Eyeless Skull Woes

Hieronymus Drake has stumbled upon an Eyeless Skull for which he has no need. I’ll hold on to it until my hand becomes entirely clogged with curses.

Edit: The skull has been granted to an adventurous soul. Godspeed!
edited by Aberrant Eremite on 7/14/2017

Edit: Post Meridiem is no longer in possession of the skull.

Post Meridiem has recently unearthed an eyeless skull whilst seeking curios in the forgotten quarter. She will hold onto it for a while to see if there are any takers. If you require this grotesque item, please feel free to send her a calling card. She will also update here when the skull is no longer in her possesssion.

edited by Meridiem on 7/14/2017

edited by Meridiem on 7/15/2017

Harper Margrave has been out of the skull market for a bit, if only because s/he has been preoccupied with things that aren’t expeditions. Of course, upon resuming trips to the Quarter yet another of the d____d things showed itself almost at once. If any poor soul has fallen into a spot where they need such a monstrosity, please drop a calling card.

Edit: …and the skull is gone. That was fast. Best of luck!

(Seriously, does anyone know the expected drop rate on these? I’m sitting on 8/62 right now, which seems pretty high.)
edited by HarperMargrave on 7/15/2017

Harper Margrave has found yet another of the strange eyeless skulls, and seeks someone to take it away once more.

(Yes, that’d be two in a row. Yeesh!)

Edit: And this one’s gone now, too.
edited by HarperMargrave on 7/17/2017

Edit: the skull has been passed on. Best wishes, adventurer!

Ante Meridiem finds herself in possession of an eyeless skull. Please send her a calling card if you would like it. She will hold onto it for a while, and will update here when it is no longer hers.

edited by Meridiem on 7/25/2017

Edit: The skull has found a good home, for now.

Malvolus the monster hunter has found a skull while digging for nightmares in the Forgotten Quarter. Send me a calling card if you’re interested. Quickly, please. Before all my skills are forgotten.
edited by Chwomp on 7/29/2017

I found another one of these terrible skulls. I’ll keep it out of the the revolutionaries’ hands as long as I can (until my hand is blocked). Please take it away from me.


Upd: done.

Found a skull, would like to give it away.

edited by incerteza on 8/4/2017

Good evening to everybody!

I recently came accross two of the horrible little things in the Forgotten Quarter and while one went straight to the hands of the comrades in the Flit, I am willing to give the other away for a small consideration. Maybe a dinner and a friendly game of chess. Send me a calling card if interested.

I’ve gained a skull and would be eager to pass it on to someone in need.

I am eager to have one of those strange eyeless skulls if anyone has one spare. I am all ready to go on the journey to the nadir, but am missing one of those odd items.

If anyone has a skull to spare, I be forever in your debt if you were to send one my way. Gratia tibi ago.

Upd: done

Got another skull, please ping http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/profile/sigrun1 if you need it.
edited by incerteza on 8/12/2017

If anyone has an extra skull I can really use one, i’ve been searching for the past week, I don’t know how to send a request though i’m very sorry :'D

From the expedition storylet, once you have everything but the skull, you can send a social action request to someone who has a skull.
(You should take at least 70 supplies, more if you can’t 100% the bold approach).

From the expedition storylet, once you have everything but the skull, you can send a social action request to someone who has a skull.
(You should take at least 70 supplies, more if you can’t 100% the bold approach).[/quote]

ok thank you for your help!

I have an eyeless skull on my main (Aubergion) that I would appreciate someone taking. Far far away. Please. Immediately.

i’m sending you a request if you don’t mind! I’m olliedinsmore

Upd: done
Got one more skull, please ping http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/sigrun1 if you need it.
edited by incerteza on 8/21/2017

Lady 23 picked up a Skull while looking for Airag, it’s available to the first asker. Edit: Claimed!
edited by Cryptix23 on 8/27/2017