F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

The London clues are easy and straightforward, total 5 of them.

For the other 5 (need a total of 10 for vanity achievement), and for a non-Fate, no railway player like myself, it’s a bit of a challenge.


1) In the court of the Fathomking.
I presume this means I should drown myself at sea? Dro

2) During the ‘I Shot the Albatross’ zee-dream.
I’ve seen that Southern Wind card before, Southern Wind raised by sailing somewhere.

3) Sophia’s opportunity card
Is she at the Bazaar? I’ve yet to join her club. I remember seeing her once I became a POSI.

4) Far away from London, Remnants card in Disgraced Exile in the Tomb-Colonies
Need to get Scandal to 8

5) Conclusion of the Second City Campaign (?)
I presume this is the Parabolan Wars? I can get inside Parabola. ‘Somewhere invisible’…

6) Somewhere Loud, Polythreme, the Maze-Garden
Need to get to Polythreme, which requires the Screaming Maps, I see the relevant NPCs for getting them.

7) About as far away as you can get. Khanate - Imperial College
This one should be quite difficult, requires Balmoral station and this: Khaganian Intrigue (Guide) - Fallen London Wiki

I started constructing the railway some weeks ago, but then hit a blockage which required some items to unblock and continue. Khanate’s Clue could be an option if I can complete Balmoral station quickly.

  1. That zee-dream is acquired in Shepherd’s Wash, the location with the Elder Continent and the Iron Republic.

  2. Sophia’s is a Club, of which you may only have 1 at a time. If you want to get this, you will first have to get rid of your existing one. Which I’m considering doing, best of luck to you.

  3. Another option is creating a Scantily-Clad Ballet in Court. I don’t know if this is faster, but it’s more profitable and has a shorter return trip.

  4. Your presumption is correct. You will first need to raise your Base-Camp Defenses to 3 which takes some expensive stuff, and then the set-up for embarking on campaigns is substantial, and then the tutorial campaigns are a few dozen actions, and then the campaign itself is a few dozen actions. In short, it’s a long journey. Although I think August 5th is achievable.

  5. Balmoral is the 4th railway station. It will take multiple board meetings to reach there, around two per station. You will also need to build your Cabinet Noir and a Cover Identity, guide is recommended.

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Does this option offer any material rewards? Lurking inside the house I got a feeling that these things are alive and living there, so I decided just to leave them to the comfort of their home. Well, that was before one of them ruined my home…

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Ho-hum, back in the dusty old tomb-colonies, waiting on a card. It’s been a while.

I knew keeping a cupboard full of John-the-Baptist heads would pay off one day…


You’ve forgotten the slash in that second spoiler tag, by the way.

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That ‘pet’ turns into a stat-reducing item taking up a Burden slot.

It also triggers a chain of events, and it also provides you with the very first clue for this last phase of the event.


We got hints from the ushabtis’ behaviour but ugh, the confirmation via dissection was very disturbing.

Thanks, I can now avoid suffering over my stupidity after I’m done with looking for the clues myself… some of them appear to be in the places I wouldn’t think to look in, or am unable to reach either yet or at all

Same? I ran around the place and yet found nothing out of the ordinary (not speaking in… the local lingo, for those wondering, I’m honestly confused)

Is there a visible quality that tracks how many clues you’ve handed in? (it is so hard to find anything on the ‘Myself’ page if you don’t know what letter the quality name starts with).

I have three alts and like a fool have totally lost track of how many each of them have got (though my main is fine in that department, so it isn’t really all that important). :)

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I’m slightly surprised that there seem to be two clues tied to one of the Ambitions, but none for the other three. Ho-hum; Mr Cards is perfectly accepting of the way things are, nonetheless.

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When you turn in a clue at the museum, FF Gebrandt will tell you how many times you’ve done it e.g. ‘twice’.

Edit: I did it five times, this is the text:

You have aided in the investigation five times; expect a reward at the end of the event.

Indeed, but I have forgotten what that number is for my three alts. I’m only aiming to get the basic three clues for each of them, but I can’t remember how many they’ve got already, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to find that out, other than going and finding more. Was hoping there was another way. But it’s not a big deal, really.

Well, if you know about three clues’ locations that are easy to reach (and there are 2 extremely easy ones - no actions required - plus a third if you purchased the ushabti and, if you skipped that, a relatively quick pursuit in London proper) just checking you can’t access those clues again with that character should be fine no?

I spotted a synergy:

Beg for rubbery pies from Mrs Plenty at the Bone Market (requires 3 Dreaded), you need 10 rubbery pies at Sophia’s. If you fail the Persuasive challenge enough times and Scandal hits 8, you will get exiled to the Tomb Colonies for another clue. Equip Scandal-raising items if you want to speed things up.

Sure, but I am lazy, and it’s a pain in the arse doing that with three characters, hehe.

That’s what I did in the end, though. :slight_smile:


Why, oh why can’t I figure out how to mark spoiler text so I can ask a question? :)

Investigating the Affair of the Ushabtiu is the quality and to get the level open the dialog for selecting a new scrapbook quality; hovering will tell you the level.

Use the little cogwheel in the toolbar.

Drag to highlight the spoiler text, click on the cogwheel and select ‘Blur Spoiler’
For larger blocks of text, it’s probably advisable to use the ‘Hide Details’ option


Nice one, ta for that. :grinning: