I have rehomed an eyeless skull to a delighted adoptive family, and I have another would-be foster parent on the waitlist, while I risk my poor neck in the Forgotten Quarter attempting to rescue more. If you would like a pupp-- er, eyeless skull, I’ll probably find more eventually…
I actually just got my first ever Eyeless Skull today, but realised I was not Archiologisty enough yet for the Nadir and the Skull Cards were scary, so I had sold it off. I forgot about this thread, I do feel bad about not remembering to donate. (they sure sell for a lot though)
I currently am in need of one eyeless skull, if anyone has a spare, I would be glad to take it off your hands, simply send it to Alexander Hemsworth, thank you.
UPDATE: No longer in need of eyeless skull. edited by Alexander on 8/26/2019 edited by Alexander on 8/28/2019
Wouldn’t ya know it, I’m cursed with not being able to finish the bl____ expedition. 54 progress and out of supplies. (86% chance on a buccaneering approach, got a sign, beat February at chess)