Eyeless Skull Woes

Is there anyway to receive an Eyeless Skull from someone else after getting the initial one opening the route to the Nadir?

I have a skull and I would very much like to get rid of the awful thing. If anyone would like to take it, please let me know.

@Lady Sapho Byron I don’t think so, the option disappears when you get the initial skull and I’m afraid that is the only way you can send one.
edited by Asfodella on 8/16/2014

The option will show even if you have entered the Nadir, you need 60 supplies and no skull. But as you can sell skulls, for 30 echoes on the bazaar tab or 62.50 if you don’t mind advancing the Liberation of the Night, I just sell mine as soon as I get them.

Oh really? In that case I apologise for my previous post; I did not know that you can request a skull even after the Nadir expedition. You learn something new every day.

And thank you for the tips, I am aware of the possibility to sell the skull, but I thought I’d ask here before doing it, in case anyone is struggling to get one. :)

EDIT: Skull has a new home now. Thank gods.
edited by Asfodella on 8/16/2014

I did come in possession of two skulls recently. I’m willing to give them away to anyone who needs them.

Edit: They are gone now.
edited by Johnny Felix on 9/19/2014

Anyone wanting Eyeless Skulls should send the request to DragonRidingSorceress.

I would love any eyeless skulls that anyone is looking to give away for charity. =] (Working on the assumption that the offers in this thread have already been taken up.)

(edit: you can only get one eyeless skull per character and only with zero skulls already, editing this in case it confuses people)
edited by thedeadlymoose on 11/2/2014

hmm, they must have fixed that, after I found nadir there is no longer an option to ask for skull even though I have 60 supplies

They must have changed that, I don’t know when exactly. But I do think that is a good thing. I don’t mind helping people progress in the game but that option was potentially open to abuse.

Anyone have a spare skull? I need one and seeking curios isn’t working.

esran, you could ask Seeker of Names.

I sent a request to seeker of names. Thanks for offering.

Any skulls available? It’s unclear who still has one on the thread and I don’t want to bother everyone with requests if they don’t have skulls. Thanks

Embarrassingly enough, I found a skull literally right before Seeker accepted my request. So, send the request me.

If nobody sends me a request in 3 days, I will sell the skull.

Its gone.

a reversal of fortune: I am now in possession of an extra eyeless skull! I am eager to offload it as soon as possible. I will update this post with an edit once someone has taken it (or I’ve given up and sold it), so if you don’t see an edit/reply here, please feel free to send a request.

EDIT: Claimed! That was quick.
edited by thedeadlymoose on 10/3/2014

Any loney, orphan, eyeless skulls would have a good home with me. Been grinding the curio circuit for ages with no bones to show for it.

This is the fourth day I’m camping the Forgotten Quarter for skulls. No card flipping, no social actions other than menace bashing between my alts, just plain old curios clicking. And man, does it take loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong and is it boring my skull eyeless. The Fidgeting Writer is more fun than this.

One skull takes me between 100-160 actions with Seeking Curios. Is this the RNG being an absolute ass again or does it just take this long? How did the rest of you do?

Getting awfully tempting to fork out the 400 echoes. Perhaps I will after I get the skulls so I have a extra cinder to remind me of the whole ordeal.

I spent two weeks blowing my entire forty actions as I woke every morning and twenty or so throughout the rest of the day when I was looking for five skulls. It was an arduous journey, but at least I didn’t feel chained to the Forgotten Quarter for days on end…

And that is really my best advice. Don’t spend the whole day looking for Eyeless Skulls, or they’ll end up carting you away after they’ve discovered the beaten, mangled body of RNG in the trunk of your car. I’ve heard FBG looks relatively kindly on those driven mad by their enigmatic mastermind RNG, but I doubt they’d stand for outright virtual homicide…[li]
edited by The Dark Gentleman on 10/8/2014