Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=Azothi][quote=Netos Korlan]Oh come on, no one wants an Eyeless Skull to go to the Cave of the Nadir?
It’s almost impossible to get randomly, you need dozes of expeditions / Forgotten Quarter shenanigans.
And when it lies unused in your inventory, you start forgetting things, lol[/quote]This is one of those scenarios where cooperation is difficult to achieve via game mechanics. For someone to take advantage of your generosity, they must b[/b] be at that specific step of the Missionary/Firebrand storyline, b[/b] not own an Eyeless Skull already, and (3) be on these forums to see your offer.

If no one is taking it and the Forgotten cards are clogging your hand, just sell it to our revolutionary comrades (or the Bazaar for less, if you prefer). This reply essentially summarizes the issue:

I am at that step of the storyline, I just need to do 9 more expeditions.

To Sir Wensleydale: nice to hear that! I think that you will have the option to send me a request for the Skull, from one of the storylets that pursue the Cave of the Nadir

And yes, @Azothi, it’s not easy to be at &quotmatching moments&quot to exchange a skull, as you underlined
edited by Netos Korlan on 1/21/2019

When all cards require forgetting something, the Eyeless Skull requires tribute.

But for now I will hold onto it.
If Sir Wensleydale or anyone else needs it, I can grant it to them.
“Steadfast is increasing…”

  • just don’t wait too long!
    “Daring is dropping…”

Anyone want a skull? I got two of them in an archaeological dig and I deeply do not want them. Here’s my profile, the link in my signature is kind of fantastically broken.

Are you aware that you can sell the Skulls for Echoes? Either directly to the Bazaar, or (for a better return) by clicking on the item in your inventory and selling them to the Radical Factorum? That being said, if you really don’t want them I’ll take them (and I’ll simply sell them myself). I’m cathyr19355 in Fallen London.

Are you aware that you can sell the Skulls for Echoes? Either directly to the Bazaar, or (for a better return) by clicking on the item in your inventory and selling them to the Radical Factorum? That being said, if you really don’t want them I’ll take them (and I’ll simply sell them myself). I’m cathyr19355 in Fallen London.[/quote]
I am indeed aware but I thought I’d try to be philanthropic first.

Too many bad cards. Given that there is supply on the market, I sold the skull to the Bazaar.

“Steadfast is dropping…”
“You have lost a quality: Irrigo”

Skulls are gone.

Posting for my friend Brieftaube, who is gearing up for the Cave of the Nadir. If you have a Skull to spare, please PM her! Thanks from both of us =)

[quote=Netos Korlan]Too many bad cards. Given that there is supply on the market, I sold the skull to the Bazaar.

&quotSteadfast is dropping…&quot
&quotYou have lost a quality: Irrigo&quot[/quote]

I am sorry for taking too long to accept the skull. I’ve been caught up with Affair of the Box and Clathermont.

I am seeking a skull for my voyage, and am ready to go. Sincere thanks in advance if anyone has one they’re willing to share!

[Update: no longer required!]
edited by Grant van der Merwe on 3/10/2019

Hello, all.

I have just unearthed an eyeless skull by accident. I have no intention of using for quite a while, so I’m willing to share it. Send requests to Northe Lights. Apologies if I’m a little bit tardy with accepting.

edited by Strawbreevee on 3/22/2019

One skull available for 48 hours or till someone takes it. Make the request from the Cave and it’s yours.

Edit: now gone
edited by Arcengal on 4/11/2019

I have an eyeless skull, going to keep it for a few days. If anyone wants it, write here or PM me

I’d like it, please.

Ok, I sent you my acquaintance card. Now you have to request a skull from me

I’m preparing for the Cave of the Nadir expedition, so I wanted to ask someone to send me a skull. But I can’t find that option. Will it appear once I have 60 supplies? That’s the only requirement besides the skull I don’t have yet.

Yes, I have found that you need 60 supplies to ask me: look here: https://fallenlondon.fandom.com/wiki/Ask_a_friend_to_send_you_an_Eyeless_Skull
edited by Netos Korlan on 5/6/2019

Confirmed, one needs to have 60 Crates of Expedition Supplies and Archaeologist 5 for this option to appear. I’m sending the request to you now. Thanks for your patience.

Eyeless skull for the asking: I’m known as cavanaugh. If you have your 60 supplies and Arch 5, send a missive.

(Please. Before this thing eats my face.)