Eyeless Skull Woes

On the twelfth day of Christmas

my true love sent to me:
Twelve Ridiculous Hats Parading
Eleven Myrrh-Scented Roses Wafting
Ten Lucky Weasels Popping
Nine Rubbery Men Caroling
Eight Rattus Fabers Crafting
Seven Brass Rings Shining
Six Elemental Secrets Guarding
Five Stolen Kisses
Four Uncanny Incunabulums
Three Eyeless Skulls (oh please!)
Two Bazaar Permits
and a Sorrow Spider in a Council-Lair

(I figured since my first post was a request, I ought to at least make it in flavor and funny! Anyone have any Eyeless Skulls they’d be interested in parting with? Presently preparing for my Nadir trek.)

Thank you very much!

If you send a request to my alt, Esolitaire, I can help you out.[li]

Thank you everyone for the skull assistance! I had several offer to help and in the process made several more acquaintances. Yay!

Looking forward to further adventures!

If anyone would be willing to send a skull my way, I would be very grateful indeed.

Airtamis, I’m a just-getting-started archeologist who lucked into getting a skull early. No way I can use it for a while, so if you or anyone else still needs it, just lemme know.

On a side note; I just found that the malus cards from the skull disappear if you manipulate your stats below the thresholds via negative items.
edited by vaunt on 1/18/2015

I’ve a spare skull if anyone needs one! I’ve already found the cave, so there’s really no point in keeping it around.

I’m trying to get into the cave and need my skulls. So, if anyone has some…

Edit: Never mind, evidently you can ask for a skull when you need one but not when you need five.
edited by Avian Overlord on 1/20/2015

Eyeless Skull seeks good home with aspiring archaeologist. Adoption fee waived. You are responsible for anything you may forget.

Skull to give away to good home. It seems to be missing it eyes. You are solely responsible for anything you might forget.

I would gladly take any eyeless skulls you gents might have to offer. No real need for them, I’m just feeling particularly greedy. But I assure you they are going to a good cause :)

If you want skulls, Pierre, you need to be at a certain point of progression in the Cave of the Nadir storyline, otherwise they can’t be gifted. The skulls themselves have a number of high-menace op cards associated to them (they destroy your stats), and they aren’t worth that much, relatively speaking, if you aren’t willing to support the Liberation of Night. Hence this thread.

After some initial luck in acquiring a singular Eyeless Skull, I found myself unpleasantly surprised that I am in need of a small handful of the thrice-d___ed things.

And, as one can expect, luck has chosen to abandon me from this point - multiple expeditions, which I can no longer afford, yielded no skulls, and private skirmishes are driving me literally ragged with little to speak of in uncanny craniums.

As such, I humbly request, of anyone unfortunate enough to be addled with an Eyeless Skull, to send one in my direction - it shall surely relieve the burdens they impose on both of us, albeit in differing ways.

In fact, for those willing to share a skull, I will gladly send a little something, that those celebrating the Feast of the Rose will surely cherish.
edited by Zarhon on 2/16/2015

I have recently come into possession of a rather troublesome sightless cranium and would be more than thankful for someone to take it off my hands.

EDIT: Nevermind I pawned it off to some naive, thrill seeker.
edited by Kenji84 on 2/21/2015

I also stumbled across one of these blind, bony blighters during a recent expedition. Ghastly thing, I want rid of it immediately. Zarhon, are you still seeking?

Seeking my own handful of skulls to enter the Cave. The expedition has already been completed so just need this.

I would most appreciate an eyeless skull if anyone has one to spare - I await the kindness of a stranger as I camp with my supplies at the cave entrance.
Thank you, delicious friends.

[quote=LawrenceKeyworth]I would most appreciate an eyeless skull if anyone has one to spare - I await the kindness of a stranger as I camp with my supplies at the cave entrance.
Thank you, delicious friends.[/quote]

I have just obtained such a skull, and will happily assist your expedition. I have added you to my list of contacts, and await your messenger bat. A word of advice for when you enter: don’t stay too long. The effects of long-term exposure are, in a word, detrimental.

"You see a Advertisement in the local newspaper:

“man seeking exactly 1 Eyeless Skull for adventure to discover hidden secrets, Would also like advice from any other delvers into such forbidden knowledge beforehand. If interested send to this address. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Kylestien

I, too, have a spare skull that is doing me far more harm than good. Please reach out to me if you need one :)

Thank you for the skull Hokum. It is appreciated.