Eyeless Skull Woes

thanks I’m going to do that

anyone spare eyeless skull?? spare eyeless skull to Fallen London ???

sorry, first time on the forums so i’m not sure what the etiquette is but i’ve blown hundreds of actions seeking curios and gotten nothing. anyone got any eyeless skulls to spare? i can offer Watchful patronage, first city coins, and assorted masking gifts while the season lasts.


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They should be in the Rat Market within a few weeks if no one has any! It is absolutely a pain to source them though, outside of that.


thank you!! unfortunately i’m trying to blitz through it so [heart’s desire spoilers]

i can get the ray-drenched cinder for mr page’s unique item and finish it to get the unique dialogue from mr wine’s viric dreams so i’m on a bit of a time crunch before the end of the feast, but if i dont make it knowing its coming up in the rat market soon is reassuring

Keep an eye on the weekend Rat Market. Once in a while Ray drenched cinders are offered. Meanwhile, just keep farming for the items that can be redeemed for Rat shillings.

That is the most effective way to get entry into the Cave of the Nadir.

You can also get it from the Cat’s campaign ending if you do the war in parabola. I think personally that way probably will take less time assuming you have campaigns unlocked already.

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I’ve got an eyeless skull that’s in search of a good (or bad, it doesn’t really matter) home.

Edit: Gone.

I have an Eyeless Skull to get rid of, if someone wants it. Character name is Thackerey: Fallen London
Update: all gone to the Liberation due to lack of interest

So! After putting it off for a long time(was unwilling to work on raising archeology)I’m finally going to do the cave of the nadir! There’s Only one thing left: the skull! So, if any of you have an excess one of those, I’ll be glad to have it!

Good day. I am seeking an Eyeless skull for certain unwise pursuits. I am more than willing to pay for it with letters, whether they be instruction on the Correspondence or recipes for scones. Kindly contact Hugh Helmsley (24 Euston, along the River) with any offers.