Eyeless Skull Woes

Dear Sir,

I would be happy to take your Eyeless Skull off your hands. I sold mine to a person of revolutionary persuasion some time ago and now I need another.

Dear Sir,

I would be happy to take your Eyeless Skull off your hands. I sold mine to a person of revolutionary persuasion some time ago and now I need another.[/quote]

The skull has been sent to your address. Best of luck with your archaeological endeavours.

I have three skulls for sale. Please contact me in game if you need any. Please also note that I do expect some kind of payment. Otherwise, the skull may not be completely un-cursed…

Two new Skulls, the usual terms &c.

EDIT: both gone
edited by Cat’s Tail on 4/12/2017

Eris Jay has an Eyeless Skull. Will accept first request received in-game. Will edit this post when it’s gone.

EDIT: I got a request for it but haven’t been able to accept it. Not sure if bug, or if the asker already has a skull, but it’s still here!

EDIT: No longer editing this post, see below~
edited by thedeadlymoose on 4/28/2017
edited by thedeadlymoose on 5/4/2017

1 skull available. Will hold onto it until I’m obliged to sell.

EDIT: 2 skulls available now, but Forgotten cards are piling up. Send a request in-game to get one while you can.

EDIT: Skulls all gone.
edited by earthbourn on 5/3/2017

Skull still available thanks to probable confusion with last attempted taker! (Declined the request as it’s been much too long now.)

So – skull available on Eris Jay. :]

Will update this post when it’s gone.

EDIT 5/7/17: Still here.

EDIT 5/16/17: Skull has been claimed!
edited by thedeadlymoose on 5/16/2017

I currently have two eyeless skulls i’d like to get rid of. They are trying to eat my skills, and won’t take no for an answer.

Edit: one left.
edited by folklore364 on 5/6/2017

Lady 23 finds herself in possession of an Eyeless Skull and will happily pass it along to someone in need. Preferably soon as it is making a nuisance of itself by attempting to eat my hard-won skills.[i]

Edit: the skull has been claimed!
edited by Cryptix23 on 5/15/2017

I’ve two Eyeless Skulls in need of a home, one that is preferably not mine or Huarwar’s, considering he has no present need for them. Will update this as soon as they are claimed. Have a good night.

Update: One of the skull cards has appeared in my miniscule deck. I implore seekers of the Nadir to take it off my hands before my deck is full of skulls.
edited by jamilah on 5/17/2017
edited by jamilah on 5/19/2017

Two eyeless skulls available on the usual terms: before the end of two days’ passage, or upon appearance of the first menace card.

Gone now.
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 6/1/2017

Two Eyeless Skulls do I have to offer to the first in-game takers.

Eventually, I’ll sell them, but I’d like to try to hand them off first. Please! Take them off my hands.

(I’ll edit this post or reply as they become unavailable through any means.)

Edit: Gone
edited by Viq on 6/1/2017
edited by Viq on 6/1/2017

New Skull available, the usual terms. Will update when claimed or sold. Meanwhile it sits on my Mantelpiece.

EDIT: sold
edited by Cat’s Tail on 6/2/2017

I have an eyeless skull available to who ever needs it.
Edit, the skull has been claimed.
edited by folklore364 on 6/19/2017

I need an eyeless skull. I’m http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Rhovan

I need an eyeless skull. I’m http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Rhovan[/quote]
I do believe you have to request it if your currently trying to access the Nadir, at least thats one of the easiest options. While i try to get give a gift card from the deck.

An eyeless skull is available upon request. Apply at address below.

  • and it’s gone.
    edited by Quilster on 6/18/2017

Greetings, friends.I am in need of an eyeless skull as I sold the two I had before.Would anyone be kind enough to let me know if they have a spare?

I have a need for one of those terrible skulls. I don’t expect something for nothing, of course. Contact me if you have one to offer.

I have an eyeless skull to offer. Please contact me if you wish one. Im not yet ready to go to the caves of Nadir.