Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Thanks a lot!
So how do you find the items? Because I’ve blindly clicked through so far.


Blind clicking is perfectly alright, because almost everything is Airs-dependant and there’s about a trillion randomizers activated on every click. There are four main layers of the Labyrinth and one item in each of them:

Layers, Items, Rewards

Workshop (Watchful / Predatory Clarity / rewards: Tales of Terror, Cryptic Clues)
Battlefield (Dangerous / Heavy Iron / rewards: Journals of Infamy, Primordial Shrieks)
Jungle (Shadowy / Clinging Shadow / rewards: Final Breaths, Cryptic Clues)
Mansion (Persuasive / Velvet Countenance / rewards: Incendiary Gossip, Cryptic Clues)

Each of the layers has like 10 different locations that you can move around in. But there are no differences between them. It’s the layers that matter.

It’s usually the bottom options that enable you to move between the layers (down a tunnel, up a ladder…) but they’re not always visible. The options on top are mainly to change Airs.

Everything else is just flavour, i.e. the maze trying to deceive you. :wink:


Okay, this is now very clear, thank you once again.


Yeah I also thought it was quite well balanced in terms of having some very niche difficult things for the people who like those kinds of hunts while still being very accessible to newer players & people who don’t want to spend a load of time hunting down clues.

I also really enjoyed the lore snippets from the clue texts, to the point where I kept hunting several down even once I’d maxed out the tracked quality just so I could read them (but, because the quality was capped I didn’t feel much pressure to do so)


No problem - I was waiting for my actions to refill. Time well spent :sweat_smile:


If we really are doing 88 RttC/sec, we’ll get there in a little over a day from the time of your post.


Oh no! I thought you meant “juggling items” in terms of being able to selectively drop a burden. Boy does the coil mess with you. It sure doesn’t work that way!

I definitely learned how this works the hard way

Don’t forget that you’ll probably need multiple trips to Arbor to gain enough Attar for the Vial!

For the five items you can turn in for Gaol Break, I’m wondering if you can turn in five total with repeats to get the vanity quality or it has to be the five individual items (I can’t get one of the five since I haven’t done the roof content at this point).

You can turn in any five, which allows repeats


I am too deep inside the coil, now trying to get out with a 67% success chance each time.

I refuse to discard my burdens! :crazy_face:

By crude extrapolation we should finish mapping in ~42 hours from now, Unless we get another boost or something changes on 50%, which is also likely.

Looking back at the Eagle Clan’s set of clues could it be they had somehow sensed the immense power source of the Sixth Coil and they were looking to harness it for some sort of Clockwork Sun of their own?

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Oh, I get ye: i had to stop doing my ambition for wayyyy to long while trying to pull the arbor card

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Looking for Unique Text on Coiling Ever Deeper 77 brb.

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Thanks for the concise explanations, @phryne ! Time to head there and grab as many echoes (text) as possible!

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Does anyone know if there are any benefits to achieving Mapping 40? A vanity title or anything? Or is the best bet just to grab the items and run?

I got to 20 Mapping on the way down and headed back, but didn’t notice that Coiling had slipped behind mapping by a couple of points, so that I was booted from the Coil 18 moves later, not 20 like I expected, exiting with 38 Mapping. So I’m wondering if I should have another go at 40, or just loot the place as fast as possible.

There is nothing. I maxed out 40 Mapping a few times on my first planless visits, and nothing happens, except that rewards scale with Mapping, of course. So 40 Mapping will get you maximum rewards. But there is nothing else, and if you go too deep, your Mapping will just remain at 40 all the way back.


Thanks, Phryne! I really appreciate the fast reply and hard-won knowledge!

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I can say that the further you venture into the sixth coil, the more interesting the flavour text becomes. And occasionally it features the NPCs that won the four tournaments. :wink: