Additional lacreous affection is less biscuits and mushrooms for the eternal and all-consuming worm grind.
Oh, good point. (Am I selling these, or have I successfully avoided learning anything about the worm grind for fear of becoming submerged in it?)
Yeah, in these quantities they’re mostly just upper river sellables, unless some new bulk use for even more scrip comes along in a future event or similar. Having finished with railway, goats and cider, scrip is pretty much everything now.
Oh. Finishing the event clears all your Clue qualities. I was hoping to save the long list of them as mementos; I guess there wasn’t a point in getting more than 10 after all.
I didn’t realize that finishing would clear the Clue qualities either. Unfortunate.
I could only do 10 clues, no more, no less. I haven’t yet built a railway station, my options picked themselves.
And hey, presto, 1/20th of the way there!
I have an alt still grinding clues for that sleuth quality. She wants to visit the Fathomking, but to do so she’d have to sacrifice her Horsehead Amulet before setting zail, right? Or is there a way to not use it?
My Houkeraid visited the Fatomking with 2 Horsehead Amulets some days ago (just checked inventory - they are still in “curiosity”).
And when you finish, you get to start over! Again and again and again!
@enail’s comment did a very good job as describing my feelings for this event!
It made me go unlock Moulin expeditions and Hurler’s content; both great stations and I’m glad I had time to enjoy them, get the clues and even finish without any pressure.
I guess we’ll have one at the end of the event! Now, time to raise some of the lost stats and trade gratitude for many biscuits and many shrooms!
I could never get a horsehead amulet. Very unlucky with Thieves’ Cache in expeditions.
This might also be due to a user experience research design – to see how the players react to and evaluate different options. To discover more of what satisfies us
I’ve been playing since 2016, and have never seen one. If I’m honest, I must admit that I had no idea how they were obtained until I read your post.
I have several amulets and have drowned more than once. Including this time around to visit the Fathomking, so you should just go for it.
Finally, my alt survived the brutality of RNG-sama and got the albatross nightmare. Master Sleuth accomplished.
Thx and thx @kronosaurus cuz my alt visited His Complexity and is now a Master Sleuth! It’s also good to be reminded that those Horsehead Amulets only work in the Fifth City (correct me if I’m wrong).
My main (who has an aversion to death) was never lucky to get any Horsehead Amulets from Seeking a Thieves’ Cache either. One could also get them from the Struggling Artist during the Once-Dashing Smuggler’s story (but since she doesn’t date men she didn’t get one that way either). But at last you can build a certain statue at a Railway station that can provide them. (@plynkes )
Alert! There is a new heist location available: the Museum!
Great way to recoup some of the bones and relics you had given during the event, haha!
F you, F.F Gebrandt!
That heist is a non-Whitsun source of the Amalgamy tails we’ve been waiting for