Eyeless Skull Woes

Does anyone have a spare skull left so I can start the Nadir expedition? I’ve got no luck searching for it for days.

Exactly, unless if you plan on asking six different people for six skulls before receiving any of them (you can only ask for a skull if you are ready to embark on the expedition but have no skulls).

Time to give back! One eyeless skull, free for the taking, as soon as anyone needs it.

Edit: Already snapped up! May it bring joy… erm, remembrance… erm, less than absolute misery and forgetfulness. Or at least prove useful.
edited by Siankan on 1/4/2017

My alt TomBombadil is prepping to go into the Nadir, and could use a Skull

Please take this skull from me. I can’t remember what I was even doing here.

New skull available, the usual terms. Post gets updated when it’s gone and it will also be sitting on my mantelpiece until I get rid of it.

EDIT: gone
edited by Cat’s Tail on 1/10/2017

Ladies and gentlemen of Fallen London, I have for you a wonder. A skull - yes, but not just any skull! Not just any skull, no. This fascinating cranium, retrieved at great peril from the altar of a Fourth City temple, has covered its own eyes with bone. Why, such a curio cannot be found in the collections even of the bold and the wise! Will you take it?

Edit: Alas, after my hand filled with skulls, I had to part with it through the usual (if boring channels). For you who might be seeking for one, however, it seems that at this moment you do not lack.
edited by Siankan on 1/11/2017

A skull is available for two days. Ask of it from Lazy Citizen
edited by sosisqua on 1/10/2017

And, it’s GONE
edited by sosisqua on 1/11/2017

The parish of Lebbaeus has recently acquired two such specimens. Owing to certain concordats we are unwilling to conduct business with any Radical Factotum and we surely do not wish to keep the doleful things sitting about the rectory. It is therefore the intent of the parish to, without delay, foist them upon whomever expresses interest. No enquiries will be made concerning one’s intent. Please contact deacon Arden Saint-Just with all possible haste.

Edit: We have placed a skull in the hands of one Epistel. The other has been left in an alleyway somewhere and we shan’t think of it again.
edited by Saint-Just on 1/13/2017

I’m looking for an eyeless skull. Anybody that would like to send one my way?

I’m looking for an eyeless skull. Anybody that would like to send one my way?[/quote]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I can help you. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]First you need to send Sammael Smith a calling card, then make sure you have everything else you need for your trip. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]An option will then come up on [/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Begin an Expedition in the Forgotten Quarter [/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]to request one from a contact. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Sammael will definitely be happy to send you the cursed thing. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Kind Regards[/color]

This step can be dispensed with, unless you want the calling card for other purposes. Just last week I got a skull request from someone who hadn’t sent a card first. The requesting option should have the option to write in a new contact’s name, like other social actions.

This step can be dispensed with, unless you want the calling card for other purposes. Just last week I got a skull request from someone who hadn’t sent a card first. The requesting option should have the option to write in a new contact’s name, like other social actions.[/quote]

Ah thank you Siankan I didn’t realise this.
Fair warning to any skull seekers I am selling mine later on this evening because I am avoiding two menace cards now and can’t abide it much longer.

I know that feeling. I finally had to sell mine after it filled up every single hand slot. Makes one long for a Bazaar-spire to call home.

I know that feeling. I finally had to sell mine after it filled up every single hand slot. Makes one long for a Bazaar-spire to call home.[/quote]
It’s not much better to have one free hand slot :P

[quote=Longes]It’s not much better to have one free hand slot :P[/quote] One free slot isn’t ideal, but there is infinite difference between 1 and 0.

Since I would like to adventure to the mystic nadir, I’d search for a gentleman or dear lady who is willing to gift a skull to me.

Gratitude in advance
I will notice if I received one so even after some days, feel free!

edited by Hustleberry Finn on 1/17/2017

[quote=Hustleberry Finn]Since I would like to adventure to the mystic nadir, I’d search for a gentleman or dear lady who is willing to gift a skull to me.

Gratitude in advance
I will notice if I received one so even after some days, feel free!

edited by Hustleberry Finn on 1/17/2017[/quote]
You need to send requests- We cannot send skulls, merely say yes to others requesting them.

{Which does not mean I currently own one such skull- I DO NOT!}

Harper Margrave might as well open a shop for Eyeless Skulls, as often as s/he posts them available for the taking. Yes, there’s one more on the market for someone foolish enough to desire the b____y thing!

Edit to add: Skull is now gone.
edited by HarperMargrave on 1/23/2017

I have another Eyeless Skull, available upon request.

OK, I have three Forgotten _____ cards in my deck now. One more and I’m selling this thing to the Bazaar. (Yes, I know the Radical Factotum has a better offer, but I have principles!)