Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

That is the case for two of the three, and my best guess is that it is true for the third aswell, since the Vestige of a Starlit Reverie seems to fit it, thematically.

theredshoes used Helping Hand.

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Oh yeah, that’s Lingering Radiance:

Lingering Radiance 1
You have become the centre of attention. This will be gone in a week or less.
Watchful +10; Persuasive +10.

I also got

Half-Devoured Heart 1
Once, tigers lived the rule of blood, and each Banded Prince consumed the heart of his forebear. This ancient ventricle – ossified, flickering, eternal – is both a memory of those days, and a promise that they lie in the past.Watchful +5; Dreaded +2; Chthonosophy +1.
And the Hoffman expose, but i don’t see it rn.

Eta THANK YOU @phryne


The Exposé is just a Curiosity item, to act as a little memento.

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Now that my action candle has finally refilled I can confirm that “The glories of the Coilheart Games” gives 1 x Vestige of a Starlit Reverie and 1 x Coilheart Games 1899 Commemorative Archway curiosity.

The text can be found here.


I do like those! I don’t see it in Curiosities, tho.

It popped up! ‘The Maze of Coiled Hearts’, volumes 1-3 1 Serialised anonymously, of course. And all the names have been changed. But you recognise your words and deeds; Huffam has even taken some liberties in your favour

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There’s also something in Gloves: Coilbreaker’s Prints 1 Glass ripples beneath silver hands. You are an initiate in the arts of Stained Tigers.Shadowy +6; Glasswork +1; Insubstantial +1.


Out of curiosity, I just had a look: “Bartering with the Tiger Keeper” is still there, unchanged.

I wonder if some parts of the early-to-mid-game text when you first make your way through the Labyrinth will be rewritten now, or whether the new Keeper will seamlessly take over the persona of the old one.


Oh my word. That was absolutely horrible! Shameful! Disgraceful!

I salute you.


Is that for “The imprisoned Seventh Coil, and its consort”? (Theres a lot of epiloguing here!)

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Yes! It is :> The epilogues on this event hit ngl

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You know all things considered Skite, London, Venderbight and the Khanate are taking the revelation they were lied to in cold blood and their best and brightest were almost sacrificed to feed a monster of the Is-Not very well. You’d think they’d be pointing guns at the tigers, not celebrating with them.

I’m pretty sure whatever the Empire of Hands did to be persona non grata forever was less extreme than feeding prize athletes to the Snigerking


More than any of the past Estival events I’ve experienced, this one opens up a vast expanse of new narrative real estate, what with all the escapees from earlier cities suddently populating the various places in the Neath, with knowledge of older secrets perhaps, and of places since lost. I hope and trust FB finds interesting and exciting ways of turning that into story.

In case it needs saying: I thoroughly enjoyed this event, especially the last few days. I couldn’t believe how quickly the 11 million mark was reached (as one of those stuck in the labyrinth, I saw it continue to climb). The ending was a very worthy conclusion.

And now it’s time to get the last couple of ministers…


One thing that made me wonder:

Why are we able to see these options during the story climax that are locked by the presence of the tournament winners? Why are these storylets there in the first place? What sort of twist could’ve caused the winners not to be there at our side? Or did Failbetter place these unplayable storylets there simply to show us how difficult what we’re doing is and how lost our characters would be without help?


I think it’s something they also did last year under similar circumstances. Didn’t they?


Not sure, I didn’t pay as much attention during last year’s Estival.

By the way, I still have Having Recurring Dreams: the Forests of the Night 4. Maybe there’ll be one more epilogue yet?

Last year there were some options locked/unlocked by the presence of Allies, and it was really cool.

But, a critical difference: the World Qualities involved were separate progress bars that the community filled by petitioning those Allies for help. They represented community involvement. It’s even theoretically possible that they could have not been filled!

I’m not exactly sure what the qualities for this one represented but they don’t have the same relationship to player participation.


Hey let’s not call it that buddy. There HAS to be a better word choice there akckfkfkf

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They are actually a narrative tool, rooted in the mechanics of the game. Were it not for your allies, succeeding here would be nigh impossible (at most 3 % for the greatest of players I guess?).

Edit: I am tired, you basically said that yourself…