Eyeless Skull Woes

Thank you very much for the skull.:)

Alas I too desire these d_____d skulls.I
My name is MyKael… I don’t yet know how to link my account.
Thanks to a rather friendly fellow, here we are http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/MyKael.
edited by agonyzyr on 3/11/2015
And a lovely lady happened to offer me one moments after I had discovered one on a windowsill of all places. Thanks for the offers. ;)
edited by agonyzyr on 3/12/2015

[quote=agonyzyr]Alas I too desire these d_____d skulls.I
My name is MyKael… I don’t yet know how to link my account.[/quote]

I don’t have any Eyeless Skulls, but here’s a link to your mantelpiece. I hope you get the skull(s) you need soon. :)

I, for reasons unknowable, wish to obtain one of these horrific decorations. I must request the way you contact me be by letter, as it will reach my ears faster.
edited by Lukos on 3/11/2015

I myself could do with such a thing, if not for its practical use thaen at least as a simply fascinating mantlepiece decoration and avenue of scientific research.

Anyone gifting me with such a thing could count me as heavily in their debt.


I have an Eyeless Skull should any aspiring archaeologist need one. Or maybe there are just things you just want forget…

The offer stands until it is claimed or until my hand fills up.

Delicious friends, I have recently acquired an extra eyeless skull I’d be delighted to sell to whomever requires one.

I have one (1) Eyeless Skull to give to anyone who requests it. (You’ll need to add me as a contact first - leahsfiction, or click on the link from my profile)

Eyeless Skulls! Eyeless Skulls! Fresh from the Forgotten Quarter! Get your Eyeless Skulls here![li]

Is now fresh out of skulls.
edited by Lady Sapho Byron on 3/27/2015

Delicious friends, I’ve spent a week searching but can’t come across an eyeless skull. Does anyone have one that’s doing them more harm than good?

I’ve acquired three eyeless skulls, which I have no use for. Vivian Street would be happy to give them away to anyone in need.
edited by Vivian Street on 4/4/2015

I’d also like to have the treacherous skull for the entry of Nadir. Would any of you be more than happy the part with such mystical artifact? I’d return the favour once possible.[li]

Edit: Got it. Guess the owner is more than happy to part with it. Used it up within a jiffy.
edited by Aw2rQoMsoq on 4/16/2015

I would very much appreciate anyone’s spare Skulls, please and thank you. :)

neeeever mind FOUND THE STORYLET
edited by Marianne Anders on 4/23/2015

I ended up sending invites to everyone available through my contacts, and long story short: i have too many skulls. PM me if you’d like some!

Well, much like the OP, I’ve found myself ready and chomping at the bit to go dig up this ‘Nadir’ thing everyone’s going on about… but lacking that all-important Skull. A friend of mine found TWO long before she was ready to search for the Nadir… and sold them both 'cuz the stat-loss was bothersome and she needed the money. Can’t blame her, of course - it’s the smart thing to do. I’m just hoping to find someone less smart here. ;)

Oh, and I bounced a PM off of Marianne above earlier. Dunno if she’d still be holding on to those skulls nearly two weeks later, though. >_>

EDIT: I just got a skull, courtesy of the inestimable Lady Ciel. So no worries here. ^_^
edited by BlakeTheDrake on 5/10/2015

I have two skulls up for grabs. Once I start getting the cards I’m going to flog them, so be quick.
Edit - These have now gone to a new, loving home. :)
edited by Lady Eris on 5/11/2015

Alas I had two of these things a month or two ago and now they are very scarce when I need one (or six lol) for myself. Is there anyone who has them in excess?

This is my profile, thank you!

[quote=38thDoE]Alas I had two of these things a month or two ago and now they are very scarce when I need one (or six lol) for myself. Is there anyone who has them in excess?

Yes, I have one - you’ll need to ask me for it, I think.

[quote=Lady Eris][quote=38thDoE]Alas I had two of these things a month or two ago and now they are very scarce when I need one (or six lol) for myself. Is there anyone who has them in excess?

Yes, I have one - you’ll need to ask me for it, I think.[/quote]

That would be wonderful. It says you don’t have the right qualities for me to ask you though.