Eyeless Skull Woes

Who needs an Eyeless Skull? Come take the d----- thing off my hands!


I also want to help all the people who need to get rid of Eyeless Skull. So if you have one I will like it.


Out of curiosity…is it possible to use an Eyeless Skull when building a skeleton, and if so how much value does it add?

P.S. If The Obdurate Writer still wishes to get rid of one, I’d be happy to take it.
edited by Catherine Raymond on 7/13/2021

[quote=Catherine Raymond]Out of curiosity…is it possible to use an Eyeless Skull when building a skeleton, and if so how much value does it add?

P.S. If The Obdurate Writer still wishes to get rid of one, I’d be happy to take it.
edited by Catherine Raymond on 7/13/2021[/quote]

You can affix an eyeless skull in your venture for make-belief paleontology. I think it brings in 3000 pennies worth of interest in the skeleton as well as a bit of menace.

Best of luck in your furthering of findings on the evolutionary chain!

Fallen London looking for a skull to finally start the cave of the nadir expedition, any offers would be greatly appreciated

Looking for 5 skulls for the cave of nadir, any help will be greatly appreciated.

The Masseurse would greatly appreciate a skull. Kindly inform me if you happen to acquire one!

I would greatly appreciate a skull, and shall return the favor the next time the Rat-Wind is in the East and the Moon is Hard.

I am in search of an eyeless skull so I can (finally) start the cave of the nadir. If anyone has one available, please let me take it off your hands and I would be happy to reciprocate with some other social action. My profile: Fallen London

I have an extra Eyeless Skull. If somebody wants to take it from me, feel free to ask! My profile: Fallen London

I have an extra Eyeless Skull on if anyone is looking for one! Fallen London

Can someone send an eyeless skull to Whocares?, my alt, as I have spent around 60+ actions without finding any?

One skull, eyeless, available. Get it while it’s hot! Please note that you need to apply within the game; I can’t just send it.

18 May: This has now gone to a Rubbery collector in pride of place on a truly horrible, two-headed skeleton.
edited by Ragnar Degenhand on 5/18/2022

mira239 needs an Eyeless Skull to start the Nadir Expedition.

I have an eyeless skull I need to get rid of. Hit me up (soon, please).

Edit: ended up selling it to some dodgy fellow. Things were getting difficult.

Does anybody have an Eyeless Skull to spare?


I would appreciate it if some kind Londoner found themselves generous enough to grant me a skull without eyes. I would repay this act of incredible generosity in any way you could possibly desire, save firey or freezing missives, as I cannot send those.

Edit: I have received my skull, courtesy of the wonderful Roald Hargraves!

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I have three of the five skulls I need for the ember Mr. Pages asks to see in return for training, and hope I might entice a charitable comrade to send a pair o’ bones.
My account is as linked:

Does anyone have a skull they would be willing to trade so that I may journey into the cave of Nadir? I don’t have that much to offer in terms of rare items to exchange but I could offer a collection of things instead.

Keep your eye on the weekend Rat Market every week. Once in a while it will offer Ray-Drenched Cinder for sale, which means you won’t even need to bother with Eyeless Skulls.

In the meantime, go farm for stuff that can be exchanged for Rat shillings.