Eyeless Skull Woes

I have (edit: ) TWO skulls looking for a good home, please take them off my hands! (I am now out of the Fifth City but will be popping back in later; forum-message me if you want me to set them aside for you, understanding that I’m not sure how long I’m going to be.)
edited by an_ocelot on 7/6/2016

So I’m intermittently holed up in the FQ with a small crate of laudanum and a copy of ‘101 Exceptionally Soothing Bedtime Stories in Which Nothing Bad Happens to Anyone’s Eyeballs’. In case of getting 5 skulls and converting them, I will be back here to beg for my generously-donated prize. Of another skull.[/quote]

Since an_ocelot’s generous offer may now be inaccessible, I will put in mine.

I’m weary of forgetting things and I still have only three dratted skulls. I have built a votive altar to the God of Chance that has no name, only a number that always changes. I have fed it with the required offerings of yelps of frustration. I am not heard.

So I’m going on the Nadir expedition and when I get back, I will sell one remaining skull, and donate the other to a worthy cause, should a worthy (or at least moderately determined) person present themselves in the meantime. There may be a delay until I can get back to any requester; I will update this message if I do get a request.

EDIT: As of July the 8th, I now have no skulls.
edited by Vexpont on 7/8/2016

I am a moderately determined sort of person - (Seeker, though I don’t even have access to the Labyrinth of Tigers yet, which is foolhardy) - and would very much like your skull. Or, ah, the skull in question, as opposed to yours.

edit: please ignore this request. Didn’t realise that you had to have access to the cave already, which I haven’t, so never mind.
edited by Teaspoon on 7/5/2016

[quote=Teaspoon]I am a moderately determined sort of person - (Seeker, though I don’t even have access to the Labyrinth of Tigers yet, which is foolhardy) - and would very much like your skull. Or, ah, the skull in question, as opposed to yours.

edit: please ignore this request. Didn’t realise that you had to have access to the cave already, which I haven’t, so never mind.
edited by Teaspoon on 7/5/2016[/quote]

Never mind. There may be time yet for you to meet both the godawful people (the Revolutionary Firebrand and the Secular Missionary) that you have to know to gain access, and decide which one you hate the least.

Oh, probably the Firebrand by default. Just for cluttering my hand less - it’s amazing how often the Missionary comes by to annoy me.

Alas, you have to allow both of these wastes of space to charm you – or at least, put on a good front – in order to progress. Never reject either of their approaches whenever their cards turn up. Eventually, they will both camp out at your lodgings and have a lover’s tiff, which indicates you have succeeded. I wish I was joking.


Yes, you have - to the best of my knowledge - to progress both these card-based storylets to 12 in order to get access to the Cave. And trust me, you do not want to get a skull well in advance.

Should anyone desire a skull, i currently have a pair- Which i will give to the first people or person to request it in two days. etiquitte suggests you send me some gift boxes or 4th city coins in thanks afterwards, but i’ll be fine without.
edited by Grenem on 7/9/2016

If there’s anybody out there with a skull that needs a home, I’m seeking one?

Eglantine-Fox, if you don’t find anyone before then, I should be back in the Fifth City in a day or so and you can send me a request then–I’ll comment again when I’m back.

Can I have your second skull, an_ocelot? I have the route, over 70 supplies and Archeologist to 5, I only need the skull to start it. Thanks in advance.

sure–still on Winking Isle, waiting for the RNG to love me, but I’ll post again when I get back!

Edit: Disregard for now, RNGesus has finally blessed me after three days’ worth of actions.

I would gladly take a skull off anyone’s hands were they to have one lying around. Have been camping out in the Forgotten Quarter but so far no luck with those rare successes and hoo-boy are those nightmares creeping ever closer.
edited by narcomanic on 7/16/2016

Eglantine-Fox & Fluby, I am back in the Fifth City for a little bit, please send me your requests (NO OTHER SOCIAL ACTIONS, everyone, I am conserving actions for Seeking because I’m getting close!). I will wait until I hear from you or 24 hours, whichever is sooner (I’ll be back, don’t worry, I just don’t know when).

Aw yeeeeah thank you so much. <3

I’ll leave my place to someone else, I managed to get a skull (thanks, Saint Joshua). Thanks anyways though, ocelot.

Okay, then I have a skull and because reasons will probably be in the Fifth City for another twelve hours, first one to send me a request gets it! After that not sure when I’ll be back in the Fifth City.

back; still have an eyeless skull; will be around for a day or two at least, first come first serve, just send a request.

Seeking skulls! Am just about ready to go to the Nadir and it would be nice not to go mad looking for skulls before I even go near the demented place.

Profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Silvan~Derre

Silvan Derre, send me the request!

Edit: sent and responded to, no more skulls from me.
edited by an_ocelot on 7/21/2016

I have 2 skulls that need owners. Send requests to Barselaar, will edit this post when they are claimed.
EDIT: Skulls have been claimed. I do run lots of expeditions, however, so may have more soon.
edited by Barselaar on 7/28/2016