F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

I found a hint at the Carnival. Make sure to check all the areas in the Carnival–not just the main page.

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Here’s a document with the progress on finding the clues.
Spoilers inside, of course!

Like clockwork, thanks again. I think I’ll poke around for myself for a while before going for a completionist sweep, though.

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The Ushabti research requires 550 lab research points, fyi all. Expect to expend a number of actions in your Laboratory to complete it.

Looks like I can’t get the Vanity quality (10 clues) since I do not have one railway station set up, some Zee locations are not available, and the Waswood one requires Bag a Legend ambition.

I will need all the assistance I can get.

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Well, might check the doc again because 17 clues are found already! All is left is the mystery one.

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I will need to unlock Polythreme and the Khanate quickly to hit 10 clues.

That mysterious Enigma final clue might be really handy, if found.

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From Bruno

I will also say that no clue requires being in a specific point in a non-repeatable story (so eg, no clue when being buried alive in light fingers)


Could you please blur your giveaway information for people who prefer to do their own playing.

I just joined the forums to ask if anyone else is carrying Mr Transport around at the moment? Because I think this Infant Curator murdered my Ushabti. >_<

The relevant echo


Any advice on shoud I though boat trip if I’m on Boatman Opponent 40? I think that I gonna lose a hell of a time

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I did the lab project, and let me just say: That’s pretty messed up. I have a high tolerance for content, but that was unsettling.


Well, last clue was found as well! Opening that doc will reveal it so be advised!

And about the number of players that bought an ushabti: https://twitter.com/failbettergames/status/1552958003585974273. Quite a lot of us did! :smiley:

“Messed up” is mild.

And I have a strong feeling that looking at the “Shadowed by Stone” card is not a great idea.

And more news from Bruno:

Equippable items from this event:

  • Patron of the Pliable Arts / Rack of Carefully Individuated Deaths / Floral Hairpin / Hungry Little Snuffbox / The Forbidden Bathtub (Will return in next year’s summer event for Estival tokens)
  • Neathbow box (Evergreen from here on out)
  • Bronze Plaque with Your Name On it (Exclusive to this event)
  • Something you haven’t seen yet (Exclusive to this event)
  • Something you haven’t seen yet (Exclusive to this event)
  • Something you haven’t seen yet (Exclusive to this event)

EDIT: More updates from Bruno:

PS I forgot: there’s actually three ‘somethings’ you haven’t seen yet. I’ve updated the pinned post to reflect that.
(One of them is the promised reward for having bought an ushabti)
Another is the reward for 3/10 clues.

beo wrote:

one is the ushabti, another is the 3/10… the third is the 10/10 vanity maybe? or something else entirely to top off the event with

Bruno wrote:

Something else entirely. There’s more to come.

“If there unique item reward with no fate cost - I’m in” - 94% of FL players


Question to the crowd: do you think it’s better to hang onto the “hold full of Sphinxstone” quality, or cash it in now that it’s possible again?

You only get 12.5 echoes for handing it in, according to the Wiki. Personally I’m a hoarder so I would keep it regardless of the economics. But if I cared about the echoes… that’s a really low-ball offer for something irreplaceable.


I’m having trouble with the clue that’s supposedly found around the Hurlers.

I’ve entered the Adulterine Castle and spoken with the Anchoress , however I didn’t see any option for a clue. My Steward of the Discordance level is 4, am I still missing some prerequisite?

If anyone could shoot me a private message with exact details on how to get the clue, I would be deeply grateful. :redactedfl: