F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

Aw, now I want to buy some crocodile shoes at the Bazaar!


I have turned in ten clues, the flavour text at the museum is: “You are a master sleuth.

Previously it was ‘twice’, ‘eight times’, ‘nine times’. You knew exactly how many clues you had turned in.

The remaining clues are locked by Fate, locked by Ambition, requires a Railway (which I’ve yet to build the first station) or too costly (masochistic?). So ten clues it is, no more, no less.

Off topic, the Rat Market closes in 3-4 hours time, it offers a Fabulous Diamond this week.

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Ten’s the cap. The counter doesn’t advance past ten, even if you turn in more clues. So, congratulations - you’re as masterful as a sleuth can be!

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I need some assistance getting my 11th clue: I finished the Discordance storyline, and can’t remember how to enter the Adulterine Castle with Crystalline Knowledge 10.

The usual way doesn’t work any more – not sure how much detail I can give, since this content might be out of bounds in this forum…

Any hints are appreciated.

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There should be an option to enter through Parabola, if you’ve unlocked it from the other side.


Indeed – thanks Alexander!

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I would personally recommend trying your luck at Zee. You should be able to accumulate enough Troubled Waters by zailing the Snares a couple of times (set a course to the Khanate from London, you can always turn around and head back for another trip through the Snares if you reach Khanate waters). Once you’re at the Fathomking’s Court you’re guaranteed to get the clue.

I probably spent 10-11 hours flipping cards in the Tomb-Colonies, wouldn’t recommend that experience to anyone.


I have searched and found plenty - but if I‘ve now run out of clues I could still get (or are unwilling to sacrifice more) there is no way for me to further contribute to the investigations, correct?!

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I think this card needs to be nerfed. I hope the 94% of players who bought that thing concur.

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Yeah, that’s what I did in the end, and I think it was the right call since I still haven’t drawn a single albatross-dream card. It still took me over 20 actions to intentionally drown myself since I kept getting “lucky” rolls with improbable odds. Funny how you’ll fail 5 times in a row on a 90% check you want to succeed at, but…

You realize you don’t have to play it, right?


Our investigation has been completed! Gebrandt has findings to present!
Go “Check in on the state of Gebrandt’s investigation” at the museum!

If you want to keep submitting clues, DO NOT DO THIS. As indicated in the storylet, it will move the story forward.


I’m afraid I shall do the same with one of my alts as well, card-based anything is always a nuisance, and combined with a hard time limit becomes an outright nightmare for someone who is already anxious. Ah well, there goes the dream to keep my characters death-free.

Looks like this next stage has a 24-hour minimum in addition to the Progress Quest. Which is good, because we’re at 41% after an hour and a half.

Also the metatext implies another Unique Reward item, horay!

All of the options seem to give 500 Curator’s Gratitude, which is not much compared to the work of obtaining them. They’re also repeatable.

Gah, I have nine clues submitted (just got back from the pleasure of the Fathomking’s and then the Boatman’s company). Left is either disgrace in the Tomb-Colonies (at the mercy of RNG there, which already thwarted me once) or the dream card (at the mercy of RNG in London). Or stop at 9. Decisions, decisions…

Phase V will take a minimum of another 21 hours, and you can rush it in a few minutes and a handful of actions if you want to. If I were in your position, I’d try my luck with the RNG for at least half a day.

Tomb Colonies isn’t really RNG, but it’s an action sink. Many cards are autofire.

As I’ve mentioned before, you can equip Scandal-raising items to speed up the process, and while in the Tomb Colonies, unequip those items. It’s faster this way.

I raised my Scandal by begging for Rubbery Pies from Mrs Plenty at the Bone Market, and the pies were used to join Sophia’s club.

For the Zee stuff, I sailed to the Khanate and back to London, to raise Southern Wind and drown. Separately, I bought a ticket to sail to Polythreme, that itself was also an action sink.

To my understanding, you should be able to play through the remaining phases of the event at your own pace (you decide when the story moves forward) until it ends entirely on August 5th.

The perfume creation phase can be completed very quickly since you only need to contribute once to be eligible for the maximum reward. Besides, FBG also implemented a basic option for players who do not have any of the prerequisites for the advanced options.
Even the advanced options can be completed in a few actions if you have the prerequisite.

So I’d say you still have a bit more time to wait for you final clue.

I do not know which is better between staying in London for the dream card or leaving to the tomb colonies. In London, you can at least spend your actions on worthwhile storylets, but maybe you have more chance to draw the correct opportunity card in the TC?
Small tip if you decide to leave for the TC again, there are some scandal increasing items which can help you trigger scandal 8 faster.

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Well, I’m in the Tomb-Colonies (having drunk my share of black wings absinthe), waiting for the deck to regenerate. I figured the deck was smaller there so the chance of the one card coming up was somewhat higher, though of course the RNG throws it all into chaos (as is its wont and delight). I’ll see what happens.

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Does anyone know if hunting crocs or getting Empress tears is more of an action sink?

Getting the tears from the Empress is simple and straightforward, but it raises three menaces which need to be reduced.

Can anybody confirm that the Perfumer stage is the last one of the event? I made the wrong assumption the clue-gathering would be the last one, and with the time limit closing in I wouldn’t like to make the same mistake again.