Eyeless Skull Woes

I am in possession of a skull that I would love to give away. Send me a message and it’s yours!

Edit - The skull has gone off to its new home.
edited by Vivienne Redgrave on 5/17/2015

[quote=Vivienne Redgrave]I am in possession of a skull that I would love to give away. Send me a message and it’s yours!

Edit - The skull has gone off to its new home.
edited by Vivienne Redgrave on 5/17/2015[/quote]

Thank you so much!

I have three eyeless skulls I can’t use yet.

Who wants to take them off my hands?

Edit: One down, two to go.

Edit: Last one.

Edit: All gone. Good riddance.
edited by Prinny Chucker on 5/27/2015

[quote=Prinny Chucker]I have three eyeless skulls I can’t use yet.

Who wants to take them off my hands?

Edit: One down, two to go.

Edit: Last one.

Edit: All gone. Good riddance.
edited by Prinny Chucker on 5/27/2015[/quote]

Many thanks Prinny Chucker! I’ve been trying for over a week to find one in the Quarter and the airs were just not with me.

Thank you so very much for your contribution to my expedition. It will not be forgotten lightly.

I still have 4 skulls that are up for grabs!

Edit: the skull has been claimed, and my sleep is easier.
edited by Torne Wolfe on 5/31/2015

Hello Everybody!

If anyone could help me with getting one of the skulls I would
be very happy :)

I have an Eyeless Skull on Eris Jay. Shoot me a request if you want it!

Remember, you need to be otherwise ready to seek the Nadir, with Archaeologist 5 and all that.

UPDATE: Skull has been claimed.
edited by thedeadlymoose on 6/16/2015

I have an eyeless skull as well.

I have an eyeless skull, will edit when taken. Edit: taken!
edited by omnilynx on 6/17/2015

Dear fellow denizens of the sunless depths,

I find myself in need of an Eyeless Skull for the purposes of an expedition into the Nadir. If there are kind souls among you who can lend me one in their possession, I would be much obliged and in their debt. I have scoured the Forgotten Quarter for many days but have not stumbled upon one. Please leave a message and I will solicit your help in-game. Thank you.

I have been searching the forgotten quarter for days now, found brass rings and insanity but not one d–n skull. So if there’s someone out there willing to help please send me a message.

Got one. Thanks yang573
edited by lastcorn on 6/29/2015

What? The emminent physician lacking in skulls? This is ridiculous… I don’t believe it for a second :P

Seriously though, try to get as many skulls as possible to get the Cinder (?) as well since you need it for access to the Nadir. Keep plugging on, I spent over a week grinding those damn skulls. And they keep giving me nightmares with those horrible cards… :(

If anyone needs an eyeless skull, I have one to spare.

EDIT: The skull has been claimed.
edited by yang573 on 7/17/2015

Hi Everyone ! i too am in need of such a rare artifact, and since i can’t access the Seeking curios : see the sights, i’m being forced to ask for some charitable soul for a share ! plz add me as a contact if you have a spare skull, i’ll send you the eyeless skull need mail.


Why can’t you access See the Sights?
I don’t think there are any prerequisites there.
Other than forgotten quarter access.
edited by 38thDoE on 7/2/2015

See the Sights depends on Airs of the Forgotten Quarter. If it’s not appearing, you may have to do whatever other options are available under Seeking Curios until you get an opportunity to See the Sights. It’s part of what makes that option slow.

I’d love it if somebody could help me out with an eyeless skull. Haven’t had much luck finding one on my own. Thank you!

EDIT: Got one! Thank you, mirelle nye.
edited by Trifa on 7/24/2015

I have a spare skull, fresh, maggot-less, free to a good home.


edit - The skulls have left the lodgings.
edited by Snotra on 8/9/2015