Father's Bones

[quote=Bardigan]&quotLand&quot or &quotsoil&quot in Malay actually, pardon my pedantry. Still, that is an interesting surprise. I had always thought the landmark was named after Bali’s Tanah Lot.

Anyway, I’m also trying to find the Tree of Ages, is it even in the game yet? I don’t see it around Saviour’s Rocks.
edited by Bardigan on 1/7/2015[/quote]
[color=#009900]The Tree of Ages will be in for Pearl, but didn’t quite make it into Diamond.

Finished this ambition as a Natural Philosopher. I enjoyed the content – I just wish that on returning to London to complete the quest, it was possible to settle up your affairs (bank Captivating Treasures, sell goods, etc.) before ending the game! I didn’t realize when I was sent to Visage that I wouldn’t get another chance to return to London before the game ended, and wound up with substantially less to pass on to my next captain than I’d planned.

Interesting, a game ending that doesn’t finish in London, was there no warning that it would end the game?

Thanks for letting us know that it is end game when you return to London after finding your Father’s Bones as a Natural Philospher. (edit - did I read this correctly or did the game end in Visage?)

I’ve played through Father’s Bones as a priest and a poet and neither automatically finished when I returned to London. The priest gave an optional storylet to play, which retired that captain, and the poet just gave a victory option on the retire storylet in my lodgings. So I have managed to settle my affairs and be ready to pass on what I wanted to my heirs.
edited by reveurciel on 1/17/2015

The game ends in London for the Natural Philosopher, not Visage; after my captain finished his business in Visage, he got the option to “return to London to win the game; you must have (X requirement) when you enter port.” There was another option, but it wasn’t clear whether it would also lead to winning the game, or would lead to a draw, or would put off the decision (trying to avoid story spoilers). I had what I needed, so I went straight back to London. But the storylet in London that ended the game didn’t seem to be optional – it autofired as soon as I reached port, and choosing an option took me straight to “choose your Legacy.” I would have liked a chance to settle my affairs first, especially since the narrative for the victory option was essentially “you retire happily in London,” not “and then you suddenly die.”

Hello! I’m trying to complete the Natural Philosopher’s quest – I’m pretty confident about finding everything except …

The fruit of the eternal tree, which I’m assuming is the Tree of Ages and that Mr. Kennedy just mentioned is not available right now. Solacefruit (and blemmigans … &quotthe Uttershroom is sort of an eternal tree if you squint a certain way,&quot said I) doesn’t work.

Should I pursue the ghoulish-sounding Saviour’s Rocks quest? After a previous captain did terrible things at the Isle of Cats, I’m trying to play this captain as a bit more humane … but he might make some compromises to finish his ambition.

Try taking some Darkdrop Coffee and a Searing Enigma to Irem.

Err, coming back to Mt Nomad for a second - I seem to have 2. So apologies to anyone who doesn’t have one at all. They’re mobbing me (one is lurking at the Avid Horizon and the other is in the East near the Chelonate - I sailed from one more or less direct to the other, so I’m fairly sure it’s not just racing me for shrieks and giggles).

You’ve nicked mine then, I can’t find it anywhere :(

Sorry. You’re very welcome to have it back if I can figure out how :)

Sorry. You’re very welcome to have it back if I can figure out how :)[/quote]

Lead it in my direction, I’ll take the rest :)

I’ve been doing little except wander around seeking Mt Nomad for two days straight now, this is very frustrating! [Also a bit expensive, but that’s not the key issue here…][li]

Also, fyi: Visage is markedly bugged w/ Father’s Bones. I just arrived there while peregrinating around hunting for Nomad: there’s a link to some story element about a masked individual and the mouseover text says that the Scholar told me - but taking that link kicks me back off the island even though I have a mask on still :). Odd.

That happened to me too. My current thought is this: Every Past has a different location where your father’s bones are. For a soldier, it is at the kingeater’s castle. For a street urchin, the bones are at the Chelonate.

I hypothesize that Visage is another such location: And much like the beachcombing bug, the flag for the event is simply ringing true for every past, despite the incongruities.

Also, Mt Nomad roams the area around Void’s Approach, not the Avid Horizon. you need to search that entire area, including the Chapel of Lights. Are you doing that?
edited by nameless on 1/28/2015

I’ve found the father’s bones with every starting history, so I can confirm that each one gives a different questline, with the fathomking as the constant. I think that Visage has been fixed now, but if you weren’t a natural philosopher and still have an older build, definitely don’t click the option at Visage, or you’ll find yourself with someone else’s fate. [li]
With Mt Nomad, the question isn’t covering the entirety of the tile, or crossing its border and coming back in. When it’s possible to have a save where it’s visible from Chapel of Lights’ dock eight out of eight times and another where it never comes out at any time from time the healer 1-200, it’s - a little disheartening. In one game just now I only finished looting Nomad when another one appeared, while spending ten minutes circling Aestival and void’s approach netted nothing.
But hey, there’s probably an alternate way for a willing guest now! (whooo) And Vienna sounds unreal.

Also, Mt Nomad roams the area around Void’s Approach, not the Avid Horizon. you need to search that entire area, including the Chapel of Lights. Are you doing that?[/quote]

Yep. Back and forth over the quadrant some 200+ times now (i.e. >200 after I decided to actually count and before I gave up counting :-P). At least Palmerston is close for resupply.

I’m stuck on the Eldest End requirement. Is killing the Principles (and thus losing the Nacreous Survivor) the only way to complete this?

Yes, but you can attain the Survivor later by buying him back from the Fathomking for the cost of 7 scintillack, 7 captivating treasures, and one fluke core.

First Curator also counts for &quotEldest End&quot - complete the Neathbow. :)

FYI: FBG just checked my save file, on the game where I have now spent more than 40 hour of real-life time quartering the Avid Horizon without spotting Mt Nomad; apparently everything is fine and it’s just bad luck.

So… I’m signing off until we get a couple more updates and something changes in my relationship with this particular RNG!
edited by Ewan C. on 2/4/2015