Eyeless Skull Woes

UPD: Claimed.
Got a skull and immediately got a skull card. Please, help!
edited by Riful on 8/28/2017

Prospero’s skulls have been properly disposed of.
edited by Prospero Rune on 9/16/2017

I’ll gladly relieve you of that burden, been looking for one of those for a while, now. Want me to send some first city coins your way?

I’ll gladly relieve you of that burden, been looking for one of those for a while, now. Want me to send some first city coins your way?[/quote]
No repayment necessary. I’m just glad to be rid of the thing.

I’ll gladly relieve you of that burden, been looking for one of those for a while, now. Want me to send some first city coins your way?[/quote]
No repayment necessary. I’m just glad to be rid of the thing.[/quote]

Excellent, thank you! I’m redlining the ship back to London, should be back within an hour or two by RNGesus’ will.

Upd: done.

Got another skull, please ping me at http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/incerteza if you need it.
edited by incerteza on 9/17/2017

So just now, as I sit there vaguely surprised about people sending me calling cards, I look up the skull on the wiki again and realize that people can not just send it like coins. Right, reading. Thats a thing that’s useful.

Everyone, I’ll have to burn 6 actions worth of clay men to get to 60 expedition supplies, because apparently, thinking more than one step ahead and getting a skull before having all the supplies is too much for someone planning an archaeological expedition… 'Sorry about that, I’ll send the requests shortly. And, as it also seems to lock up after receiving the first one, I’ll just ask everyone who has offered. If anyone else has one to get rid off, just say the word, I’ll make a list and throw some surprise packages at everyone over the next weeks!

incerteza, I’ll send you a calling card shortly.
edit: Prospero sent his skull almost immediately, didn’t even get to send you a request. Thanks for offering, though! I think the one to your alt went out, though, Prospero, is it possible for you to send that one or is it blocked? I’d like to try and find out if one could potentially collect 5 skulls at once, that’d be useful.

edited by Achanei on 9/15/2017

edit: Prospero sent his skull almost immediately, didn’t even get to send you a request. Thanks for offering, though! I think the one to your alt went out, though, Prospero, is it possible for you to send that one or is it blocked? I’d like to try and find out if one could potentially collect 5 skulls at once, that’d be useful.

edited by Achanei on 9/15/2017[/quote]
Prospero got a skull request, and accepted. Claude also has a request, but can’t send it at this time. You will need to acquire the 5 skulls to trade for a ray-drenched cinder once you have reached the cave. I don’t believe you can ask for all five at once, though.

Upd: done
Get one more skull, if you need it, please ping http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/incerteza
edited by incerteza on 10/7/2017
edited by incerteza on 10/19/2017

Two skulls available on the usual conditions – 2 days or until the cards stuff my deck.

One still glowers down at me …
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 9/24/2017

UPDATE: Skull is gone.

Red Rose has a skull available. Will update post when it’s gone.
edited by thedeadlymoose on 10/6/2017

UPDATE: The Curios RNG has ruled in my &quotfavour&quot and I am holding an Eyeless Skull …

Hello delicious friends,

I have conceived the obviously mad idea to investigate the Cave of the Nadir but am lacking a single Eyeless Skull to point the way. If anyone has one spare … then I would gladly ask to take this baleful influence off your hands in order to progress my flight to doom …

edited by TheLondonMan on 10/6/2017

A young lady will gladly send the skull to anyone interested.
edited by futouristka on 10/7/2017

Got rid of it
edited by futouristka on 10/11/2017

The RNG has just given me two skulls in as many actions. Thackerey will send one to anyone who wants one; will hang onto them until they bollix up my deck.

Imyrr would love to pass this d----d skull on to someone before it does even more damage than it has already.

My alt has one willing to give away!
Edit: claimed
edited by Bitty on 10/26/2017

Poinai has a skull on their hands that they much rather they didn’t. No repayment required.

Edit: I kept the skull for as long as I could but not being able to draw cards was a bother and I didn’t see much point in keeping it for much longer so it’s been sold.
edited by poinai on 10/30/2017

While digging in the Forgotten Quarter I came upon one of these. Would be willing to donate to someone in need.

So while trying to dig up nightmares in the Forgotten quarter this came up. One eyeless skull that seeks new owner.

Hello people! I am seeking a skull. I might get one from seeking curios but if you have a spare let me know!