Eyeless Skull Woes

I wanted to see the criminal record cap. no, the skulls come from archeology.[/quote]
Haha, nice objective! Need some suspicions?

I wanted to see the criminal record cap. no, the skulls come from archeology.[/quote]
Haha, nice objective! Need some suspicions?[/quote]
Nope- the cap is at 7.

I finally have all the requirements, and 99 supplies – but still no skull! Gladly taking any unwanted ones.

Hello, just found an eyeless skull that you’d be welcome to. Send me a request for it anytime!

RNG struck me with loads of bad luck as I can’t seem to find another skull top start the expedition for the Nadir and got my supplies at 96 only from dock cards.
So, if it’s still there, I’ll take it!
EDIT: Seems that you don’t have one at the moment or you’re not reachable.
EDIT #2: Got some more dock cards so I was forced to start an expedition. But, chance was on my side and got an eyeless skull.
edited by Skinnyman on 4/4/2016

edited by Grenem on 4/6/2016

No problem! As you saw, I was lucky with an expedition, but that Nadir does cost some resources. Didn’t open it yet as I’m wondering what goodies does the Fate locked option yields besides the cider, ofc.

If anyone needs a skull my alt, Hebediah Fix, has recently uncovered one in an expedition.

1 eyeless skull, up for request. 2 days or 1 menace card to send an in-game request, as usual.

i may send suspicion reduction requests- PM me with the number you think is reasonable, or just reject me when i ask too much.

Edit: gone.
edited by Grenem on 4/8/2016

Well feh. My character just got two eyeless skulls from my recent Gallery of Serpents expedition. (second time in a row for that, I sold the first two as I needed the cash)

I’ll go with Grenem’s style for both. 2 days or the first menace card I get, after which I’m selling 'em to the Bazaar for echoes.

Delicious friends! I’m in dire need of an eyeless skulls. I’ll gladly take menaces, give you jewels, or… I dunno, fancy a sketch of your character? I can do that too.

Send me a request Zero, one of 'em will be yours. I’m going to sell the other, just got a card for them choking my deck.

Delicious friend,
I also have an unwanted eyeless skull that you’d be welcome to. Send a request for it anytime!

Edit: Sorry, too many menace cards, sold the skull.
edited by vanillafog on 4/11/2016

[quote=absimiliard]Send me a request Zero, one of 'em will be yours. I’m going to sell the other, just got a card for them choking my deck.[/quote]Request sent, thank you! Let me know how I may repay your kindness.

No idea how. Pay it down the line?

I’m surprised the game allows this amount of cooperation. I was kind of under the impression it didn’t really allow meaningful interaction.

[quote=absimiliard]No idea how. Pay it down the line?

I’m surprised the game allows this amount of cooperation. I was kind of under the impression it didn’t really allow meaningful interaction.[/quote]
A more accurate way to put it is it doesn’t allow for sustainable interaction, highly profitable interaction.

You can theoretically beg an infinite number of eyeless skulls off your peers, but only if they’re willing to keep feeding you. otherwise, it’s a one-time exchange of a rare item for nothing, and you can’t keep it up indefinitely.

The main objective is to minimize or eliminate the potential for alt-abuse. This is why you can send 4th city coins, but can’t actually grind or buy them in comperable EpA to non-transferable currency, instead having to spend dozens of actions to send 60 coins to your main account, if you don’t use one of the card-based methods. Why you can dump menaces on alts, but there’s equally efficient options for doing it without dumping on alts. And so on.

They want to keep alt abuse to the minimum, and this isn’t going to be a big deal because it should only be a one-time payout.

(Of course, you could keep from entering the nadir, instead stealing lots of skulls from this thread as they pop up, selling them, and never paying anyone back. But the average player wouldn’t do that, and besides- there’s only three or four availible at the most profitable of times, so it’s not that much better than the nadir anyways, even before people start noticing how you claimed three skulls from them, and tell everyone to ignore your requests. that said, if you could somehow steal 188 skulls, you’d get an overgoat solely from ill-gotten gains. On the other hand, you’re certainly never getting a cider- pretty sure that’s more skulls than have been seen in the thread!)

That’s a fair point Grenem, about the non-grindability of skulls for really abusing things, like for ciders or goats.

Sort of backs up my feeling that there’s no point in trying to repay it, you can’t. Just pay it down the line for someone in need in the future. (and if you are hard up enough for cash that the skull’s value matters to you then you don’t offer them here)

As an aside, though skull-related, does the Gallery of Serpents ever give out a result other than the two lovers? I’ve only done it three times, but I’ve never gotten anything other than two skulls and three incanabulum, so I could either be seeing the Random Number Ghod taunting me due to insufficient sample size or I could be seeing a good reason to stop doing the Gallery of Serpents.

The Gallery of Serpents gives a range of Unpredictable Treasures values, so it’s just RNG at work.

D___ You RNG!!!

shakes fists at the heavens like Kirk screaming &quotKHAAAN!!!&quot

Hello all. I have recently obtained a skull that I am nowhere near capable of using. During the course of my no doubt ill-fated attempt to juggle my cards until I had obtained four of its kin, I made a trip to the Pickpocket’s Promenade, but upon returning found that Forgotten Wisdoms still remained stubbornly in my hand. Does this mean this particular avenue has been patched, or have I done something wrong?