Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=Cavanaugh]Eyeless skull for the asking: I’m known as cavanaugh. If you have your 60 supplies and Arch 5, send a missive.

(Please. Before this thing eats my face.)[/quote]

do you still have skull? Tried to send you a request, but it says you are not eligible for this invitation :(

I have rehomed an eyeless skull to a delighted adoptive family, and I have another would-be foster parent on the waitlist, while I risk my poor neck in the Forgotten Quarter attempting to rescue more. If you would like a pupp-- er, eyeless skull, I’ll probably find more eventually…

Well… if someone wishes to give away one skull to help me progress with story, i would be very grateful.

EDIT. Thanks to a generous gentleman, who sent me a skull, now I can continue my journey :)
edited by Artazz on 5/21/2019

Spent last 2 weeks in Forgotten Quarter - no skull found.
If anyone is willing to donate one, I’d appreciate it a lot.
Cheers, delicious friends.

if anyone would be so kind to give me a skul it would be very much appreciated. cheers

I actually just got my first ever Eyeless Skull today, but realised I was not Archiologisty enough yet for the Nadir and the Skull Cards were scary, so I had sold it off. I forgot about this thread, I do feel bad about not remembering to donate. (they sure sell for a lot though)

&quotFriedenstaube&quot has 4 Eyeless Skulls are available, whomever needs one should contact Friedenstaube, in game, if interested.


Free Eyeless Skull to who requests it.
Just ask, and thou shalt be given XD

I have 2 skulls, but I am not going to hold onto them for much longer (max 1 week from now), if you need a skull ask soon!

nah , too many bad cards, skulls now gone

I’ve recently managed to gather the necessary supplies and am now actively seeking a skull, if anyone has a spare.
edited by milominomoe on 8/13/2019

I currently am in need of one eyeless skull, if anyone has a spare, I would be glad to take it off your hands, simply send it to Alexander Hemsworth, thank you.
UPDATE: No longer in need of eyeless skull.
edited by Alexander on 8/26/2019
edited by Alexander on 8/28/2019

I now need a skull!

Nevermind. February of the Calendar Council has taken an interest in my expedition.

Never mind, again. I now need a skull again.

Never mind that. I got a skull from my Seeking alt(though I was trying to avoid that.)

Wouldn’t ya know it, I’m cursed with not being able to finish the bl____ expedition. 54 progress and out of supplies. (86% chance on a buccaneering approach, got a sign, beat February at chess)

Which means I need a skull… Again.

I have a spare skull if you are still interested, sir!

Thank you! I will send you a request for the skull sometime soon.