Eyeless Skull Woes

I was fortunate(?) enough to get a skull on my last Expedition and now am in a position to give back to the thread that got me to the Nadir in the first place. Username is the same as here, ping me if you’d like it. :)

I’ve acquired a skull but I am not yet ready to make use of it. Therefore I would like to give it away, possibly with the prospect of receiving one back from the person it went to when the time is right for me.

I have a skull, ask Kade Carrion for it! (and I’m back from Zee)
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 9/25/2018

Four of Needles is looking for Eyeless Skulls at the moment, if any of you have still have ones you don’t want.

I still have a Skull and I would really like to be rid of it, Maltor Drey! Please have your character send mine the appropriate storylet request.
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 9/30/2018

Looking for a Skull, if anyone still happen to have one they want to give away.

edit: Got my Eyeless Skull. Huge thanks. Good luck to everyone looking for one.
edited by Ellixer on 10/5/2018

I can’t do it any longer. I can’t wander no more. Please, someone who is no need for Skull, would you kindly share it?

I have a skull. Message me within FL and it’s yours. Will be sold when all my card slots are dull or on Sunday if no-one sends a message.

(Same name in-game as on forum)

Edit: skull now gone
edited by Arcengal on 10/5/2018
edited by Arcengal on 10/5/2018

I need more skulls in order to finish the Nadir quest. Send me as many as you can please, I would greatly appreciate it. I accept most reasonable prices, even lethal duels if you’re up for it.

I seem to have a skull lying around and tainting my deck. Send me a request and it is yours.

edit: got rid of it during Hallowmas
edited by Μαρσ on 11/25/2018

If anyone still uses this forum, I need at least 5 skulls please help someone in a trying time.

Skull available, first come first served.

Edit: Gone now
edited by Arcengal on 12/1/2018

Accidentally picked up a skull, anyone want it?

Picked up two more because FML I guess. I’ll hold them till Monday, anyone wants one gimme a message.

Edit: Welp, that was quick.
edited by Arcengal on 12/1/2018

Jacopo B picked up an Eyeless Skull. Just send a request and I’ll accept as soon as I see it. It’s an alt though so sorry if I don’t check back as often.

EDIT: Gone now.
edited by Ellixer on 12/30/2018

Sophie Dumitru has acquired a skull, and would like to provide it to someone with a use for it. She is currently seeking a patron, but any reasonable compensation would accepted SKULL CLAIMED.
edited by OmegaPaladin on 1/26/2019

I am offering an Eyeless Skull
see Fallen London
First come first served XD

Oh come on, no one wants an Eyeless Skull to go to the Cave of the Nadir?
It’s almost impossible to get randomly, you need dozes of expeditions / Forgotten Quarter shenanigans.
And when it lies unused in your inventory, you start forgetting things, lol

Hello! I would like an Eyeless Skull. I’ve got a ways to go before I actually need a skull, but hey. Good to prepare in advance. Hopefully the Irrigo doesn’t get me.

[quote=Netos Korlan]Oh come on, no one wants an Eyeless Skull to go to the Cave of the Nadir?
It’s almost impossible to get randomly, you need dozes of expeditions / Forgotten Quarter shenanigans.
And when it lies unused in your inventory, you start forgetting things, lol[/quote]This is one of those scenarios where cooperation is difficult to achieve via game mechanics. For someone to take advantage of your generosity, they must b[/b] be at that specific step of the Missionary/Firebrand storyline, b[/b] not own an Eyeless Skull already, and (3) be on these forums to see your offer.

If no one is taking it and the Forgotten cards are clogging your hand, just sell it to our revolutionary comrades (or the Bazaar for less, if you prefer). This reply essentially summarizes the issue: