Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=Flogo]I unfortunately found a skull on my very first expedition to the Shrine of the Deep Blue Heaven. While this seemed lucky at the time, I now have my deck full of undiscardable cards and cannot advance in the Missionary and Firebrand stories. I’d rather give it to someone who can use use it than sell it, and hope that this thread is still as active when I am ready for my expedition.

Send your request to Flogo. I’ll edit this, if the skull is gone.

[Edit: I got a request from trixz66, but I cannot accept it. There is a message along the lines: &quotWhoever invited you no longer has the qualities to allow the invitation.&quot]
edited by Flogo on 8/30/2016[/quote]

I got no response from trixz66 to my letters, so I still have the skull (if you are reading this and still want the skull: send me a PM or a letter, or respond to this post). If someone else wants it, they are welcome to it. If I cannot get rid of it within a week, I’ll sell it.

[Edit: the skull is gone now.]
edited by Flogo on 9/5/2016

I’m planning to find Nadir in about a month or two. How long does it take to gather 6 skulls at FQ? Should i ask for them in this thread?

My advice- ask for one in this thread, unless money is no object- or take someone up on it who already has one. They’re expensive. I don’t actually know if you can repeatedly request for six, though.

don’t get the skulls for the cinder- while one skull is quick, six is ridiculously slow, and you save less than 25% of the &quotjust buy it&quot cost by doing things the hard way. [1 skull = 62.5, so 312.5 echoes in specific, rare currency that punishes you for having it, or 400 in normal echoes.]

spend 400 echoes on the cinder instead. The cheapest option in terms of alternative echo values seems to be connections, though. 400 echoes for ~2500 cp revolutionaries at lv. 100. on the other hand, this is absurdly slow- as the best revolution cp sources are 15 cp per action. If you had a lot of cp revolutionaries, this is the best way to spend it, but it’s not better than echo grinding once you deal with all the suspicion from that route.

I am doing the Cave of Nadir storyline and I would like an eyeless skull. If anyone has a spare one, I would be very happy to take it of your hands.

One eyeless skull available upon request.

This has now been spoken for.
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 9/11/2016

One eyeless skull available, the usual rules–I keep it until the menace cards overwhelm. Post will be updated when I have gotten rid of it.

EDIT: Gone!
edited by Cat’s Tail on 9/11/2016

I have an eyeless skull. 2 days or when the cards overwhelm, whichever comes first.

A reminder- I cannot send it, unless I recieve the proper in-game request. if you have not sent it to me, no number of mere letters will let me send it, or will make me willing to put my deck on hold for you.

New skull found, and old one sent to sspine. in that order, so two-days deadline still applies to the time I originally made this post.
edited by Grenem on 9/16/2016

i am in need of an eyeless skull, my is sspine

new skull- send the request in-game, the one that is explicitly to request an eyeless skull. not a mail, not a calling card, this one: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Ask_a_friend_to_send_you_an_Eyeless_Skull

you have until this post says 2 days ago to send the request- i will not update this for taken afterwards.

EDIT: one skull sent, but I still have two more, so if you send a request before the deadline, they’re not taken yet. I swear the game is trying to force a ray-drenched cinder down my throat.
edited by Grenem on 9/19/2016

Someone please take this bizarre thing away from me. My opportunity deck is slowly gathering eyeless skull cards. I’ll sell it on monday otherwise.

It’s gone. Finally
edited by sosisqua on 9/24/2016

1 eyeless skull available. Standard rules per previous posts. Will update this post when it’s gone.

edited by Cat’s Tail on 9/24/2016

Edit: it’s gone. Please take this eyeless skull off my hands. Thank you.
edited by Kade Carrion (an_ocelot) on 9/28/2016

Uilx has an Eyeless Skull, send PM me and give him your Calling Card if you want it.

{Edit:Skull’s gone.}
edited by Morucant on 9/30/2016

the spacecatte is holding onto an eyeless skull it would like to donate! if it’s not taken by monday it will be sold, thank you!

Eyeless skull found; standard rules (two days or card starvation), send directly the request in game if you’re interested!

EDIT: Sorry guys, deck’s full. Skull gone!
edited by Odexios on 10/3/2016

Nnew skull- send the request in-game, the one that is explicitly to request an eyeless skull. not a mail, not a calling card, this one: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Ask_a_friend_to_send_you_an_Eyeless_Skull

you have until this post says 2 days ago to send the request- i will not update this for taken afterwards. I may edit this if my deck gets bad enough, as there’s a certain card i need to draw soon.
edited by Grenem on 10/3/2016

1 skull available per standard rules—to be kept until claimed or menaces overwhelm. Will edit this post when either occurs. The skull will also be on my [mantelpiece] for the duration.

EDIT: Gone!
edited by Cat’s Tail on 10/9/2016

If this skull is still available I would be most grateful to claim it. My dozens of expeditions have made me rich in night-whispers and diamonds, but skull-less. [quote=Cat’s Tail ]1 skull available per standard rules—to be kept until claimed or menaces overwhelm. Will edit this post when either occurs. The skull will also be on my [mantelpiece] for the duration.[/quote]

Sorry, it’s been gone for hours now. I thought I had updated the post but I guess I just hit the ‘Preview’ button. =/

new skull- send the request in-game, the one that is explicitly to request an eyeless skull. not a mail, not a calling card, this one: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Ask_a_friend_to_send_you_an_Eyeless_Skull

you have until this post says 2 days ago to send the request- i will not update this for taken afterwards. I may edit this if my deck gets bad enough, or if it’s claimed before then.
edited by Grenem on 10/11/2016