F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

The problem is precisely that unless you wiki all the paths in advance, there’s no way to make informed decisions. I found out how measly the rewards for these expensive components were when I handed them in, having collected all three in one go.

I probably would have done it the same way regardless, I just think it’s strange.

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For the Sere palace, honeyed cosmogone, and quantum of time.

On the wiki, they are supposed to trigger a living story, so I guess this might be interesting.


Ah, that’s interesting. If that’s the case then it could certainly fall under “delayed benefit” as stipulated above. I suppose we’ll see what comes of it, if anything.

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The Living Story probably removes the item from your inventory.

That’s what I understood too. :slight_smile:

So this is the part I need to reach so I can get the clue? I’m currently trying to unlock the area I need, but I still don’t know how far I am.

EDIT: When the event ends on the 5th, does this mean we have until then to decide what item to get with out free tokens before locking ourselves for 1 more year?

Oh yeah, you’re probably right. So more than likely it’s nothing to get excited about, just the delete timer. My bewilderment stands for now.

That would suck, but maybe not…

For the grief and the crocodile gall, there is no mention of living story in the wiki so maybe there’s still a chance.

No, it’s on there for those as well. It’s almost certainly just the “wait a week, then remove” script.

Are you talking about the clue which is in the place which shall not be named?
If so, opening the area is not enough. You need to be able to approach the mistress of the place, which has a few prerequisites you gain as part of the story, but I don’t exactly remember when.

Not sure, but I would say that’s likely since the event will end “entirely” on the 5th.

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The Final Demonstration…

I would like to see what others have picked before taking the plunge. Another binary choice.

I choose to go away, so you can read this variant on my profile page if you choose the other way

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I picked to stay inside and after that the option to think of the ushabti . I don’t know if these two choices are what determined it but I got a Vestige of a Starlit Reverie, which I think was one of two possible rewards at the end of the Grand Clearing Out?

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Looks like this is the end of the event. Good job everyone, we saved London again!

There are a handful of rewards which are immediately obvious from talking to Gebrandt after the event. There’s one more which is a bit obscure: you’ll need to do a Hunt from your Base-camp.

Interesting that all the major rewards from this event are in the Affiliation slot. I guess they decided it needed some love.


I tried the various options with alts (stay in / go out, happy / thoughtful / grumpy), the reward is the same (vestige), so it’s only roleplay.


After experiencing two of these summer events, I have to say I like them a whole lot more than the dreary old elections. Must admit I mostly noped out of those after the first couple. These events, though, they’re great. They really bring London to life.


Finally, some Affiliation items that aren’t crap from this event.

Bronze Plaque = Persuasive
Perfume Arts = Shadowy
Address Book = Watchful

Now hoping for a future +Dangerous Affiliation item, with some nice BDR bonuses.

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Thank you to Failbetter for a wonderful event! The mad grind at the beginning felt just the right amount of frantic and rewarding to be exciting, and made the quiet, celebratory break in the middle feel like a well-earned and much-needed rest . The clear information on what you need to get the unique items and qualities made it a lot less stressful, but not so much less as to stop me from obsessively checking in on what’s going on (in a good way). The clue hunt was a ton of fun and very satisfying, and the mechanic to handle the group and individual progress was a really well-done way to make sure each player gets the chance to discover and achieve on their own in spite of how insanely fast the player-base was to get everything. In general, this event really did a good job of timing and accessibility for busy players and those with an ill-matched time zone; it feels like a big level-up. The sheer variety of activities was amazing, and must have been a tremendous amount of work! Very satisfying rewards, a big chunk of new, permanent content, and great writing in both funny and touching forms. Really well done. Thank you all!

My only regret was that we didn’t get to see the Masters’ reaction! …But I still had fun imagining it. :wink:


Since those things have gone into Parabola, for lore consistency I would imagine them to appear somewhere in Parabola in future, with a reference to the incidents that had transpired in this event.

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They are! It’s a new hunt you can start from your Base-Camp.

Definitely recommend it. Especially if you took the earlier opportunity to purchase a curse of your own.


Is there a reason not to load up on lacreous affection at this point? Or is there still a final award to be had for curator’s gratitude?