Eyeless Skull Woes

If one is sitting at the entrance of the Nadir, desperately looking for five skulls to rub together, where does one find the action to request a skull from someone else? I have not seen it, and I do not wish to give the Revolutionaries the time of day, much less my money.

I think it lives in the same place where the actions to progress futher into nadir do. But it only exists if you don’t have a skull yet. You will have to get the other 4 (plus another one, iirc) by wandering the quartered forgot. It can take weeks.

You can actually get multiple skulls by requesting from people - as long as you send the invites before getting a skull, they can still be accepted.

Rodnarr has a skull to give away.

Send him a message and you will have it promptly, unless the delivery boys
decides to keep it and use it as paperweight.

Skull claimed.

edited by Rodnarr on 11/27/2015

Is anyone willing to send me an eyeless skull? Next time I can, I’ll send a surprise package. Please.

I’m in a dilemma. I have Eyeless Skulls as part of grinding expeditions for wine and echoes, but I don’t want to advance the liberation of night.

But because I’m grinding for goats, I am loathe to pass up 32.5 echoes just because I don’t want to advance the Liberation of Night. So if anyone wants Eyeless Skulls from me, send me 6 surprise packages or cat boxes and an Eyeless Skull is yours.

Sorry that I’m requiring recompense for the Skulls!

I’ll continue to update here with how many Eyeless Skulls I have.

Currently: 2 Eyeless Skulls

[quote=Cecil ]I’m in a dilemma. I have Eyeless Skulls as part of grinding expeditions for wine and echoes, but I don’t want to advance the liberation of night.

But because I’m grinding for goats, I am loathe to pass up 32.5 echoes just because I don’t want to advance the Liberation of Night. So if anyone wants Eyeless Skulls from me, send me 6 surprise packages or cat boxes and an Eyeless Skull is yours.

Sorry that I’m requiring recompense for the Skulls!

I’ll continue to update here with how many Eyeless Skulls I have.

Currently: 2 Eyeless Skulls[/quote]

You can also sell them to the Bazaar too, I hope you know.

I do, but I’m loathe to do that as well because what with echo grinding.

From the collection of Pillbox: 1 eyeless skull.

Send a calling card to Ms P. if interested in aquiring this cthonic beauty.
edited by pillbox on 12/5/2015

I currently have an eyeless skull (of course, because I’m looking for Night Whispers). Please send a request in game if you would like the dratted thing.

Edit: The skull has been claimed.
edited by Bonny Kate on 12/7/2015

EDIT: too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.
edited by Grenem on 12/8/2015

[quote=Grenem]I have an eyeless skull. you have 2 days, or until i draw 1 penalty card, to acquire it. I will edit this page when it is claimed or sold.

gifts in return are appreciated but not mandatory.[/quote]

My alt, Catherine Raymond, would be interested in your skull. Not to explore with, but to sell; her Orphanage leaves her continually short of money. Thanks.

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Grenem]I have an eyeless skull. you have 2 days, or until i draw 1 penalty card, to acquire it. I will edit this page when it is claimed or sold.

gifts in return are appreciated but not mandatory.[/quote]

My alt, Catherine Raymond, would be interested in your skull. Not to explore with, but to sell; her Orphanage leaves her continually short of money. Thanks.[/quote]
EDIT: evidently, you can’t send the request, as it isn’t here yet. And i drew the penalty card. it has been sold.

edited by Grenem on 12/8/2015

Morcant is currently in possession of one Eyeless Skull, which has caused him more inconvenience than he wished to deal with. He would gladly pass it on to someone who actually has a use for the b____y thing.

Update: The skull has been claimed and sent. Good riddance, too.
edited by Morcant on 12/10/2015

I ended up with another eyeless skull (too much time in the Forgotten Quarter, clearly). Please send a request in game if you would like the thing.

Edit: The thing has found a new home, where it will be more appreciated, I’m sure.
edited by Bonny Kate on 12/8/2015

I’ve got a skull that I’d love to give away, since it’s got 3 out of 4 cards of my deck filled with eyeless skull cards. Send me a request in game, I’ll be glad to be rid of it.

The skull has been claimed. I apologize if anyone else is looking for one.

Hi all, got a thing that could well be called unspeakable burdening my energic snow shoveling. As the people from London came to help whne i needed its presence , so i am now seeking somebody to relieve and in doing so he may find what is looking for - and forget.

  • send me a request from the storylet if you want it - i’ll put it up as mantelpiece as long as i have it … Should be able to answer within 12-24 h. First come first served.
    Christmas card appreciated too, will reply if i have one

edited by jeibel on 12/14/2015

EDIT: sorry, but i drew a penalty card. bye, mr. skull!
edited by Grenem on 12/15/2015

I have come into the possession of a pair of Eyeless Skulls during the course of my most recent expedition, and would prefer to be rid of them without dealing with the bloody Factotum. Any aspiring explorers of the Nadir, please send a request if you are in need.

EDIT: Skulls are gone. Thanks to those that took the dreadful things from my possession!
edited by HarperMargrave on 12/17/2015