Eyeless Skull Woes

[quote=A Certain Cosmopolite]I won’t be accessing the Nadir four times, but I will be attempting to use the skulls in a race against the clock to secure lodgings in the Royal Beth before the Wicket clangs shut until next Lacrefall.

They told me it couldn’t be done, that a Fallen Londoner arrived in the Neath after Hollowmas last couldn’t manage it for months yet. They told me I’d never get to hand Mr. Irons a knife and a candle either, but I proved them wrong there. I’m close to a way into the Cave, and close to entry into the Exceptionals, all without intercession of Fate or any effort but my own merit. Will you help me prove them wrong again, or shall I go it alone as before? I will understand either way. I am merely a tad pressed for time to act or I wouldn’t presume to ask in the first place. Mister Penstock will lock his downstairs doors soon, and I can only do so much.

If you’re concerned the skulls will end up in the hands of a certain faction, I am glad to guarantee that they will not.
edited by A Certain Cosmopolite on 1/11/2016[/quote]

That most definitely sounds like a very worthy goal good sir and I for one applaud you for your determination and for what you have achieved and doubtless will achieve as well.

Should you be in need of another skull to add to the twenty you will be getting you need only let me know and I will gladly give it to you to further your efforts.

Thank you, sir. I shall enquire when I am ready.

I find myself sadly in need of an Eyeless Skull.

I had one about a week ago, but I gave it away to some other seeker, for god knows what reason.

Anyone kind enough to lend one to me?

Thank you most kindly, Saint Joshua.

Also, I love your profile page. Very fitting for your namesake.

Too-late it’s-gone it won’t come back
edited by Grenem on 1/14/2016

Alas, this skull bereft of eyes was still sitting on my mantelpiece watching me somehow. I’m sure it was watching me, I even think I saw it move at one point.

However that is no more. I have gotten rid of the thing and been assured that it will not be used to further certain… agendas. I’ll have to find something else to put on my mantelpiece where it was, definitely not a skull though. I shall ponder that.
edited by Barry Coleman on 1/15/2016

if anyone has an eyeless skull to spare, i’m definitely interested in that. i’m an avid archaologist and wanting to visit this cave of the nadir. such a curious mystery :o

edited by Nanako on 1/15/2016

So I stumbled across one of these vile things a few days ago. Lucky me, I thought, although I wasn’t preparing to visit the Nadir necessarily.

Now that damned thing is clogging up my hand. I guess I better prepare an expedition as soon as prudent.

Yet another eyeless skull. if you send the request, I’ll send it your way. This offer includes the people who’re taking it solely for the free 62.5 echoes, but you need to send me the request, not vice-versa. you have 2 days, or until i draw the menace card, whichever comes first.

So I can sell the second one (yes… the second one)… for 62.5 echoes? Sweet lacre, I’m rich!

So I can sell the second one (yes… the second one)… for 62.5 echoes? Sweet lacre, I’m rich![/quote]
yes, on the card. sell a single eyeless skull to the revolutionaries.

So I can sell the second one (yes… the second one)… for 62.5 echoes? Sweet lacre, I’m rich![/quote]
yes, on the card. sell a single eyeless skull to the revolutionaries.[/quote]

Ugh! I have 3 of the d__ned things now!

Might as well try and get 6? ;) 1 to unlock the route, 5 to buy a Ray Drenched Cinder to enter the Cave (1 of the 4 options to get a RDC)

Or sell them all for sweet sweet loot :)

(If you want to do the former and I come across a skull in my travels I’d be happy send it your way? :) )

[quote=John Savage]
Ugh! I have 3 of the d__ned things now![/quote]

edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 1/18/2016

I think you can only send skulls to people who don’t have any :(

uh oh… looks like I have work to do… NOW!

Uh… a quick fix is to sell them all and then ask for an eyeless skull on the forums when you’re ready? The downside of course is that you’ll have to amass either 400 echoes or pay fate for entry to the Nadir. Strange as it sounds, conundrums like this are what makes FL fun :)

yeah… trying to figure out what to do

I have a player asking for one, which I am happy to give, once I figure out my situation here.

I have my Archaeologist standing now, and am working on building up my supplies.

I see that it will cost one skull to find the Cave.

But then it will take, what, six more to get in? Or 400 echoes. Is it worth it to sell zee-pearls/rostygold/what-have-you to get the 400 for entry, or should I hang on to the skulls and then keep searching for the rest?

EDIT: I mean… 3 -1 to find the Cave = 2. Give(?) one away = 1… sell it for 62.5 echoes… so I’m still in need of 337.5 echoes
edited by John Savage on 1/20/2016

I personally found the 400 echo option simpler than waiting around for 6 Eyeless Skulls (1 to start 5 to get the Cinder), but whether that option is best for you depends on how many expendable resources you have. If you have a high Revolutionaries connection that may be a decent way to go (you’ll need 100 Revolutionaries).

In your situation, I would go for the Echoes (or Fate, if you so desire). Keep one to start the Nadir and get your life back, then sell the others. I’d be completely selfish and NOT give them to someone at this point. You do need the echoes after all, and no one is going to be offended by you not sending them on. Pay it forward next time when you’re in a better situation :)

And yes, please sell most of your rostygold, pearls, deep amber and nevercold brass. I normally sell any over 1000.
edited by navchaa on 1/20/2016

John Savage, I am the player who asked you for a skull and will of course totally understand if you decide to keep it, I have never had one before and hadn’t even realized that they can be sold for that many echoes instead of giving them away! I have tried my luck once more with asking another player, but I am also fully prepared to go searching for one myself in the Forgotten Quarter.
edited by Arandia on 1/20/2016