Eyeless Skull Woes

Does the eyeless skull request not tell you who sent it? Someone just requested one from me which I unfortunately had to turn down as I’m currently on a collecting mission myself.

One eyeless skull to go to good home! Or bad home! For the love of some infernal God, just take the occular reject.

For more info, please contact Pillbox.

Red Rose (see signature!) has just landed an eyeless skull that she most manifestly does not need (having already done the six-skull grind successfully earlier this month; apparently she is just really, really &quotlucky&quot.) Send a request! EDIT: Request received, skull is gone. Thank you!

Once I get (and accept) a request, I will update this post. EDIT: Request received. (Moving this update text because people are still asking :x )

edited by thedeadlymoose on 11/4/2014
edited by thedeadlymoose on 11/13/2014

I am sorry, but I am in need of a Skull if possible. I finally managed to get enough supplies for the expedition…but no skull to start. If anyone have a spare, please…

Thank you in advance. (also how do you send the request?)

Go into the preparing for an expedition storylet, if you meet the criteria (enough supplies for example) you will see an option to ask for a skull. Then you just need one of your contacts to have a skull, send them the invitation and wait for them to reply.

Unfortunately I do not have one.

I am now in need of five skulls, if anyone has any they would be willing to spare.

I have two skulls on hand that I don’t need now that I’ve finally finished grinding up to a spare Ray-Drenched Cinder. I am willing to part with both on the condition that I get two Starveling Cats at least for each. You’re after my skulls? I’m after your cats…

Oh, you can’t request skulls for the Ray-Drenched Cinder grind? Well that’s too bad.

Should anyone be in possession of a spare skull, I would most welcome the assistance.

Speak with Cecil, a few might still be in his inventory.

Excuse me, this seems like a good place to ask, I have 1 skull and I’ve decided to finally stop ignoring Nadir(I’ve been ignoring everything connected to revolutionaries like a plague). So should I be able to return to London after the expedition to restart the grind for Ray-Drenched Cinder(s) or do I have to get everything ready before? I’ve already tried to consult the wiki, but it’s better to be sure
edited by Uruloki on 11/23/2014

[quote=Uruloki]Excuse me, this seems like a good place to ask, I have 1 skull and I’ve decided to finally stop ignoring Nadir(I’ve been ignoring everything connected to revolutionaries like a plague). So should I be able to return to London after the expedition to restart the grind for Ray-Drenched Cinder(s) or do I have to get everything ready before? I’ve already tried to consult the wiki, but it’s better to be sure
edited by Uruloki on 11/23/2014[/quote]

The first, I think. Don’t forget you can spend pence instead of skulls if you feel like it =)

The first, I think. Don’t forget you can spend pence instead of skulls if you feel like it =)[/quote]
Thank you. I tried it and everything was exactly like that, so I can continue whenever I want
edited by Uruloki on 11/25/2014

Soran recently came across an Eyeless Skull during some routine grinding. They’ve already opened the Nadir, so they don’t have much use for it besides selling it at the Bazaar, but I figure giving it to someone in need would be a bit nicer. Simply ask and ye shall receive. All I want in return is an opponent for exactly seven good games of chess.

EDIT: The skull can be considered claimed for the moment. However, rest assured that I’ll be posting again if I happen across any others.
edited by Soran on 11/29/2014

I’ve an Eyeless Skull and not nearly enough Watchful/Archaeologist to go seeking the Nadir. Feel free to send me a calling card or… I don’t actually know how to pass the dratted thing off to anyone, so if you want it you’ll have to tell me how to give it to you. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/MyrrhDarkwing

If anyone needs a Skull, I have one I can part with - feel free to send the message.

I happened across two Eyeless Skulls in five minutes today, I think the rng is punishing me for my luck with the Fidgeting Writer. Since I have access to the Nadir, I have no use for either of them. So I’ll happily trade an Eyeless Skull for a Starveling Cat!

Eyeless Skulls are creepy, please take them from me.


Twould be faster to sell them to the bazaar or to the Revolutionaries (by clicking on the skulls in your inventory) than waiting for other players to become able to send you a message asking for skulls.

Faster, yes. But Eyeless Skulls can be a bit of a pain to get your hands on, so if I can save someone that trouble, I’m happy to.