Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=dharthoorn]One skull takes me between 100-160 actions with Seeking Curios. [/quote]Seems about right to me. Of course, it was a lot more fun for me, since I like the Forgotten Quarter and the randomised search for curios and secrets.

Well, Perhaps it’s a matter of adjusting my expectations, because the first skull was gained within 40 clicks. On a sidenote, it’s very profitable as well. I do not dislike it per-se, it’s just that it gets tedious doing the same 5 storylets for 400 turns.

Out of curiosity, was that 160-ish actions just any option in seeking curios, or did you wait for the right airs and options? (Worst part is, the first time I went searching I found a skull but sold it to revolutionaries not long after because I didn’t realize how long getting more woud take.)

That’s 160 just staying in the FQ doinf Curios challenges. Only 2 of them drop a Skull on a rare success.

I’m going to go to the Shrine of Deep Blue Heaven for a few days in an attempt to reduce my suicide rate of my braincells. Perhaps I’m luckier there, turn for turn.

I feel incredibly lucky (ok and perhaps a tad smug) after reading this thread because I think I managed to score an eyeless skull in less than ten actions recently. I was prepared for the long haul, but bam, there it was.

The first one seems to come easy… Don’t know if there are any sort of underlying mechanics that check whether you already having one. It’s not evident, in any case.

I would very gladly receive any spare Eyeless Skulls you may have, as I currently have only one of the five I require and my card bank is filling up with undiscardable stat damaging cards.

Best regards,
Aaron Morellius

Just out of curiosity, how would one give a Eyeless Skull, and do you get anything or can ask for something in return, or is it a act of generosity? I’m willing to give a Eyeless Skull since they are useless to me aside from for 30 Echoes since I don’t know any good uses, I just don’t know how.
edited by Kylestien on 10/14/2014

[quote=Kylestien]Just out of curiosity, how would one give a Eyeless Skull, and do you get anything or can ask for something in return, or is it a act of generosity?[/quote]Apparently a player who’s all set to start the expedition to the Cave of Nadir can request an Eyeless Skull from another player, but only if they don’t already have one. So it would be up to players with skulls to announce that they have them, so that players who need skulls could request them. Though I suppose a private message would work too.

And you can certainly ask for things in return, such as surprise packages from the Give a gift! card. But that’s up to the players involved.

Well, I won’t be able to acess The Nadir for a loog time probably, so I’m willing to give this one Eyeless Skull away. As for price, I don’t want anything in return really. But if you do decide to give something I won’t say no. XD

Oh, I thought you had the option to send it by clicking on it…
Once you reach the Cave of the Nadir you need 5 more, and when you already have one (which I do) you can’t send requests for donations :(

Edit: apparently, it’s not the having one already that makes it impossible to send requests, but having found the gate of the Nadir.
So getting rid of one to have 5 sent your way is not an option :’(
edited by Aaron Morellius on 10/16/2014

I’m sorry, I sold the skull. After a unfortunate incident that hurt my Shadowy, I wanted rid of the thing and noone had asked me for it yet.

It’s been mentioned before, but to get rid of those undesirable cards, equipping the Talkative Rattus Faber (to lower your stats below 50) or a visit to the PickPocket’s Promenade or another area that rids your hand of cards will also work. So that you may continue to collect those valuable skulls without filling up your hand with stat-draining cards.

Pickpocket’s promenade, genius! I was just letting my nightmares take me to the Mirror-Marches.

The Rattus only gets me low enough for 2 stats.
Pickpocket promenade it is! :)

Ah! The Promenade is very clever. I was using the Polite Invitation to have a nice night out, enjoy some nibbles, and scandalize high society with my fiery dance of the Elder Continent, but the Pickpockets will do nicely when my next invitation is… delayed in the post.
edited by Lady Taimi Ward-Felix on 10/17/2014

I’ve used heists for that purpose before, though the pickpocket’s promenade would take less preperation.

I’ve also used sporing bonnets to jump to the mirror marches early. Those solutions are mostly only a problem if you have another rare card you’re trying to hold onto (like an unsigned letter)

I’ve recently come into possession of one of these odious little objects and I don’t foresee having any use for it for quite some time. I’m willing to put up with the obnoxious cards for let’s say a week (so until Saturday, Oct. 25); if anyone needs it, please send a request to http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Cordelia~Blackburne before then. Otherwise, vive la révolution!

Edit: As no one has requested the wretched thing, it is going to a certain gentleman with a certain cravat.
edited by Cordelia Blackburne on 10/25/2014


my main has a skull he/she wasn’t looking for. i’ve just damaged about 120CPs(i think) on my shadowy just to see the effect for myself. foolhardy, yes. well, i don’t want to put up with the obnoxious skull cards.i’ll be keeping it for a week or so if anyone wants it. maybe till hallowmas, if the card shows up less.

I have two of these skulls at the moment. Two! Horrid discoveries that I would wish to be rid of soon as possible. If you wish to have them, let me know through PM or drop an IC letter at this profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Andrea%20Weaver-Well