Eyeless Skull Woes

I need one of skulls to find entrance to certain cave. Anyone care to help foolish archeologist?


I have a skull in my possession I’m willing to pass on. I’ll avoid selling it until I run out of space in my hand.

I’m on the hunt for a ray-drenched cinder and need four more skulls. I was getting them the regular way but the skull cards are piling up and I’d appreciate a lend if anyone has one they don’t care to keep.

Have some bad news, mate: you can’t do that if you already have a skull. Info here. I thought the same thing when I hit 4 skulls, but managed to get it through. I wish you good luck on your hunt!

Have some bad news, mate: you can’t do that if you already have a skull. Info here. I thought the same thing when I hit 4 skulls, but managed to get it through. I wish you good luck on your hunt![/quote]

Darn. Ah well, guess I’ll just keep looking.

I have a skull. If someone wants it, I will hold it for 24h. After that, I’m selling it. o/

I’ve just sent the request for it. Gotta be starting Nadir soon! [Excited yelp]

Sent! Good luck with the Nadir! :)

I would like to request assistance finding an eyeless skull. My fallen london username is Cacame_Awemedinade. Thank you for your consideration.

I’m about to be jumping into the Nadir and I would like to request help too! http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/spacecatte


My profile. Ask for the damned thing and you shall have it.


edited by Zero on 6/14/2016

Edit: I have got one now, thank you! :)

I would like one please :)
edited by Jenny Yang on 6/16/2016

Currently on the look-out for multiple Eyeless Skulls for a project of mine. Assistance would not go unnoticed.

One Eyeless Skull, available upon in-game request. Will hold onto it until it begins to really annoy me.

ETA: Selling this off now, sorry.
edited by penknife on 6/23/2016

One eyeless skull available (first menace card has already arrived, so it’s now or never)!

edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 6/30/2016

Alas, I can’t use other peoples’ eyeless skull help at present, but I might in future. I suspect the problem is that by the time we Nadir rookies have figured out how eyeless skulls work – we’ve got one or more ourselves.

I now have three. After looking at the wiki, I don’t want to spend money re-running Fatelocked expeditions in the hope of getting The Lovers (the source of two of my skulls, huzzah), and Deep Blue Heaven will give me just one skull occasionally.

So my plan is to Seek Curios in the FQ, whilst building up supplies to their max. In the unlikely event of finding two more skulls (I’ll probably run a Deep Blue Heaven or so just on the off-chance) I will sell my grim collection for a Cinder and come a-begging here. If not, I’ll sell one, use one for the Nadir unlock, and continue the fine tradition of offering one here for a day of so before hocking it to the Factotum.

Buying a Cinder seems absurdly simpler than wringing six benighted knick-knacks from the RNG. Argh. Also, my boosted Watchful is only 131. Does this make the Nadir too ambitious?

Vexpont - in my experience the Forgotten Quarter cards &quotWander the Quarter&quot and &quotSeeking Curios&quot are the best way to find Skulls, although it is random. Do remember to stop every so often to reduce your Nightmares.

If you have three skulls, you’re more than halfway there. Don’t give up now!

@Vexpoint: The nadir is never too ambitious, but there’s a point where you should stockpile more, rather than less. I went there with watchful under 120- but it took all 100 supplies i packed, or just about. Try not to use any options that leave it up to chance, as a failure with second chances currently still consumes the supplies.

As it stands, the simple option is to take the 100% option of a cautious approach whenever it is available. on average, you’ll lose the race at 20 progress and need to drive off virigina[1]. you’ll get three progress and lose 10 more supplies from this- so you’re currently at 24 progress and 70 supplies. continue to use the cautious approach. you’ll hit 44 with average luck when orthos beats you there[2]. You’ll need dangerous 132 this time, for certain success- or you can gamble. Either way, assuming you succeed, you should now be at 49 progress and 40 supplies. So long as you continue at your current pace, you should make it to the cave of the nadir before the unnamed rivals catch up. To save supplies, whenever you see &quotA sign&quot, take it, whenever you see &quotA chance to sabotage X&quot and you don’t have &quota sign&quot, and your rivals have at least 2 progress, take it- it removes two rival’s progress instead of one for a supply, and a lighter cost, generally.

If you’re really dedicated, whenever you see any other no-supply airs actions, take them for the re-rolls. (since you might get to hinder more rivals that way, or get more signs. on the other hand, they only have 0.5 epa or a minor nightmares reduction, so do as you will)

edited by Grenem on 6/30/2016

Red Rose has an eyeless skull. Ask for it and you shall receive it. Will update this post when it’s gone!

EDIT: Skull is gone.
edited by thedeadlymoose on 7/2/2016

Thanks Grenem & Eleonorae, esp. with regard to hindrance options.

There’s ‘failure’ – ie, NPCs catch up with you for narrative effect and you have to play chess, get them drunk on rare wines etc., and there’s actual failure, where you blow it/run out of supplies and have to restart. Because the Nadir storylet has a lot of emphasis on the former, I’ve found it tricky to calculate my chances of the latter, but probably I’ve been pessimistic.

Being a little committed skull-wise, I’m perservering with the search. My strategy has indeed been to repeat ‘Seeking Curios and Secrets’ in the FQ, and take the potential Rare Success branches for skulls whenever they appear. But since this is an appeal to the RNG, when you actually want something to arrive…

So I’m intermittently holed up in the FQ with a small crate of laudanum and a copy of ‘101 Exceptionally Soothing Bedtime Stories in Which Nothing Bad Happens to Anyone’s Eyeballs’. In case of getting 5 skulls and converting them, I will be back here to beg for my generously-donated prize. Of another skull.