Eyeless Skull Woes

Greetings delicious friends, i got one of these little buggers just after finishing the Nadir, is somebody interested?


edited by Schneider on 8/11/2015

I’m also in need of a skull for my expedition. Would be very grateful to get one.

I’d be ever so obliged to anyone who might have a spare cranium lying around, and isn’t too attached to pass it along.

He offered me a skull - offered me a skull and disappeared, taking with him my absinthe, my jewels, and even a modicum of my affection. Please - an eyeless skull. My kingdom for an eyeless skull.

By kingdom I naturally only mean the urchins who’ve not managed to run fast enough to get away and now occupy my…spire-neath.

I too find myself in the odd position of requiring a skull somehow missing its eyes. Please be so kind as to contact me if you have one, with your request for recompense.

Upon my scavenging in the Gallery of Serpents, I found two curious skulls drenched in the faint color of irrigo. I’d be glad to part with one for the aid of another Londoner, free of charge. Send me a request and I’ll be more than happy to comply.

The offer goes for any other wayward spirit in need of the least-memorable color. Please, take my skulls. All I’ll do is sell them to omnicidal anarchists in exchange for shiny things. I’m begging you, please be my impulse control.
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 8/16/2015

I have three, and I’ve decided that I want to do other things before starting on That expedition. Please take them off my hands!

Edit: No more skulls! Thank you and have wonderful expeditions!
edited by SomewhatElse on 9/4/2015

the cave of the nadir laughs, mocking me - alas, i have no eyeless skulls to convince them of my worth, and my pocketful of trinkets and secrets just makes them shrug. the gatekeepers have their requirements. please help me meet them. over a week of desperate searching in the quarter has turned up nothing but relics and faint laughter…


A recent foray into the Forgotten Quarter has burdened me with that which you seek. A simple request my be beneficial to us both.

Skull has been claimed. out of stock, sorry.
edited by Grenem on 9/17/2015

Hello Delicious Friends, I have an Eyeless Skull that I would be happy to give to whomever needs it. I’ll update this post when it’s gone.

UPDATE: I’ve sent the skull to its new owner.

edited by Alex Kay on 9/18/2015

Take this dreadful thing away.

Edit: Oh, thank goodness…
edited by Roumba on 9/20/2015

I’m at the very gate of the Nadir, and I for some reason got it into my head that the best way forward was to collect five more skull. Lady luck is whimsical, as she gave me four skulls in the first two days two days, but in the last week she’s given me zero skulls and five brass rings.

If anyone needs an Eyeless Skull, I just got one that I don’t need. Here’s a link to my profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/TheWolfoftheStars
Just shoot me a request if you want it, I’m happy to help! :D

EDIT: Skull has been sent. You’re welcome, Ysrthgrathe! :)
edited by TheWolfoftheStars on 9/27/2015

I’ve recently found myself in need of an eyeless skull. I’d be much obliged if anyone could sent one my way.


I have two Eyeless Skulls, and no desire to advance a certain faction’s agenda.

Edit: Gone now. Sorry.
edited by asnys on 10/8/2015

I just found another Skull just now. I swear, it’s like these dratted things are trying to find me…
Anyways, just shoot me a request if you need it. If no one asks within a week, I’m just going to sell it, as I have no desire to let it clog my deck.

EDIT: Skull has been sent. You’re welcome, Huey Nomure! :)
edited by TheWolfoftheStars on 10/8/2015

Well I just found one, but as I’m working to find the Nadir I’d be very pleased to receive other skulls with the goal to buy a cinder, so send them to me as you please.

EDIT: I thought one could simply send others skulls; I was obviously wrong. I’ll send requests as soon as I get to Archaeologist 5.
edited by Huey on 10/6/2015

I have now acquired a skull - thank you to who gave me one!
edited by ZHAndy on 10/18/2015

I have a surplus of two skulls that will be sold as soon as the Airs are favorable; anyone who needs one can send me a request. Please contact me only if you intend to use the skull to initiate the Nadir expedition, as the price I paid for them is quite steep and I’m only willing to part with them if I have the certainty that I spared another from the same pain.

Eyeless skulls available: 0 (sold after reaching the Nadir)
edited by Huey on 10/22/2015