Fallen London Reworks: Lodgings Part 2

Considering the fact it is likely an Elder Continent specimen that is quite possible. For all we know it is a Presbyterate agent torn apart and fused with a plant during the recovery period!

Oh my! The text for being served a counterfeit head of John the Baptist is delightful! In a macabre, slightly stomach turning sort of way. A brilliant bit of writing by FBG.

Perhaps the plant is trying to ascend the Great Chain.

The new loitering is brilliant. The quirk-based options with identical effects but varying text is excellent, because it’s great to have some freedom for roleplaying without concern for rewards or consequences.

I think it would be very nice to see a similar expansion of ordinary sparring bouts. Each quirk could reflect an approach to combat or an attitude about the fight; trickery and misdirection would be subtle, fairness and sportsmanship would be steadfast, and hedonists could fight while heavily intoxicated.

edit: I’m leaving the following for posterity, but it’s based on incomplete information.

Six actions of dinner preparations gives enough points for three normal dinners, one of each type. Including the invitation, a dinner costs three actions and £3.00. From my first dinner (a London meal) I got… 1 Confident Smile.

Previously, dinners cost one action and no money, and provided 3 Confident Smiles along with a few points of Persuasive and Making Waves.

Dinners are now less than one-ninth as effective as they used to be. Just one dinner was such an abysmal waste of actions (half a bloody candle!) that I’m not even going to bother trying it again unless there’s another rework.
edited by Anchovies on 8/2/2017
edited by Anchovies on 8/2/2017

You didn’t finish your dinner! The other person has to take a variety of steps too, and then you get the actual reward.

[quote=suinicide]You didn’t finish your dinner! The other person has to take a variety of steps too, and then you get the actual reward.[/quote]Gyah, you are correct! I got the &quotpartner has accepted&quot message and thought that would be it, but it wasn’t! That’s the equivalent of entering a restaurant, placing an order, leaving, and complaining about the lack of food. Whoops! Thank you for quickly pointing out my error.

The complete rewards are 3 Confident Smiles, £4.00 of Incendiary Gossip, and increased Persuasive and Making Waves. Nice! I was misled by getting the first Confident Smile partway through the process. I think it would be best if the &quotpartner had accepted&quot message and reward were combined with the &quotdinner complete&quot message and reward, so others don’t suffer the same confusion.

Now that I’ve got the full impression of the system, new dinners are quite nice. Certainly more interesting than old dinners. The larger action cost is a bit of a nerf, but old dinners were the most useful social action by a long shot so new dinners aren’t exactly underpowered.

(the thought of a dinner being &quotoverpowered&quot is a rather humorous one. I guess nothing’s impossible here in the Neath!)

Depending on the type of dinner (Surface, English, or Neathy), the Incendiary Gossip might be Visions of the Surface or Memories of Distant Shores. (same echo value)

Is this the right place to discuss death duels? ICountFrom0 and I have been dueling and we can’t figure out how the win-lose is decided. So far I’ve been winning 4 of 5 bouts but have no idea why.

And I’ve been wanting a trip to the River to claim my constables reward, but my horsehead amulet keeps stopping me. Must I really get rid of them all before finally going? I wish there was an option not to use it and save it for later.

[quote=navchaa]Is this the right place to discuss death duels? ICountFrom0 and I have been dueling and we can’t figure out how the win-lose is decided. So far I’ve been winning 4 of 5 bouts but have no idea why.

And I’ve been wanting a trip to the River to claim my constables reward, but my horsehead amulet keeps stopping me. Must I really get rid of them all before finally going? I wish there was an option not to use it and save it for later.[/quote]
dov and I have discussed the duelling mechanics here, if you’re curious for in-depth answer. Generally speaking, people with higher stats will tend to win. To an extent, you can manipulate the fight by cleverly switching items and using the dream empowerments, as well as plain having luck, but if your stats are significantly higher than your opponent’s, you will tend to win

you can spare your horsehead amulet by using the Heart’s mirror at mr plenty’s carnival. sends you straight to the Boatman’s, do not pass START, do not collect 200 echos, do not break horsehead amulet

Depending on the type of dinner (Surface, English, or Neathy), the Incendiary Gossip might be Visions of the Surface or Memories of Distant Shores. (same echo value)[/quote]
Or ToT!! if you decide to server a head which comes from a plant! But the texts suggest it is a real head, not something that only looks like one!

I just checked the wiki, and it appears that requesting aid with suspicion and scandal has quietly changed. Previously, a sincere request did not increase the recipient’s menaces, and a betrayal request increased the recipient’s menaces by a fraction of the amount lost by the betrayer. Two players who each sent each other a betrayal would both end with a net menace reduction.

Now, accepting a sincere request gives +1 CP of menace, and a betrayal gives as much menace to the recipient as it removes from the betrayer. Swapping betrayals leaves both parties at a net zero. On the bright side, the reduction from sincere requests seems to be larger, such that exchanging sincere requests leads to a larger net reduction than before.

Not really quietly, as it was announced and discussed on the forum when launched 2 months ago:


It’s quite hilarious that the lethal duels use the same result text for a bout resolution as the regular sparring bout resolution, suggesting that the ribbon duelist are, in fact, fist-fighting.

No guns or knives or swords or garrotes or any of that weak fancy shtick, we punch each other to death like men!

Is there any other damned way to do it?

…Well, a shoe is acceptable, if your opponent is a real piece of work.

[quote=Isaac Zienfried]Is there any other damned way to do it?

…Well, a shoe is acceptable, if your opponent is a real piece of work.[/quote]
crushing your opponent’s skull between your thighs like a watermelon.

You know, certain rapscallions waving their shoes at innocent drunken lambs at innocent drinking bars, could stand to learn Soft-Hearted Widow’s patented K&C duelling method. It’s called &quotkill them with kindness&quot.
edited by gronostaj on 8/4/2017

[quote=Isaac Zienfried]

…Well, a shoe is acceptable, if your opponent is a real piece of work.[/quote]


[quote=gronostaj][quote=navchaa]Is this the right place to discuss death duels? ICountFrom0 and I have been dueling and we can’t figure out how the win-lose is decided. So far I’ve been winning 4 of 5 bouts but have no idea why.

And I’ve been wanting a trip to the River to claim my constables reward, but my horsehead amulet keeps stopping me. Must I really get rid of them all before finally going? I wish there was an option not to use it and save it for later.[/quote]
dov and I have discussed the duelling mechanics here, if you’re curious for in-depth answer. Generally speaking, people with higher stats will tend to win. To an extent, you can manipulate the fight by cleverly switching items and using the dream empowerments, as well as plain having luck, but if your stats are significantly higher than your opponent’s, you will tend to win

you can spare your horsehead amulet by using the Heart’s mirror at mr plenty’s carnival. sends you straight to the Boatman’s, do not pass START, do not collect 200 echos, do not break horsehead amulet[/quote]

Thanks for this! I’ve been to the river and am back with new boots since.

It is clearly the noble and classic art of Pankration! The Ancient Greek mixed-style unarmed fighting sport characterized by the relative absence of rules (or clothes).

How does the trick to sparing your amulet work, exactly? Is it just a matter of being in the right storylet at the right time?

I wish the “you completed a social event: x with y” messages no longer showed up, since every social action delivers a separate message listing the rewards. Having twice as many messages to clean through is already quite a bother.