Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=navchaa]In your situation, I would go for the Echoes (or Fate, if you so desire). Keep one to start the Nadir and get your life back, then sell the others. I’d be completely selfish and NOT give them to someone at this point. You do need the echoes after all, and no one is going to be offended by you not sending them on. Pay it forward next time when you’re in a better situation :)

And yes, please sell most of your rostygold, pearls, deep amber and nevercold brass. I normally sell any over 1000.
edited by navchaa on 1/20/2016[/quote]

OK… I usually don’t sell anything until I need the echoes… it’s not like having cash-on-hand is of any value…

[quote=Arandia]John Savage, I am the player who asked you for a skull and will of course totally understand if you decide to keep it, I have never had one before and hadn’t even realized that they can be sold for that many echoes instead of giving them away! I have tried my luck once more with asking another player, but I am also fully prepared to go searching for one myself in the Forgotten Quarter.
edited by Arandia on 1/20/2016[/quote]

If I can raise the cash necessary, I would happily help out… give me a day or so, if you could, to decide… I have 67 supplies now, so I could go searching now… not sure if I’ll need extra supplies to get started

EDIT: OK… I splurged and now have 99 crates of supplies… just need to wait for candle re-fills and I’ll see how it all goes
edited by John Savage on 1/20/2016

Thank you John, alas I can now withdraw my request as Saint Joshua has already helped me out, so I am off to find the Cave of the Nadir.

Then it’s a win for all involved! Enjoy… I am finally nearing the Cave soon (I hope)

This certainly applies only in the Neath! Best of luck!

This certainly applies only in the Neath! Best of luck![/quote]

of course, now that I have sold them both and have 125 echoes on hand… I need to find a way to raise more.

At least I have cards to help now (although a certain Merry Gentleman arrived immediately upon my divestiture, I greet him often enough)

Send your nightmares round to me. The Merry Gentleman is to be ignored!

The skull has been shattered.
edited by Grenem on 1/23/2016

After around 200 turns without a skull, I’m afraid that my character is reduced to begging for one here. They are happy to do any social actions in exchange, but they would obviously still be getting the better end of the trade.

I’d gladly hand one over, just send a request within the next two days- or when i draw the first menace card, whichever comes first. I get lots of them, and don’t really want any. selling them for echoes is nice, but ultimately, an eyeless skull is just a waste of a good expedition.
if you want to pay me back, send me surprise packages from the gift or batches of fourth city coins. Iff you care to fully reinburse me, 120 coins or 6 surprise packages should do the trick. if you don’t, that’s fine too.

I need a skull as well… I’ve gathered the supplies I needed, and it’s all I need before I can set off. Any offers? I’m sure we can arrive at a mutually acceptable arrangement…

I’ll message you iff i recieve a second one, or iff the one i currently have isn’t taken by tommorow.

Thank you so much for offering to help. I just tried to send a request to Takuza, but you appear to be somewhere else at the moment. I’ll send one as soon as you return to London.

Agh… opps, just headed into the nadir. sorry, i might be a bit. Should be back in 3 hours or less. probably less, but you can never be sure. 15 cards is the aproximate maximum number of cards i’ll need to draw, so about 2 hours 10 minutes if i don’t forget to draw. sorry for the inconvenience!

I’ll message you iff i recieve a second one, or iff the one i currently have isn’t taken by tommorow.[/quote]
&quotNeed&quot, &quotneeded&quot, &quotneed&quot… Goodness, I can sound so needy when in a hurry. :)

Anyway, thank you so much. If you do send me a skull, I’ll do my best to compensate you in full, as you request. I’ve only ever found one, and I had to sell it at the time; I didn’t consider the possibility of sending it to someone else (there was no option I could see), but making an offer here would probably be the kindest course of action in the future.

EDIT: I now have a skull. The sender has my thanks.
edited by The Duke of Waltham on 1/25/2016

I seem to have another skull that I do not require, although I haven’t the faintest clue how I came by it. You have until my hand fills with skull cards, then the Radical Factotum gets it.

Edit: And it’s gone.
edited by Irene on 1/27/2016

Would anyone have a eyeless skull on their hands that they would accept to send my way?

I’m ready to start the cave of the Nadir and this is the only item that is missing for me to start the expedition !

Thanks in advance

I do still possess a few… for those who may seek the Nadir.

skull sold, sorry to forget to update.
edited by Grenem on 2/13/2016

I’ve got a skull to unload before setting to Zee. send me the action request if interested.