F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

It should be the last, since the entire event ends on Aug 5th.

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Getting the Empress’ tears is a single action, provided you have access to the shuttered palace and meet the prerequisites. Hunting a croc will take a few more, but presumably (I’ve not done it yet) still also gets you the other rewards for hunting a croc.

I’m a bit worried I won’t make it in time (to do all of them, that is). Trust me to have used up all my actions just before this landed.

Yeah but…

You only need to supply one of these items to obtain the maximum reward. But you can contribute to the efforts here up to five times; doing so will increase a vanity quality.

I did Empress tears twice and my menaces are getting uncomfortably high. Exploring options now.

Oh, right, and now the bleeding albatross dream finally shows up, after I’ve chuntered hither and thither across the zea and poured actions into other stuff because that clue was refusing to show itself.

Fie to you, FLRNG, fie. I assume the next card will be Sophia, who was also notably absent from my deck while I was digging out ten other clues.


My alts will never ever see either of these cards, I’m afraid.

Interesting, it won’t let me hand the last one in. I no longer have the quality ‘A Perfumer’s Assistant’ for some reason.

Will just have to wait for that honeyed Cosmogone box to go off by itself, if I want to be rid of it, I guess. Now I really, really want to eat it, just to see what happens.

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You can only contribute 5 times. Did you submit one of the options twice?

No, but I notice there are six options. Not sure why they couldn’t let you do all six. I’ve been cheated out of some coins, hehe.

Hail for the lady who got banished from the Court just couple days before the event :sweat_smile: I don’t think I’ll manage to restore my reputation that fast, I’ve worked hard to ruin it after all))
Honestly, I’m getting a bit tired of the ahievism of the latest days. Though some options seem interesting enough to get myself into some trouble…

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I would greatly appreciate if someone could share the echoes for The Swan Bride’s clues. I just completed that story, but apparently made the wrong choice to make her Gonfalonier by accident.

Yay, I managed to get 10 clues – despite a lot of bumbling and fumbling and clicking on wrong things and going on the wrong Moulin expedition entirely, twice. (And that should have been obvious just by looking at the options, but I still managed to pick the wrong one twice in a row.) I’m glad the window for turning in clues has some leeway – I wasn’t home a whole lot over the weekend and am super happy it didn’t have to be finished before the next piece of the story came out.

I’d never experienced the consequences of excessively Troubled Waters since the Zee revamp, either, so also got to explore that for the first time.

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I had the exact same experience. In the same sitting where I finally gave up on waiting for the card to show up and, having flipped all I could, started advancing the event, the albatross dream was the next new card to come up from the deck.

The RNG really never misses a chance to spite you.

Also, I really don’t understand how these perfumery options stack up at all. Some have somewhat high requirements and costs with no apparent benefit, others are easy to do and free, or even come with rewards. What gives?

In terms of conventional game design, you’d normally expect the more hard-to-access options or the ones with higher buy-ins – in this case both at once – to be either more rewarding or more convenient, or something similar. In this case it’s essentially the opposite. Unless there’s some delayed benefit, it kind of feels like a trap.


My understanding of the text is that there’s a single reward item, and FBG wanted every player to be able to get that. There’s then also a vanity quality (ie, one which provides no benefit except bragging rights) which those who want a break from polishing their hellwyrm boots can increase at relatively modest (to a late-game char) cost between sketching statues of themselves and handing out fingerking-infested weasels.

As with so much in Fallen London, the reward for doing the thing is that you know you did the thing.

ETA: Oh, and Sophia wasn’t the next card, but she did turn up within the hour.


The thing that weirds me out is this. Aside from the one “this is for the noobs” option, they’re all presented as being essentially equivalent. And that one even has a note saying “If you can’t help in other ways, this will contribute progress and allow you to access the same unique reward as the other options,” which contains the assumption that you’d prefer to do the others if possible.

There does not, however, seem to be any reason for that beyond seeing their flavor text. Instead, there are disincentives. And since the options are apparently repeatable, I’m not really sure why we’d do the other three instead of hunting 5 crocodiles or posing as a palace footman 5 times. Unless I’m missing something, certain options are just way better than others here in a way that doesn’t really make any sense to me.


I’ve submitted 5 items for the perfume quest (2x crocs, 3x empress tears). The Empress raised my menaces uncomfortably high so I’m reducing them now.

Waiting for the next (final?) phase of this event.

The footman option doesn’t raise any menaces. So in that sense it’s the only one where the more exclusive one is actually better. The Sere palace and two Parabola ones all fall into the “best avoided” category for all but us echo hunters, though.

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Yeah… my Society renown is less than 25.

Time was of the essence, so I bit the bullet. :smiley:

Yeah. And for me it normally takes 6 actions start to finish to hunt and kill a crocodile, which is probably less than for many others, which affects its overall attractiveness. Still, the other options just don’t seem to justify their expenses in comparison.

Early-game problems: where can I get enough actions for all these stories?
End-game problems: where can I get enough stories for all these actions?

I think this event does a good job to satisfy both within a limited time frame. Just choose what suits you best.

I would absolutely do that Red Science option but apparently I need to finish three major projects before I can do so, and the timing is quite tight…