Eyeless Skull Woes

Oh damn, I just dug one up entirely by chance in the forgotten quarter (not what I was looking for, as it happens). I quickly popped it on to a skeleton to get rid of it. Sorry! Should have checked out this thread first.

I’m dying for an Eyeless Skull so I can finally start the Cave of the Nadir storyline three months after unlocking it. If anyone’s got a spare, I’ll be eternally grateful and will host many dinners/social actions as tokens of appreciation.

Skull available – request in game as usual.

quick update: I have a skull now! Many thanks :)

Skull gone
edited by nor on 1/26/2021

Skull received! Thanks Nor!
edited by babyaaronman on 1/26/2021
edited by babyaaronman on 1/26/2021

I found myself with 2 skulls I don’t wish to keep - does anybody want them?

Edit: Skulls no longer available.
edited by Belinda Cole on 1/28/2021

How fast can you find enough skulls for Nadir? I already have one. Which is better to use: Expeditions or Forgotten Quarter?

My own impression: Forgotten Quarter. They are really few and far between on the 20 expedition. But even gathering them in the FQ seems a mountain to climb. And this thread doesn’t seem to work well enough for people to get the 5 they need when they need them.

[quote=Jermaine Vendredi]
My own impression: Forgotten Quarter. They are really few and far between on the 20 expedition. But even gathering them in the FQ seems a mountain to climb. And this thread doesn’t seem to work well enough for people to get the 5 they need when they need them.[/quote]

Just want to know a way to dig. And now I know what to do then I get some skulls

I think asking for them in game at the right time is also tricky – so other people having them is only helpful if you know and are sitting at the entrance to the Nadir just at the right moment. Besides which, they’re not really something you can practically hang on to for very long unless you switch to storylet-only play, since they can block up to four card slots.

Skull available on request. I’ll hang on to it as long as possible.

Actually, I completely forgot why I originally came on to this thread.
Anyone want a skull?

Wow, looks like and outbreak of eyeless skulls. Or maybe a nest somewhere?
Anyway – one to be had. Ask nicely.

Both my accounts are in need of skulls. I only really need one at the moment though, for the Intriguer.

I have obtained an Eyeless Skull at a very inopportune moment, and I am willing to part with it (and certain I will not be able to find one when I want it)! If you still need one dear Intriguer, or anyone else, please contact me.

EDIT: Skull no longer available, thank you!
edited by Thanos Black on 2/7/2021

Looking for an Eyeless skill if anyone has one they’re looking to dispose of

Hello dear people, I would be delighted to take one of those cumbersome eyeless skulls out of your inventory.

It appears I somehow missed the generous person offering a skull to me (sorry), so I still need the skulls, please and thank you.

I’ve obtained a skull I have no use for. Send me a message in game if you’d like to take it off my hands!

EDIT: Skull no longer available.
edited by Pipistrelle on 4/16/2021