Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

You can be out in an hour. It will be around 3 hours for me!

I’m not quite sure that listening to the plan again should be another action…

Edit: yeah it’s quite literally the same thing again. So either it should not be available anymore, or it should be free after the first time.
Can someone who’s on the discord relay that/point it out/report it?

Was hoping for another unique item for Coulheart Renown but hey, 44 Sherds isn’t awful either.

Once you enter the prison, do not fear failing the combined challenges (ie Shadowy+Insubstantial etc). The only difference between success and failure is that you pick up some Nightmares on a failure (only 1 or 2 CP, I think). The text results are exactly the same.


Update: there is a unique reward from the epilogue.

It is a home comfort that grants +5 watchful, +2 dreaded, and, perhaps most interestingly, +1 Chthonosophy.


If anyone has echoes of the other 2 endings I have the one for being fixated on love and the seventh coil, and would be willing to trade!

I have the echo for Huffman’s exposé:

Huffman's Unpubished Exposé

To return home, changed

It takes the city by storm, chapters published every other day in an unremarkable rag. The publication is notable primarily for having absolutely no ties at all to The Unexpurgated London Gazette, and the novel is released without attribution or by-line. Just The Maze of Coiled Hearts, authorless and incendiary.

The bound volumes arrive on your doorstep one morning soon after. It’s a custom job – the set contains chapters yet to be published to the reading public. There is no signature. You read ahead, comparing story with memory, overlaying one on top of the other. Were the mysteries this grand, the heroism so pronounced? Or is the antidote to revisionism not truth, but equal and opposite counter-revisionism?

Outside, the lights and sounds of London play out their typical dramas. A few more ships set zail from Wolfstack. More visitors and rescued Tributes leave, or melt into the shadows of the Fifth City until they’re no longer visitors at all. After the light and clamour of the Coilheart Games, it looks almost as if nothing has changed.

It is not true. Secrets have been illuminated that have lived in darkness for the lifetimes of fallen cities. Through determination, and community, and sheer bl__dy-mindedness, the Neath uncovered the hidden histories behind the tigers’ games – and helped address the tragedies obscured there.

You place the volumes on your shelf, perhaps the only complete record of the Coilheart Games that London will ever know. A reminder – all secrets can be known.

This concludes the Coilheart Games, and the opening of the Sixth Coil.

The Seventh Coil

To Return Home, Changed

You wake from a dream of forests and fires, black and orange and fierce. It clings to you, like the smell of smoke – a feeling like forgetting the object of a long-held desire. There is something in your mouth, nestled beneath your tongue. A scale.

You turn it over in your hand, and it reflects golden light upon your walls in strange patterns, as if dappled by undergrowth. Your thoughts linger on the Seventh Coil, product of an old anathema, and the tiger who betrayed his fellows in the name of a dream of love. Nested intrigues, lies and deceptions. A shame so deeply buried that whole nations depend upon its secrecy. The proscribed desires upon which the Games were built.

Outside, the lights and sounds of London play out their typical dramas. A few more ships set zail from Wolfstack. More visitors and rescued Tributes leave, or melt into the shadows of the Fifth City until they’re no longer visitors at all. After the light and clamour of the Coilheart Games, it looks almost as if nothing has changed.

It is not true. Thousands flooded London for these short weeks, and none have left unaltered. Through competition, through love, through strife and rescue and the friction of other people, all changed. Even deep in the sixth coil, something unexpected burgeons where nothing new was ever meant to tread.

You place the scale on the sill, and it glitters in the dim light of the Bazaar’s spires. A reminder, of hidden and secret depths.

[This concludes the Coilheart Games, and the opening of the Sixth Coil.]

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Is it the same reward for all three Epilogue endings?


What happens if you " Attempt to negotiate with Keeper and Coil"?

@theredshoes: All three choices at that point lead to same outcome.


Thank you!

I just wanted to avoid a possible “I never thought the Tiger would eat my face, sobs woman who attempted to negotiate” end.


Huffman’s gives a Vestige of a Starlit Reverie and a curiosity ‘“The Maze of Coiled Hearts”, volumes 1-3’: “Serialised anonymously, of course. All the names have been changed. But you recognise your words and deeds; Huffman has even taken some liberties in your favour”.

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Here is the echo for attempting to negotiate:

The chasm between minds and hearts

Petitioner. The voice of the Seventh Coil fills the too-small vessel of your mind, focused for the first time on you alone. Have you come to kneel? It is knowing, rather than hearing. To love? The roar of a waterfall. The whisper of a promise. To don fur and scale and become us?

The Tiger Keeper’s lambent eyes land upon you, and does not give you the opportunity to answer. The bliss on his face evaporates as recognition dawns, and then he is all snarl, muscles bunching, moving from the throne in a fluid movement. “No—”

The Seventh Coil is in your head. The Tiger Keeper leaps, mid-air. The Weeping Mercenary pulls you down to the floor, jolting your elbows and knees – and the sounder skitters from your hand, button released.

So yeah, the tiger tries to eat your face, indeed.


Strictly speaking, that’s from Epilogue 1, there’s another Epilogue after that. :wink:


It is not! For the seventh coil ending you get a Vestige of Starlit Reverie (Nostalgia) (For a moment, there, you thought you had wings.) and a Parietal Kingscale (Curiosity) (It shimmers red and gold and black, and is warm to the touch. A gift. A threat. A reminder of the deepest coils of the Labyrinth.)

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No, I was referring to the Home Comfort you mentioned (Chthonosophy etc). That’s from before, from Speaking to the Banded Prince.

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Is there? I think this is epilogue 2 actually, the last one.

Epilogue 1: The Banded Prince
Epilogue 2: your thoughts in the aftermath

Edit: I see you were responding to much earlier now lmfao

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I’m talking about “The Long Tail of Departure” and the three possible endings there. That seems to be the ultimate Epilogie.

It’s very important to me to make an informed decision there, so let me just get this straight:

all three choices give 1x Vestige of a Starlit Reverie and one unique curiosity item?


You have become the centre of attention. This will be gone in a week or less.

Sic transit gloria tigris