Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Bigger EPA, but you’ll miss cards.

And we are over 50% of planning!


still can’t tell if the directions you choose are real at all or it’s all just airs-dependent

Directions aside from Gaping Maws and up and down are just airs related.

How are we finding our way to the center of the Labyrinth?

Through coillaberation!


78% success chance

Fail 5 times in a row

This truly is the quintessential Fallen London experience


Success on a 50% attempt 4 times (2 at main and 2 x alts)!

Nothing in my head while advancing with Skinny and ended up with 40 Mapping and 25 Coil left to lower. :expressionless:
RNG didn’t get me; I got myself!


Where does one acquire the Xanthous Array? Do I have to sail to the Knanate and find the lab there? I’ve checked the options in my own lab at the university and the Station VIII lab (which of course is the source of one of the other objects), but don’t want to waste all the actions zailing if that’s not where I’m needed to go.

You can build the Xanthous Array in your University Lab, under “Manufacture Supplies”. It’s not a research project.


Oh, thank you. I hadn’t been in that storylet in years, and for some reason it didn’t occur to me to check. (I knew it had to be something obvious, since no one else had had to ask, but, I’m not ashamed to be the fool. :) )


I’m finishing a run now that i got to the 4th zone just at 20 coiling, with a speed run for burdens strat. There’s only a 20% chance to get the airs each time. Many, many people will be spending 10+ AP to get that roll. And then you need to do it 3 times per run.

Yes it’s not the normal occurrence, but over the thousands of people doing these runs, it’ll still happen frequently.

For #9, you don’t actually have to get back to the workshop to leave though, you can stay in whatever area you are in when you decide to. This can make it easier if you have a stat higher than watchful.

For #10, I’m thinking you mean the option to spend Memories of Light. Those appear in any area and always challenge watchful and should be the easiest option once you have some burdens. When you said “mirrors”, I at first thought you meant to play the Glasswork challenges, but those end up being almost impossible once you have the burdens.


One thing that I found helpful is that once you have a burden item show up in an area, don’t pick it up right away. The option to take the item doesn’t go away once its shown up and it also doesn’t cycle airs. Keep choosing the other options until one that would take you to another area with a burden you don’t have shows up. That is when you should pick up the item and then move on to the next area. This way you can play easier challenges up until you switch areas.

Edit: Just after posting this I noticed on occasion that the burden item would sometimes disappear right after showing up. Luckily it would come back and stay before I’d get an option to move to another area.


Less than 10 hours, yeah?

Eighty-Nine Percent!

Clearly we’re gonna get the Sixth Coil finished this afternoon.

Maybe everyone’s favorite descriptions from the Sixth Coil should go in a separate thread. Maybe it’s almost too late for that? I’m still curious what everyone’s likes

My favorite in general has been the jungle. I learned so much yesterday about prehistoric plants! That said, this portrait gallery has probably been my favorite individual item. I like a good unreliable, dissonant sensory experience description

It’s done!

So what happens now? Anyone see anything new?

Edit: Oh right, I’m seeing it now! “Attend the final excursion”. I had to reload the page for the new storylet to show up.


We reached the Mapping goal. Unfortunately I am stuck in the Labyrinth for some time. I was unlucky going around and still have 22 Coiling Deeper to clear and I am out of actions.

Oh well! I’m sure that whatever happens next will be available for some time.

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I’m 5 coils away from the exit and out of actions myself.