F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition is here!

When I got there, the card was among those in the first draw. Sorry, it looks like rng is messing with you

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It took me about a day to draw that card but it appeared eventually…don’t give up yet! :slight_smile:

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Something specific to Bag a Legend, I guess. But those players unlocked it for everyone!

Good luck with stormy-eyed, just finished that myself.

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Thanks, @theonie, @Lady_Elline!

Now I just need to figure out how much longer I can stand this before I go drown myself. :)

"This is unlocked because Clue Propagation: Emergence of the Crocodilians is 100.’

Hmmm… Not sure which one that is. The BaL clues seem to need you to have finished it, which my BaL alt hasn’t got around to doing yet, the slacker. So I don’t have those ones. Sailed to Abbey Rock for nothing. :slight_smile:

I was pretty lucky in the tomb colonies, got the card twice, fairly early on. Most of my time there was spent trying to get back out. Polythreme was extremely confusing, as I hadn’t been there since they changed it and had no idea what was going on.

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Actually I mispoke; that one is from Sophia’s. I switched my club, but haven’t seen the card yet due to various adventures like being dead.

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FINALLY drew the card. Now I do’t have to drown myself … unless there’s a reason beyond vanity to get more than ten clues?

Thanks! It’s a slog all right…this will take a while. Maybe I’ll drown first! :)

Drowning seems simpler. And faster. Just did it.

Just found out that I can only do a max of 9 clues, sadly.

No railway. No fate. No Ambition.

And the Screaming Map NPCs take bloody two days each to progress to the next stage. There are three of them, by that time the event would be over.

FYI, there may be three NPCs, but only two halves of the map. One half can be gotten from two of the sources.

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Other than the vanity item, is there any benefit to gaining more than 5 clues submitted?

And less tedious, certainly! Zailing is fun, even if going back and forth several times between Port Carnelian and the Court of the Wakeful Eye - to raise Southern Wind at the same time - isn’t the most exciting of journeys.

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Looks like the quality tracking clue turnin tops out at 10, so there definitely no need to keep getting more than that. …at least not for personal reasons. Still helps advance the story towards the end, last I checked the progress bar was less than 30% done.

I’ve been trying to drown myself all evening. Every time I get close to 8 Troubled Waters, I make luck rolls I shouldn’t make. I;ve sailed from London to the Khanate and back on the Northern route, no dice. I’m back at Wolfstack and am preparing to try again.

On the other hand, I did manage to make it to Tomb Colony exile for a clue to report; the ones I have left that I can do should be simple, after this. .

Hunting Zee Beasts (like the crocodiles) will let you zail around indefinitely without having to dock anywhere that will wipe your Troubled Waters.


FYI, in the Captain’s Cabin while zailing, you can decide to abandon your current course and plot a new one.

That way you don’t have to Dock and lose your Troubled Waters quality.

Do note however that this does not clear your hand (this would have been helpful around the pillared sea to grind the apocyan light).



I wonder whats going to happen if I captured one of them ushabatis but I don’t carry out the research in the lab.

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I made it to Polythreme by paying for a trip with Map Scraps at the Wolfstack Docks, and I got the clue there.

So I can finish ten clues after all. No more, no less. The others are Fate-locked or Ambition-locked, or require a railway station. Then there’s that crazy secret clue Mind of a Long Dead God, but I don’t think my Stormy-Eyed trait is high enough to do that.

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I’m going to try this one, at the very least this will give a souvenir of the event, but it might as well result in some curious content :slight_smile:

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