Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=The Maltese Raven]Offer one Eyeless skull form my alt-account. Those awful cards clutter up my deck and the cave is not my reach yet.

Interested parties look there: Albrecht van Schwarzkirsch[/quote]
I sent a request.

Have a skull. I’ll be happy to part with it.

I would be delighted to get that skull–I’m pretty close to starting the Cave of the Nadir (68 Expedition Supplies already, aiming for 90). Let me know if you want anything in return!

This is me: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/GregM

I would be delighted to get that skull–I’m pretty close to starting the Cave of the Nadir (68 Expedition Supplies already, aiming for 90). Let me know if you want anything in return!

This is me: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/GregM

Great, it’s yours! I don’t see your invitation though. :( Please send one from the Forgotten Quarter http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Alysanne%20Watson
I do not want anything particular in return, I’m just happy to help! But if you’d like to, you can send me a boxed cat some day. It’s completely unnecessary, anyway. :)
edited by futouristka on 3/11/2018

I have one on my main i’m willing to part with, don’t need anything in return

I’m in need of a skull, if anyone has one to spare!

Edit: No longer in need. Thanks!
edited by Kemirra on 3/30/2018

I have an extra skull. If you’re willing to take the cursed thing, request it from vindicta.

Send a request to Kade Carrion if you need a skull!

Edit: claimed!
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 4/20/2018

I have made it to the Nadir on Alys with the first eyeless skull. But I lack the qualities and the money to actually get inside save by…another five skulls. I’m grinding for rare successes in there and I’ve gotten one over the past…I think it’s almost a week. Doubly frustrating because not only is it a rare success but I need Airs to access the two storylets with the potential to drop one in the first place. Anyone have advice (or skulls, please)?
edited by shylarah on 4/26/2018
edited by shylarah on 4/26/2018

Money is actually the easiest way to get there! Don’t you have some obsolete equipment, or a dozen spare tons of, say, jade or brass or cryptic clues?

I have a spare skull on Cardinalli Browning btw, contact her to receive it! But I do not recommend this way as your hand of cards will become totally polluted with nasty skull effects (althrough a handful of skulls looks great) much much sooner than you’ll get your five either by grind or charity.
edited by curtistruffle on 4/26/2018

I got two in the space of a week, but maybe I was lucky. Honestly, I shy away from selling things – especially since I always come short on money during festivals that upgrade companions. But mayyyybe. I just spent a lot on various faction items and I don’t sell anything I can’t reobtain readily. I’m something of a hoarder (it’s an issue).

However I do greatly appreciate the advice. Thanks a bunch. <3
edited by shylarah on 4/27/2018

AAAAH I can’t even get them from other people, I have to be the one to find them. Because I’ve already opened the route. WHAT. x.x Grr, this…truly sucks.

Still welcome on mine. It could be sold for 62.5 Echoes btw, with a single favour: revolutionaries.

I could sell mine, probably. I’m likely gonna have to go the money route…back to grinding for cash, I guess. Thanks all the same, Curtis.

Does anybody happen to have found this macabre recently? My alt (Chrchleater) is desperately searching for one, so far fruitlesly. I don’t know how long he can keep going, would anybody please help him?

Chrchleater has been provided for - - possibly even before losing his mind in the ruins ;)

Hello, my main has done enough expeditions to attempt the Nadir. I tried to find the skull in the ruins myself, but after 100 actions and a trip to the mirror-marshes decided to ask for help. If you happen to get a Skull, I would be happy to have it.

I’ve had the extraordinary (mis)fortune to have come across two skulls which have been causing me no end of trouble as I saved up for my expedition to the Nadir. I’m more than willing to part with my spare one (preferably, as soon as possible). Message me or send me a letter! (Anonomastos)

I have a Skull I don’t want, request it from Kade Carrion!

(Still have it…)

Gone! Finally!
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 6/12/2018

I got a Skull… right when I didn’t need anymore. Send my main a request if you want it!

Well, had to sell it since the Skull cards clogged up my deck too much.
edited by Reaeh on 6/6/2018