Eyeless Skull Woes

Yes, this was patched a few months ago. On the bright side, you won’t lose the cards you actually want.

[quote=suinicide]Yes, this was patched a few months ago. On the bright side, you won’t lose the cards you actually want.[/quote]Good to know. Thank you most kindly for the information.

One eyeless skull available upon request on the usual terms – 2 days or appearance of first menace card.

Gone to a new home. Thank you. No, I mean it.
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 4/22/2016

[quote=Jermaine Vendredi]One eyeless skull available upon request on the usual terms – 2 days or appearance of first menace card.
edited by Jermaine Vendredi on 4/22/2016[/quote]
Menace card drawn. to be clear, in case people don’t get it, proper in-game request means THE REQUEST that actually sends the skull. it does not mean coffee. My appologies to the person who asked that way.
edited by Grenem on 4/24/2016

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

I am looking for an Eyeless Skull to start an expedition to the Cave of Nadir. Seeking curios for a couple of days has not privided me with one so far. If you can offer me such a gruesome artifact I would highly appreciate it. Please explain to me in detail, how such an exchange would have to work.

kind regards,
Desmond Jordan (PI)

[quote=DerGreif]Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

I am looking for an Eyeless Skull to start an expedition to the Cave of Nadir. Seeking curios for a couple of days has not privided me with one so far. If you can offer me such a gruesome artifact I would highly appreciate it. Please explain to me in detail, how such an exchange would have to work.

kind regards,
Desmond Jordan (PI)[/quote]
In-game, when you’re ready to quest for the nadir, you can find under the expeditions option an option to send a social action requesting an eyeless skull to any contact who might have one. You must have the requisite supplies so you could actually start the expedition, but recieving the skull will not initiate the expedition, which is theoretically exploitable.

(Theoretically because there really aren’t that many people finding skulls without looking. you get about one run in 10-20 expeditions that gves a skull. you might be able to steal two or three, but hanging around longer than that is a waste of resources. that said, anyone who sees i’ve got a skull can send multiple requests. 62.5 echoes isn’t much for me {I can almost afford the ubergoat, except for my 0 fate}, but i’m sure you could find a use for them. [it doesn’t check everything it should. you can’t send more requests once you have an eyeless skull, but it doesn’t check route nadir, so if you, say, sent me 5 requests, then i could send you an eyeless skull whenever i didn’t have a taker for one.])
edited by Grenem on 4/25/2016

Thank you so much for your explanation. I asked an acquaintance of mine, if she/he might want to part with this abominable artifact. We will see how this works out.

Kind regards,
Desmond Jordan (PI)

Harper Margrave continues to be the worst at expeditions. The first one s/he’s done in months, and s/he’s right back to finding skulls instead of useful loot. If anyone is seeking such a wretched thing, feel free to drop a line.

Edit: Skull has been claimed. Thanks!
edited by HarperMargrave on 4/26/2016

A dratted eyeless skull has appeared in my bookshelf, anyone who would like to have it may request it via the game and be welcome to the dratted item.

Dear archeology enthusiasts, this wretched explorer is in dire need of a fearsome artifact by the name of Eyeless skull. If anyone is looking to get rid of one, please drop a line(PM or anything else) and i’ll be happy to take it off your hands

At the moment, thanks to Saint Joshua, no longer looking for a skull. Unless i atually manage to fail the expedition

I’ve been grinding skulls for about a month now, but all it gets me is a trip to the mirror-marshes.
Should I be doing something different? I’ve been wandering the quarter and seeing the sights. I tried some blue haven expeditions for a while, but those were very expensive to be quite honest.
Say, nobody has a skull just lying around giving them poor opportunity draws? Perhaps someone who’d be willing to send me one?
Actually, how does that work? I have one and haven’t seen any option to send it to someone yet.


You cannot exactly SEND a skull to anybody of your own volition… rather, when you require a single skull as part of the search for the Nadir… there will be an option to request a skull from a player… If you are at that stage and you send me a request… I am happy to grant you a skull.

Before I visit the mirror marches again: Maybe someone has a skull to get rid of?
Now that I actually need one, of course no skull shows up.
edited by Atnaja on 5/2/2016

If you send me a request for a skull, I am happy to provide one…

@Saint Joshua: Thank you! I sent a request.

Granted and… good luck…

…sigh. Harper Margrave has yet another Eyeless Skull for some adventurous or masochistic scholar in need of it.

(Seriously, out of my last seven expeditions, I’ve gotten three Seals of the Hooded Hawk and three Skulls. Unreal.)

Edit: Skull has been claimed and sent!

edited by HarperMargrave on 5/7/2016

I have sent you a request. Most kind of you to help.

An eyeless skull is available upon request and on the usual terms: I shall hold on to it for two days or until the first menace card turns up.