Eyeless Skull Woes

I thirst to forget. Not all the water in the Zee could drown these thoughts, there is no peligin deep enough.
I beseech any and all who might listen: deliver onto me that gift of absence and I shall pray I remember the favor.

Evening to everyone!

If anyone happens to have an extra eyeless skull lying around…

I would much appreciate it if I could perhaps get my hands on that skull…

Searching for curios can really give a creature nightmares after a while…

Edit: Forgot to inform that I have received my skull a while ago. Thanks again!
edited by Coldhands on 3/6/2016

Hallo to all! I’m afraid I’m in a rather awkward position at the moment which leaves me unable to enjoy The Feast of the Exceptional Rose. However, as I have five eyeless skulls, I will not rest until I find my sixth! Unfortunately, the lack of rest keeps a girl up at night and with the nightmares, well… I would greatly appreciate anyone that could help me out of this quandary.

Anyone, anytime can feel free to send me nightmares. I try to keep them above 4 at all times, but the Nadir is too tempting.

Thank you, suincide! You saved me from my nightmares long enough for me to find my sixth and final skull!

I have a skull, if anyone would like it! Well, not LIKE it, perhaps, the thing is rather horrifying. But if you would find a certain particular use for it, I would be more than happy to give it to you. I’ve still got a bit left to do before I start my Overgoat grind, after all…

EDIT: The skull is gone. You’re very welcome, Rodrigo Zago de Lima! :D
edited by TheWolfoftheStars on 2/22/2016

I have a couple skulls laying around.

If anyone wants it, please message to Morgan Sydney.


Edit both skulls are now gone.
edited by Dan Le on 3/7/2016

Racing the RNG for Skulls is driving me quite thoroughly insane. I still need two, and if someone could please spare me one before I am completely lost to madness, I will be more than happy to repay the favor any way I can.

EDIT: Many thanks to Suinicide, dov, an_ocelot, and Dom Scorp for humoring a lunatic’s ravings long enough for me to find the skulls I needed!

edited by vitupera on 3/8/2016

EDIT: nevermind, skull has been sold.
edited by Grenem on 3/7/2016

I got a skull that is causing troubles, and since i was kindly given one when i needed i’d like to repay the favor. if you can see it in my profile, ask for it.
please remember that you can only ASK for a skull (i cannot send it to you otherwise) by opening the storylet for the Cave of the Nadir, and only if you have NONE.

skull found. You know the drill- 2 days, or first menace card, i will not hold it. see above post for explanation on how to do it.

EDIT: menace card, skull sold.
edited by Grenem on 3/16/2016

I have a skull haunting me that I can’t use at the moment. Anyone currently looking for one?

EDIT: Already got two menace cards, had to sell it.
edited by Atnaja on 3/19/2016

One Skull up for grabs, but I’m currently overseas. So I’m unsure if your request will arrive all right. Give it a go anyways and I’ll fulfill it once I’m back in a day or two!

EDIT: I’m now back in town, so ask away! I’ll keep this post up for two days, after which I’ll sell it to free up some room in my card deck.

Ed: Skull’s gone!

edited by holderch5 on 3/18/2016
edited by holderch5 on 3/23/2016
edited by holderch5 on 3/23/2016
edited by holderch5 on 3/25/2016

I was about to post another message saying that I have another skull, but it seems we’re a bit over-saturated at the moment… Ah, no matter. If anyone has need of a skull, I would be more than happy to help!

EDIT: That skull is gone now (you’re quite welcome, GolgiSoul! :D). However, by an extraordinary turn of luck, I’ve come across a second skull. My deck’s completely clogged now (and I really would rather it not be, I’m waiting on a specific card), but if anyone needs it, I’ll wait for another day or two before I sell it.

EDIT, PART 2: THE EDITING: By the Capricious and mysterious RNG, I’ve found yet another skull. I’m considering saving up 5 of them now to sell off to the Revolutionaries, since no one has requested one since yesterday. It seems my dream of becoming a Correspondent is going to have to wait a while… My poor Oppertunities deck is going to have to hold these skull cards for a while yet.

EDIT, PART 3: THE EDIT RETURNS: Btw, y’all can still ask for skulls if you need 'em, you probably need them more than I do. I’ll be grinding at this for a while, so I certainly have no shortage. ;_;


edited by TheWolfoftheStars on 3/20/2016
edited by TheWolfoftheStars on 3/21/2016

Hello all! I was just wondering, whether there is a specific option in ‘Seeking Curios’ I have to choose, as I have been trying for a while with no eyeless skulls popping up…

Cath x

Wander the quarter and see the sights are the only ones that work.

another skull. yay. 2 days to send the proper request- or first menace card. whichever comes first.

EDIT: time is up, sorry.
edited by Grenem on 3/27/2016

Sold, sorry.
edited by Grenem on 3/29/2016
edited by Grenem on 3/30/2016

[quote=Grenem]New eyeless skull- see above post for terms on obtaining it!

Sadly, I’m going into and out of prison a lot, so you might have trouble sending a request.
edited by Grenem on 3/29/2016[/quote]
Wow, congratulation, Grenem! May I ask where do you get them from and what’s your interest in the prison? I think you kill people in prison and cover their skull eye sockets! :s

[quote=Skinnyman][quote=Grenem]New eyeless skull- see above post for terms on obtaining it!

Sadly, I’m going into and out of prison a lot, so you might have trouble sending a request.
edited by Grenem on 3/29/2016[/quote]
Wow, congratulation, Grenem! May I ask where do you get them from and what’s your interest in the prison? I think you kill people in prison and cover their skull eye sockets! :s[/quote]
I wanted to see the criminal record cap. no, the skulls come from archeology.