F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

Ahhh, thank you, delicious friend!

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Here’s an echo of that option.

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I gotta say, loving this event. Various factions have pissed me off before but after the lab project I gotta say whoever in the second city did this is at the top of my villain list. Some very well written ad disturbing stuff.

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I think this is completely unfair! And I haven’t yet settled with the thought that I’ll never become an Honorary Cat for the exact same reason

You can find them on the Myself page by "Clue: "
Though some of the stories seem to use the same pattern, those with 2 at the end concern the ushabtiu.
Here, I’ve got a screenshot for you. Only have the simplest four clues, so no spoilers for tonight

If you haven’t completed the relevant stage of the new Dilmun Club storyline, you can always use that to visit the Colonies, and get your Scandal wiped when you leave.

I didn’t really think it was particularly bad relative to the game’s general standard of body horror.

Is the menace location clue not a thing? It seems to have disappeared from the Google doc.

I didn’t say it was fair :slightly_smiling_face:, but (my) Mr Cards finds themselves increasingly unworried by such things; they can accept almost anything except for not knowing.

Not getting the chance to be officially considered an honorary cat stings, though, I have to admit.


I’d say it was less body horror, more gothic horror.

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I’m hoping they were just horribly ill-advised attempts to survive the fall of the next city.

I certainly hope so, at least, because if it was some kind of standard practice I don’t think I can abide the idea of the much smaller antideluvian udhabti.

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The Second City crashing into the Neath has happened at Zee as well. Now there are feral crocodiles should you be of the hunting sort.

Someone hold my beer.


Yeah, fair, I mostly meant that the body horror is generally the worst the game has to offer in my view.

I thought the text sort of seemed to suggest the process was likely involuntary. Something like servants? Who knows. Maybe we’ll find out.

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I gathered it was some kind of ascension ritual to Parabola, from what I last read. But, I haven’t been in London for a while on my clue hunt. You’re probably right considering what might’ve developed.


It might as well go not exactly as it was planned, and it was already too late to do something when they realized it


That’s really cool, and I notice that it is the result of a clue being fully discovered. I wonder if every other clue creates a new game feature in the same way? Loving all the little details popping up in this one.

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Which clue was it that triggered the appearance of the crocodiles? (currently stuck at Mutton Island raising Stormy-Eyed…)

That is an excellent suggestion and one I’ll adopt - pending further lore of course - for my peace of mind. :slight_smile:

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I think I’m about to give up on this, despite the card involved being labeled as “Standard Frequency”. I’ve been in the Colonies almost a day without seeing it. And being at 9 clues, I’m impatient. :) Has anyone succeeded in getting it?