Eyeless Skull Woes

I have a skull available if you still need one.

Skull is gone, sold it after cards from it took up four slots.
edited by folklore364 on 11/7/2017

Shall gladly give a skull to anyone interested, please feel free to ask.

edited by futouristka on 11/9/2017

Got one again, feel free to take from http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/incerteza

Hieronymus Drake just got the worst treasure ever from an Archæological Expedition. He will remain willing to give it away until its curse becomes too much of a hassle to deal with.

Edit: Drake is now glad to be rid of the awful thing.
edited by Aberrant Eremite on 11/13/2017

EDIT: Belay this. Ambition-related events have eaten all my supplies.

I’m more than willing to take a skull off anyone’s hands, just give the word.
edited by UltimaGalaxy on 11/18/2017

Edit: I am now skull-free!

I have a skull for Ulysses Gaster or whoever asks first: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/evapillar

(This thread was actually how I first discovered the forums a month ago!)
edited by evapillar on 11/20/2017
edited by evapillar on 11/21/2017
edited by evapillar on 11/24/2017

I have a skull to give.

EDIT: The cranium is spoken for.
EDIT2: Another happy (presumably housebroken) skull looking for adoption.
EDIT3: All gone.
edited by Lorbok on 11/19/2017

out of curiosity, how do people acquire multiple skulls without their deck being filled with horror cards (lose skills etc and you cannot discard) as a result? People just dont draw cards anymore or is there some cunning trick?

No trick, just lots of panic and praying to the rng to get it over with quickly.

No skulls left now.
edited by Nicole Charade on 11/25/2017
edited by Nicole Charade on 11/26/2017

I have a skull that’s becoming a bit of a bother https://i.imgur.com/pKK3S2S.png
if anyone needs one

Rose Reinhelm is in need of an Eyeless Skull to continue her studies on irrigo and the Cave of the Nadir. She’ll accept help from any offering, and plans can be made to offer compensation should that be your interest.

Yo my mains trying to get back into the nadir and can use any

Don’t know if you mean get back as in you tried and ran out of supplies, but if you already into the Nadir you can go back once a week for free, no eyeless skull required.

oh heck really? well i collected all these skulls for nothing

oh heck really? well i collected all these skulls for nothing[/quote]
Glad I could save you the trouble. You can sell the skulls for 62.50 echos apiece if you don’t mind furthering the Liberation of Night or for 30 echos at the Bazaar if you do. Cheers.

have a skull on my main, pls take

Sorry friends, no-one sent a request before I got full up on menace cards, so I sold it to the Bazaar.
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 12/18/2017

// Edit
I just found out, the hard way, that after completing expedition, but before you acquire Cinder, getting skulls from other players is impossible. And I &quotjust&quot need 5 of them. :((( So, the announcement is no longer actual…

A C C E P T I N G … S K U L L S … I N … A L L … Q U A N T I T I E S … … … STOP … … … W I L L … E D I T … T H I S … T E L E G R A M … I F … N O T … N E E D I N G … A N Y … M O R E … … … STOP … … … R E Q U I R E D … F O R … A R C H E O L O G I C A L … P R O J E C T … … … FULL STOP … … …

“This would be so terribly wasted in an ossuary!” He buffs the cranium with a sleeve. “I think a climbing briar-rose will suit this one rather well. A yellow rose, perhaps. Thank you so much. Let’s keep this between ourselves.”
[i]edited by CatLady on 12/31/2017
edited by CatLady on 1/3/2018