And lo, there did come a figure over the hill, dark as sable, and in hi- he’s tripped now and dropped his skulls. He has two of them. Please message Atticus Schmidt for skulls. I’ll be selling them after today. They clutter my hand.
In my expeditions in the Forgotten Quarter, I have somehow stumbled upon another thrice blasted eyeless skull. Send me a message in game if you would like the cursed thing.
I’m Loogan Cuthoat and I have an Eyeless skull up for grabs! Well preserved! Comes with a certificate of authenticity! Absolutely no eyeholes or your sanity back!* An unusual curiosity for your mantelpiece! First come first serve! Just send me the action where you ask me for a skull, and perhaps post here as well so that I don’t get more than one.
*We cannot guarantee the absence of eyes or sorrow spiders in the package. Further conditions apply.
Edit: the skull is gone. edited by Loon on 12/19/2015 edited by Loon on 12/20/2015
I currently have two eyeless skulls. I seem to have very bad luck lately in the Forgotten Quarter. If you would like one of the things, send me a request in game. (Otherwise, I may sell them if they start cluttering up my hand too badly.)
Edit: I still have one eyeless skull left.
Edit: I’m selling the last skull (sorry). edited by Bonny Kate on 12/23/2015 edited by Bonny Kate on 12/26/2015
Another skull found its way to my studio.
If you’re looking for one, use the social action to ask for it.
If it’s in my profile, it’s still up for grabs
and it’s back. It’ll go to anyone else who sent me a calling card, if they send a proprer in-game request- i’m not the one who gets to send it, unless you can ask. (why a calling card? send a proper request for an eyeless skull, as required pre-expedition. I know it doesn’t require you to be aquainted with them! Do people not get this? Sending skulls isn’t as easy as sending 1st city coins!)
EDIT: TAKEN! sorry, to the unlucky person who, for some reason, sent a calling card instead of the in-game request. edited by Grenem on 12/30/2015
I still have one skull to give away! Last skull of the season! It’s now or never! Send your request to Loogan Cuthoat, who has the best quality skulls in town! edited by Loon on 1/9/2016
<In a respectable establishment there’s a small, elegantly written note pinned on a bulletin board>
It would appear that I have stumbled across one too many skulls without eyes. While I do need one for… Well, what’s not important here is why I need one but that I have a second that someone can take off their hands. All they need to request it from me and they may have it. I have no need for a second, the first one looking at me - or is it not looking at me, I cannot tell - is bad enough.
Barry Coleman
<A tiny scrawl has been hastily put on the bottom of the finely written note on the board>
It would seem that in my haste to write this I neglected to give details on how to contact me. This is a silly little oversight that has now been amended. edited by Barry Coleman on 1/10/2016
Hm… accessing the Nadir four times simultaneously… no I am afraid I cannot allow such a risk. For your own good. Lest we find your skull in the Forgotten Quarter with an overabundance of forehead. edited by Saint Joshua on 1/11/2016
I won’t be accessing the Nadir four times, but I will be attempting to use the skulls in a race against the clock to secure lodgings in the Royal Beth before the Wicket clangs shut until next Lacrefall.
They told me it couldn’t be done, that a Fallen Londoner arrived in the Neath after Hollowmas last couldn’t manage it for months yet. They told me I’d never get to hand Mr. Irons a knife and a candle either, but I proved them wrong there. I’m close to a way into the Cave, and close to entry into the Exceptionals, all without intercession of Fate or any effort but my own merit. Will you help me prove them wrong again, or shall I go it alone as before? I will understand either way. I am merely a tad pressed for time to act or I wouldn’t presume to ask in the first place. Mister Penstock will lock his downstairs doors soon, and I can only do so much.
If you’re concerned the skulls will end up in the hands of a certain faction, I am glad to guarantee that they will not. edited by A Certain Cosmopolite on 1/11/2016