F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

I suppose you can capture another one after you’ve already done research on one?

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High five, good lady! I can also do max 10. I have my own map, but I don’t think it makes a big difference, since the other way is not that expensive after all. The Fate-locked option is also locked with certain progress on the Railway, so with not having even the first station, there’s no point in spending Fate. As for the secret location, I believe it’s doable for me, but I haven’t been there so far and don’t want to rush there and lose all the moment’s fun. Similar with the Parabolan clue, though with this one I’m not even sure I’ll make it in time. So I’d rather enjoy living through these branches. I’m in for a good story over the more measurable rewards)

…and I believe the point I’m at now must be something late-mid-game. Just imagine, how sad must the newcomers be


You can, I have one. No idea if they’re perishable.

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Has anybody noticed any further developments popping up at all? (in a similar vein to the crocodiles at zee).

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Congrats on the 10 clues!

From what I gather from the devs on discord, the thresholds that were relevant were “3 should be achievable by all players, (unless you’ve basically just started) 10 should be achievable for endgame players” and there’s no rewards for anything above 10. So if it’s tough, no need to go above 10.


Can I ask for an extra hint? I’m sitting at the Hurlers, in Adulterine Castle, poking the Anchoress - and not seeing anything. Am I looking in the wrong place, or missing something?

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You’re in the right place but apparently you need to progress a bit further into the Discordance storyline. A conversation on Reddit offers further insights, spoilers in the link below:



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I have an alt with luck like yours, @catherineraymond. Is there not some way to simply hold their head under water until they expire?

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I have no idea! But my tactics may be partly to blame. I learned from another player that if you hunt Zee beasts during your voyage you won’t be drowned, and I did hunt a few from time to time. However, I have seen the Fathomking before so hopefully I will manage to before the event ends.

Sadly, I failed a second time through sheer bad memory. I tried the Parabolan campaign that takes you to the “Palace of the Rising” because I thought I had done the Fate-locked story called “The Attendants.” Unfortunately, I was wrong and wasted a bunch of actions that way!

At this point, I have at least 10 clues so I should get the special reward anyway.


Yes, I succeeded. It just takes a long time to get that card, that’s all.

Thank you!

I think I’ll give up there and go see about visiting Fathomking. Only one clue left…

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So apparently my zee-dreams have chosen this weekend to stop appearing. Lovely.


Join the club of RNG victims.


I’ve seen the Zee-dream twice but need one more to get the clue. Sophia, on the other hand, remains completely absent. She must be out on crocodile business. And I’m probably going to skip the Tomb-Colonies altogether.

It’s possible to get RNG-screwed in The Mind. I hope that doesn’t happen to anyone. The card requires stormy-eyed 14+, so if you’re in the position to choose, pad you stats a bit.

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The zee-dream is my final missing one out of ten. My other chief options would be to go drown myself or try the tomb-colonies. As a Stag in good standing for several years now, I haven’t the slightest intention of betraying my fellows.

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Yes, that was me all right - had to get out of The Mind the slow way. Haven’t seen Sophia either since the Exhibition started - love the idea that the entire club is out hunting crocodiles! that makes me feel better about it.

Do we think the 10-clue Achievement won’t be given if we turn in the clues after Monday? The
Progress in an Investigation world quality is only about halfway complete at this time. If not, there’s no rush, right?


I’ve been going off the understanding that you can still get it until the 5th or whatever.


love the idea that the entire club is out hunting crocodiles! that makes me feel better about it.

They’re looking for handbag material.

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That sounds more like the clay tailor mob.


It’s a collaboration: Sophia’s club procure the crocodile hides and the Clay Tailor’s work their magic to turn them into bags, shoes, etc. (crocodile coats?) :)