Eyeless Skull Woes

I too am in need of a skull - send to Swithali if you would like to be rid of yours.

I’m also looking for a skull – please send to badmothertrekker if you have a spare. Thank you!

You need to be at a specific part in the Cave of the Nadir storyline to get the skull(and you are the one who needs to send an invitation to ask for the skull ingame), anyways I have a skull so send a request to take it(as soon as possible, preferably).

You need to be at a specific part in the Cave of the Nadir storyline to get the skull(and you are the one who needs to send an invitation to ask for the skull ingame), anyways I have a skull so send a request to take it(as soon as possible, preferably).[/quote]

Ahhhh, sorry I must have missed that. I will come back when I’m ready to officially start the expedition. Apologies!

I have one available, the usual terms; I hold onto it until I get a request for it or the menace cards overwhelm the deck.
edited by Cat’s Tail on 3/10/2017

Thren has just procured a Skull and would be most grateful if someone could take the ugly thing off her hands.

Edit: Skull has been claimed! (Apologies to Beloved Drought. Thren’s in Polythreme and can’t reply, so letting you know here.)
edited by Cryptix23 on 3/14/2017

I currently find myself in search of one of these skulls. I shall endeavor to procure it on my own, but since I understand my ultimate goal may require several, I would appreciate assistance - and hope to be able to repay it in a suitable fashion in time.

Good Sirs Indeed!
That I must request the help of gentle people of good breeding to aid my quest? To know only after my preparations, that I must seek the charity of others and impose for a Eyeless Skull is a sign of some concern to me. This as far as I am concerned is an oversight which must only be from the domain of some malignant force. I seek nothing less than the raising of The City to its former place in the world above, without condemning any other city above to be a sacrificial scapegoat. Therefore anyone who can, please contact me (or allow contact) so that I can continue in the Great Game to win this quest.

I have one Skull available, the usual terms; I hold onto it until I get a request for it or the menace cards overwhelm my deck.

EDIT: claimed!
edited by Cat’s Tail on 3/18/2017

New Skull, the usual terms; I hold onto it until I get a request for it or the menace cards overwhelm my deck.

EDIT: sold
edited by Cat’s Tail on 3/19/2017

Okay, so my alt-alt-alt Jerem is a misanthropic Tomb-Colonist. They have an Eyeless Skull. They like it. They don’t like you. But I do! And it’s going to make it hard to play the character soon. So I’m offering it up for a few days, and if no one takes it, I’ll sell it.

Edit: Sold it! Apparently there are plenty of them around these days.
edited by bjharts on 3/31/2017

New Skull, the usual terms &c.

EDIT: claimed!
edited by Cat’s Tail on 3/27/2017

My main, laskaris, has recently come into possession of an Eyeless Skull. Free to a good home for the next couple of days, after which they will sell it to the Bazaar.


EDIT: and sold to the bazaar.
edited by laskaris on 3/31/2017

My dear Skymaw has, for no particular reason, uncovered an Eyeless Skull. Shoot me a request and it’s all yours for the low, low price of nothing. I mean, if you want to send me a request for chess or sparring, that would be nice, too.

Edit: If it’s not claimed by the end of today (UTC) I will sell it.
edited by theskymaw on 3/29/2017

Have two Skulls, ready to share (until they start bothering me).

UPD: sold both after gathering full house of forgotten cards.
edited by ropewalker on 3/30/2017

Poor Sham’a seems to have come into possession of FOUR of the damn things in a surprisingly short amount of time. Since there seems to be no way for me to transfer them to Irene, who needs five now for one of the options to enter the Nadir, I may as well open them as potential gifts for others.’

EDIT: Only one skull left!
edited by Irene Ironsides on 3/30/2017
edited by Irene Ironsides on 3/31/2017
edited by Irene Ironsides on 4/23/2017

McCribbins has recently come into possession of an extra skull and is willing to give it away to whoever wants it.

EDIT: Finally rid of this damned thing.
edited by Ombler on 4/5/2017

My alt (the shady individual in the signature) currently has one skull. There may be more in the future, and I’m going to change the signature respectively. They are of no use to me, I just find seeking curios a fun way to get a lot of Appalling Secrets for SMEN, and I’m willing to give them away to those in need.

Edit: sent to Sir Frederick Wraith. May it serve you well.
edited by Aronia on 4/7/2017

EDIT: The skull is presently accounted for.

The Wan Detective is in possession of a spare Eyeless Skull. It is being rather a nuisance to him right now, and he would be very obliged if someone were to take it off his hands.
edited by Morcant on 4/10/2017

Just for the record, Eyeless skull can also be found in Unpredictable pleasures