Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Did my first run and the EPA is quite high for high-stat players. Each mapping is worth 7.42E with all the burdens, getting all burdens has a 12.5E bonus, picking the 0-50 Air options has easier check and yields an extra 0.1.
I love this area! Looks perfect for wasting AP: just pick a direction (up or down), follow it, get the burdens, get back to the starting area (via same flow; up or down) and just click to pass the watchful checks. The end!

Here’s a nice map; I found it posted on Wiki by NekoiNemo.


It may be a good way to farm for Final Breaths. Get inside, grab the Clinging Shadow, and quickly rush back to the exit.

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It seems it is no longer possible to provide the required materials to further the planning in the storylet “Breaking a Gaol” after you provide all the clues up to 5. I just discovered it when I was returning with my Viric Fixative with Coilbreaker 4. To the Sixth Coil it is, then.

EDIT: as pointed out below, it just happens that if you provide 4 clues that require materials and play the free option one you will be locked of providing the last one.

Just get more/all! You are using AP to navigate and basically missing rewards. 2 SPA grind isn’t great at all.

You picked the free option too? That adds 1 and each of the special items add 1 more. But there are 5 specials and they are locked at 5. This means you can’t pick the free one and all of the special ones.

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Well thank you, you are absolutely correct and I horribly failed at reading the updated vanity quality, thus I will be editing the previous message as not to mislead anyone. Thanks for the assistance!

Good EpA only with 4 items, which are not guaranteed and require deep expeditions, which in turn prevent card drawing, especially for not subscribed people. It’s fun when it’s novel, but if they keep it as permanent activity I doubt it will be popular. No scrip for wannabe Fremen too.

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They are guaranteed; I only wanted to do a quick run with some adjacent exploring and I got to 11 or 12 coil; this was around 25 AP. Just make sure to follow the same up/down flow through your whole run.

  1. Enter, play an action or two to get the items from the workshop
  2. Play more actions to move to warzone or jungle
  3. Get the item (you already have the requirement)
  4. Follow the same trend (warzone → mansion or jungle → mansion)
  5. Get the item
  6. Move to last zone which you didn’t visit (jungle or warzone)
  7. Get the last item
  8. Play the option to head back (antique mystery bonus)
  9. Get back to the workshop for watchful challenges
  10. Play options until you escape and prioritize the one that requires Memories of Light* because it has an easier check and a 0.1E E payout.
  11. Leave and get mapping * 4 * 1.6E for the burdens and a smaller reward for the last action.

Failing actions means you’re not quite end game which puts the EPA above to your best available grind.

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I’m beginning to think there are various strategies for Mapping.

Either go in and explore until Mapping and Coiling Deeper add up to 40 then get out.

Then there is go in pick up the first available item. When it appears take the option to go up or down (whichever appears first), repeat (going in the same direction to get to the next area) until you get as much as you can safely carry. Then either get out as soon as possible or continue until Mapping and Coiling Deeper equal 40 to get the max reward when you leave.

Or just go for all the items and spend as much time as you need in the Labyrinth to do so.

I suppose it depends on whether you just want to get what happens when the Labyrinth is fully mapped or take what you can get from this activity :slight_smile:

Yes, if you have 40 AP this is better because coiling resets to 30 when heading back. If you use this strategy, you can skip the first item in the workshop, get the rest and pick it after you get back to the starting area*. This enables you to do more checks with lesser fail chance and you will already play multiple actions to get to mapping 40 anyway. I’m not certain how cruel can RNG be to give you bad air options which disable the navigation flow. :smiley:

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Don’t bother. Some crazy dude already reached 777 coiling deeper, and there’s nothing special.

On another note, it seems there’s some special text on the locked door you get at airs of the Labyrinth 100, with 99 variations based on the next airs you get afterwards. It’s being collected here, if anybody wants to help.


How do you pick up something on the way back? I thought if you took that option the ability to pick up items was lost.

On your way back to the starting area, sorry! You basically skip the first item, get the rest 3, head back, navigate as much as you like, pick the last item, play the option to escape the lab, play until you’re out.

EDIT: I am trying this out with my low level alts. 20 AP in on both and they picked the 3rd item; ~40% success chance with ~110 skill level. :smiley:

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That makes sense. I’ll try that next time I go in.

That’s twice in a row I fail a 92% check to move on to the next part of the Labyrinth. Very frustrating.

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On failing to Leave this Place, I noticed that it gets 10% easier on each failure (failed three times).

A small mercy from FBG team :slight_smile:

But I heard that what awaits us behind the locked door is the Esurient Smith asking for 7777 more knives…


Thinking more about it, I think it’s better to pick up only two burdens before grinding Mapping. This way, the 3rd can be picked immediately and only one navigation is left on the mercy of RNG. After picking the 4th burden, you can begin the escape process.

EDIT: My alts got all the burdens… 26% success chance to lower Coiling! Well, it will still beat their best accessible grind which is 0.5 EPA.

I just spent 25 or 30 actions looking for a way in to the fourth location, so I have some reservations about the wisdom of this approach.

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From the starting area you need to pick the way you decide to navigate (or or down) and stick to it until the end. You’re telling me that out of 25-30 AP spent, your airs didn’t shuffle to the required level? :expressionless:

Using Skinnyman’s technique I’ve picked up all the Burdens. My Mapping is at 15 and Coiling Deeper is at 12. I now only have a 50% chance of passing the Resolve to leave this place option and a 79% chance to succeed at the options.

Out of actions so I have to wait to see how easy it is to get out :slight_smile:

Edit - one thing I am not clear on is whether I play the options to get more Mapping and Coiling Deeper so that I can get to 40 Mapping or just try to get out.