Fallen London Reworks: Lodgings Part 2

[color=#cc0099]A few months ago we introduced the first part of the changes to Lodgings, and today the second part of the Lodgings revamp is officially live.

Our aim with these changes is to bring the social content of Lodgings up to our modern standards, and to provide more involved role-playing through offering a host of characterful opportunities.

These changes affect Loitering, Sparring, and Chess, which can be found in the following storylets:

  • Attend to Matters of Danger and Wounds > Invite Someone to a Sparring Bout[/li][li]Attend to Matters of Watchfulness and Nightmares > Invite Someone to a Game of Chess[/li][li]Attend to Matters of Shadows and Suspicion > Invite Someone to a Spot of Suspicious Loitering

Dinners will also be receiving an update, but they will not go live until next week. We’ll update this thread as soon as they are officially live. They’ll discoverable via the following storylet:

  • Attend to Matters of Society > Invite an Acquaintance to a Private Supper

With these changes, all existing Lodgings social content has now received their updates.[/color]
[color=#cc0099]Update 15:27 BST [/color]

[color=#cc0099]We’ve uncovered a rather obnoxious bug in Sparring, so for the time being we are locking it off while we work on a fix. We imagine this will be resolved sometime tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your patience, delicious friends - we will let you know when you are able to resume fighting.[/color]

[color=#cc0099]Update 25th July[/color][color=#cc0099]
[color=#cc0099]Sparring is once again live.
[/color][color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]----------------------------------------------------[/color]
[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]Update 31st July[/color][color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]
[color=#cc0099]The changes to Dinners is now officially live.[/color]
edited by Absintheuse on 7/31/2017

With these changes, all existing Lodgings social content has now received their updates.[/color][/quote]

Does this mean that &quotEnjoy Scones at Beatrice’s Tea Shop&quot is no longer imminently forthcoming? At the time of the first Lodgings Update its branch description got changed to &quotComing soon&quot.

With these changes, all existing Lodgings social content has now received their updates.[/color][/quote]

Does this mean that &quotEnjoy Scones at Beatrice’s Tea Shop&quot is no longer imminently forthcoming? At the time of the first Lodgings Update its branch description got changed to &quotComing soon&quot.[/quote]

Something locked like that probably shouldn’t count as &quotexisting&quot content ;)

Chess games now seem to be multiple-action affairs. Sparring bouts can now be arranged in lethal best-of-three. Loitering now uses an “Airs of Stillness” quality, and uses quirks.

Interesting. I wonder what the dinner changes shall be. For now, it’s time to see if loitering still hits Making Waves.

I’ve quickly played some games/fought some fights to map out the general structure:

Chess game structure:
P1: Invite P2 -> P2: 2 base stat moves (watchful and persuasive) -> P1: 2 base moves + novelty moves based on menaces/dreams/etc -> P2: 2 base moves + novelty moves-> P1: Declares a winner.
Sanguine Ribbon fight structure:
P1: Invite P2 -> P2: 2 base stat options for an attack (shadowy or persuasive) -> P1: Base + novelty options to prepare an attack (gives bonuses to either the shadowy or dangerous attack) -> P1: Launch a base stat attack -> P2: Base + novelty preparations (see P1) -> P2: Launch a base stat attack -> P1: Declare winner.

Moves and attacks are both stat checks, and give a point of the respective win-tracking quality to the winner of the check. Thus, both chess and ribbons are best-of-3.

Preparations give you either ‘Sparring: A More Dangerous Attack’ or ‘Sparring: A More Shadowy Attack’, scaling off of the option’s related quality. I was able to get 40-60 from dreams.

Sparring attacks show up as storylets before the enemy responds. This permits one side to launch several attacks at the same time. THIS IS NOT INTENDED, causes bugs and clutters your social actions tab.

Due to the sparring attacks glitch, I was able to acquire Sparring: A More Dangerous Attack after I completed my fight. It is currently hanging on my main’s mantelpiece.
edited by Vavakx Nonexus on 7/24/2017

[color=rgb(204, 0, 153)]We’ve uncovered a rather obnoxious bug in Sparring, so for the time being we are locking it off while we work on a fix. We imagine this will be resolved sometime tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your patience, delicious friends - we will let you know when you are able to resume fighting.[/color]

Not only can we fight people, but the fights allowed players to break the rules and gain an unfair advantage? Feducci is delivering on his campaign promises already!

you say that like it’s a bad thing ;)

Just a fair warning - chess seem to be breaking down as well. REquests cannot be accepted and you get a “Dying Star” error, instead. Let’s hope Loitering stays okay?

…and it didn’t. I can’t go through accepting any requests now without getting the error page. Did you mayhaps accidentally locked something important for the other two social actions as you were locking Sparring?

And he already delivered affordable public transportation. Slow boat rides for everyone!

they might be slow boats but at least this time the passengers don’t have to oar

All the new chess options are wonderful! This is so much fun … especially this text:

Lady Sapho L Byron attempted to distract you with scandalous stories about themselves.

Anyone else having trouble accepting/rejecting invites? The site crashes every time I try

Yes, people have been having issues with the new Chess option.

Yeah, I’m having trouble with -every- invite, though. Menace-reducing, Seen With SAs, etc. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

If it’s every social action then it probably couldn’t hurt to drop an email to support, just to ensure that your issue is sorted out:


Seems that I can’t use the 10 AP divorce option, but I sent a ticket already.

I’ve also been getting error messages whenever I try to respond to a wound-healing offer from an acquaintance of mine.

I’ve just had five dinners perfectly normally. Perhaps it’s an intermittent issue?