Eyeless Skull Woes

I’ve dispatched my request. I hope it doesn’t arrive too late, and I hope I don’t seem uncouth.

This will be an awfully big adventure, I hear.

[quote=Sam Stephens]I’ve dispatched my request. I hope it doesn’t arrive too late, and I hope I don’t seem uncouth.

This will be an awfully big adventure, I hear.[/quote]
Not at all, you will find an interesting package in the post momentarily. Best of luck with it!

I am currently working towards the Cave of the Nadir expedition and I have to say that an eyeless skull has been eluding my best efforts. If someone happens to be looking to get rid of one I would be eternally grateful if they would send it my way.

Character name is Delusionalcookie, profile is in signature.

Many thanks!

I have sent you a calling card, Cookie. If you’re still in need of a skull let me know.

If not, perhaps someone else has need of this d_mned thing?

[quote=CaptBlood]I have sent you a calling card, Cookie. If you’re still in need of a skull let me know.

If not, perhaps someone else has need of
this d_mned thing?[/quote]

CaptBlood I responded to your calling card and sent a request. I thank you kindly for your generosity!

Dear sirs and madams,
I have accumulated the necessary supplies to begin my explorations of the cave of Nadir, but I find myself unfortunately lacking an eyeless skull. Could any of you be so kind as to provide the required relic?

Yes! Send a skull request to my alt, Liam Nevs.

Request sent

I have yet another Eyeless Skull I’d very much like to discard. Anyone foolish enough to take it from me?

[quote= Saklad]I have yet another Eyeless Skull I’d very much like to discard. Anyone foolish enough to take it from me?[/quote]I would love en Eyeless Skull!

I should point out I have already ventured through the Cave of the Nadir, and am trying to collect a set of five to trade for a Ray-Drenched Cinder - so I’d withdraw my request if someone else needs a skull to make that trip for the first time.

(Is this even a viable way for me to gain an Eyeless Skull? If so, I appreciate the help, Saklad.)

I’m afraid you can only get one if you haven’t been to the nadir.

Anyone? Please? I’d really prefer not to have my deck annexed by Forgotten Skills when Mr Sacks comes a-calling.

I have sent you a request! I still need my first skull to embark on my Nadir expedition. :)
edited by Greenstar54 on 12/22/2016

I have ANOTHER one to offer. Please send your requests using the appropriate storylet, keeping in mind that I cannot send an Eyeless Skull myself. You have to ask for it.

In case anyone is wondering why I am getting so many of these things, I’m trying to raise Nightmares by Seeking Curios in the Forgotten Quarter. It is rather difficult to raise Menaces when everyone is splashing potent Menace reduction at each other and wishing them Merry Sacksmas, but there you go.
edited by Saklad5 on 12/27/2016

If nobody else has snapped it up, I will happily take it off your hands. Then I only need three more to get into this blasted cave…

A question: The request for a skull can be send only when you’re trying to enter the Nadir and need the 5 skulls/ray-drenched cinder or even when you just need the 1 skull to start the expedition?

Hm I also seem to be in need now that I have finally managed to reach Archaeologist 5. Are there any out there?

Take Saklad’s, if he still has it. You’ve got further to go than I have.

I’ve found another skull while raising my SotC. Please take the blasted thing off my hands, someone who needs it.

EDIT: I’ve given mine to heavensdark. Thanks for allowing me to be rid of it.
edited by gnostechnician on 12/30/2016

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but you can only ask for a skull when you’re preparing to start on the Nadir expedition, yes? Once you’re looking for the cinder, you’re on your own if you take the skull route?