncommon words!).
Watch for the gift of the unexpected, narcissus.

A very close second:
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I’m no snuffer, but I’d still fancy a taste of your candlestick.[/color]
by NiteBrite

Honorable Mentions for:
You should be 'Neath me. (dragonridingsorceress)
Do you have some spare time? Because my Bejewelled Cane isn’t the only studded rod I’ve got… (Cecil Palmer)
I’d love to be Touched by your Fingerwork. (Carlos via Cecil Palmer)
Mr. Pages: &quotMy, but the flirtaliciousness of your countenance sets one’s atrientricles to pumping. Is the infernous lit, or am I simply feeling an unnatural warmitude?&quot (The Dark Gentleman)
Thanks again, everyone!

edited by Lady Sapho Byron on 11/24/2014

&quotBaby, when we’re together time stands still. No seriously, he’s right over there gawking at us.&quot
edited by An Individual on 11/25/2014

I’m flattered, honored, ashamed not to have recognized the recognition sooner!


Do recall how they came to that place? Because you are one shapely disgrace. ~_^

Let’s rearrange Hell’s Alphabet and put [UNNATURAL BUZZING NOISE] and [THE CRIES OF MORTAL SOULS] together.


Come back to my place and your Weasel won’t be the only Lucky one tonight.

Send a correspondence plate and say “This isn’t the only one going explode tonight.”

I can make you explode with the colours of the Neath.

What’s that? You want to blemmigan??

is that a bejewelled cane in your pocket or are you happy to see me

How’s about I take you home and butter your chess piece?

Call me Master.

if you swap around ladybones you get where i’m going tonight (that may have been too crude)

Something something zubmarine.

Only Beads?

as in swap the order of bones and lady, and add an s, its not that well thought through[quote=Lady Sapho Byron][quote=Samael Waylander]if you swap around ladybones you get where i’m going tonight (that may have been too crude)[/quote]

Only Beads?[/quote]


Sir, -er, madam, -er… I beg your pardon: Is your heart the black depths of the curséd Zee, itself? I ask because your hardening demeanor has me stricken once again - as countless times before - love-LORN, &clearly now I see this is no FLUKE. Pray, relent; consume me, and complete me!

^bonus Neathpoints for starting out like a sonnet and then meandering off into totally abject and nutty, I think
edited by bitterhorn on 2/22/2015